Chapter 1

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 Ptolemus Pov

   He had seen her before now that he think about it. He saw her, but not really saw her. He didn't see the light in her eyes or the sun on her face. The gold in her hair or the grace of her movements.  Then, she had been just another face. Another false smile, another tool to be used and thrown away.

   I wasn't sure when I had first laid eyes on her. Perhaps it was at one of the royal's endless balls and parties. Maybe she was one of the girls who flirted and danced with the prince until dawn.

   He was years older, five to be exact so it was no surprise their paths never crossed. To him, she was a child. Not a woman. Not the air he breathed or the blood that surged through his veins.

   Or course, even if they had met before their relationship would have been scorned and frowned upon.

   Perhaps this is best,  he thought to himself as the sun, a blazing orange yellow peaked over the horizon. Most of the city had yet to awaken, so the only evidence of life was an occasional flicker of light and the slow traffic of early risers down in the city.

   Ptolemus covered up a yawn rubbing his eyes from his own sleep. The morning air pricked at his skin, fresh and alert. He inhaled taking it all in and the dull ache of hunger somewhere deep in his stomach twisted. The unfamiliar feeling brought a grin to his face.

   Ptolemus could have stood there for the longest while, letting the air chill his skin. Watching the world awaken and  people appear. Time passed and he let it.

   He leaned against the railing, letting the chilled metal sting his arms. Belle's voice rung in his head, seeming faint. Tell me when will you just breath.  He hadn't known. Now was the time he realized.

Author's Note:
Shorter chapter, I know. But I like this version better. Please, leave feedback.

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