Chapter 7

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Ptolemus Pov

   My eyes always shift back to my sister sitting with the royals. I am so proud of her, that my own lips curve up at the corners for her. I listen to the clink of silverware and the chatter around me. Most conversation is lost to me due to the hundreds of voices. I search the crowd as well, for nothing. What threat is there for me to be so cautious? No idea, I suppose its just second nature now. 

   I do a double take when my eyes land on her. I didn't even know she was in my eye line until  now. I don't look at her too long, not wanting to cause any attention to it. Her hair is out of her face, and her shinning red dress falls elegantly over her legs. She is cutting a piece of her food, and smiling. 

   With the feast coming to an end, the first person to toast to the royals rises from his seat. He taps his glass and the room falls silent. Lord Rhambos clears his throat and raises his glass. I hold up my glass along with the rest of the room. "I want to congratulate to both the future queen and princess of our proud kingdom. Let them prosper and may our future king bring peace to Norta." Short, but I know Father will get straight to his point. 

   I raise my glass with all of the others to every single toast aimed at the royals and my sister. Boredom creeps up to my eyeballs, until Father stands. He is the last to stand and the boredom is gone, "To my daughter," his voice echoing strong and steady, "The future queen." 

   I can't help myself when I jump up from my seat, "To Evangeline!" I shout, gazing around the room looking for someone to go against me. My eyes again fall on Nornus girl, again. She is looking at me already, her head slightly tilted to the side and I can tell something is on her mind. She smiles slightly when we make eye contact with a hint of hesitation before looking away.  

   The royals stand and smile, followed by the crown prince, Evangeline and so on. The other houses stand, and the royals bow and began to leave following each other out. I watch my sister until I can't see her. When they are all out of sight, we go back to pretending we all like each other. We mingle together slightly, there is never a member of any family without another. 

   I stay with Father for the first few minutes, as a man dressed in green and black approach. Mother's brother, I remember. I faintly recall her comparing their relationship with mine and Evangeline's. Mother would never admit, how much she misses her family.  

   "Lord Samos," he starts, "I want to congratulate you personally on your success to have a Samos daughter on the throne as the future queen. I am sure you and my sister are proud of her, and I want to wish her the best of luck."

   Father nods his head once, "Thank you," but Father knows the real reason to Lord Viper approaching our house, he only cares for the women back at the estate. "My wife is well, and made her decision not to accompany me to court this year. She wishes you and her family well, of course." Lord Viper doesn't react but his face drops slightly.

   I take the time to ease away. I walk through the crowd, until I find who I'm looking for. Why am I doing this?  I have no idea. I've never felt such a draw to anyone before, or such nerves. Her back is to me, yet she hasn't moved. She isn't speaking to anyone but a delicate hand rests on the table her fingers drumming.

   "Excuse me, my lady." I start and I already feel like that was stupid. She turns her head first, an eyebrow raised before she stands, her gown twisting at her feet. 

   "Samos," she says surprise in her voice, then much to my surprise she blushes, "Forgive me, but your first name escapes me."

   I must have really made an impression, I think sarcastically. "Ptolemus," I tell her. "And your Isabelle," 

   She nods, "Yes," she takes in large breath before continuing, "Congratulations on your sister winning the crown, I'm sure she'll make a great queen." 

   "Thank you," I say wanting to get the conversation back to where I had intended. "It seems your not all that disappointed in not winning."

   "I am no fool Samos," she says, "Everyone knew your sister was going to win. Your house has been a royal favorite for generations." 

   Its my turn to to be surprised. I never thought she would have been so forward with her opinion, yet I know she speaks the truth. "To speak of my sister and her victory is not the reason I came to you. I wanted to ask you out tomorrow night." My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for her answer. Almost painfully.

   She smiles sensing my unease, "Tomorrow night sounds perfect, Samos." The pain begins to fade, "What time?"

   I hadn't even thought that far, "Will 6 work for you? I can pick you up from your residence."

   "Wonderful." Another blush creeps up on her cheeks, "I'll see you tomorrow night," 

   I nod, "Tomorrow night." 

Belle Pov

   I had felt him coming up before I saw him. I pretended not to notice, and kept my back turned my fingers drumming nervously on the table. The last thing I had expected him to do was ask me out on a date. The very last thing. Especially after admitting that I had forgotten his name. Ptolemus. I repeated it in my head over and over, hoping I wouldn't forget this time. Plus, he had remembered my name, which oddly makes it worse. 

   I knew next to nothing about this man. Why had I accepted his offer for a date? Maybe I was desperate. Doubt that. But something was different about him, that I liked. Not to mention the muscles and dark eyes and all. Kane is closer in age to Ptolemus. Most likely was in the same training class as him as well. Is that weird? It doesn't matter, I feel like I should at least get a heads up on what I'm should expect tomorrow night. 


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