Chapter 50

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Belle POV

Nerves electrify my body hours after Ptolemus leaves my room, half sulking. Already, I know I'll need to find some sort of release, a way to get ride of this stored away emotion and energy.

I change into my training outfit, taking a moment to appreciate the sheer red strips in my legs and arms of my suit. I recall the day my brothers gave it to me, explaining that I should stand out, in some sort of way in class. I wish for nothing more than of a way to talk to my family. To see them.

Tears spring to my eyes as I walk down the Rift hallways, ones I spent hours memorizing during my long walks in the moonlight on nights I couldn't sleep. I try to distract myself with my growing hunger, walking down my way down to the kitchens.

Servants eyeball me as I pass, no doubt taking not of how my colors stand out. No black or silver to represent any alligences to Samos or Haven. No orange or blue to represent Laris or Iral. An outsider. But they don't shrink away either, despite the obvious color of my blood. No doubt thanks to Kess and Roe, spreading the information that the girl they serve is probably the only one who doesn't snarl at their very existence.

I'm quick however, wanting to reach the training room as quickly as possible. Prehaps I'll run into Wren, I think to myself smirking under the sour taste of my green apple. Prehaps I'll get to excerise some of my deserved anger.

I enter the training arena, noticing that I'm not alone this time. A few of Ptolemus' cousins are here, although they keep to themselves in a corner. They're younger and grinning, hair matted with sweat. They've already done their workout. A few Haven are here too, also the younger bunch, their red hair noticeably bright against the windows. Even still they use their abilities when nobody cares. I nearly laugh. Then I look closer. Elane?

She is talking to her cousins, for once not beside Evangeline. I watch her for a moment and surprise myself when I feel nothing but sympathy. Understanding. She is probably the only one here who has an any sort of inkling of how I feel. Both of us will never be able to openly be with the one we love.

I turn away before she can notice, before anyone can notice me and toss my apple core into the nearby trash. I find a spot, further away from everyone else, facing one of the wide open windows and begin to stretch.

I close my eyes as I begin to fall into the routines. Enjoying the way my muscles burn as I move. Like before, I imagine sitting with my brothers. In the sunlight, at the large track back at my family estate. The open air and greenery. I miss it.

"Isabelle," A quiet voice says beside me.

I open my eyes. "Elane," I sigh, "For what do I owe the pleasure?" I pull myself off the floor, not wanting to give her to pleasure of talking down at me.

I've never noticed it before, but I stand a few inches taller than her. She notices, and step back slightly so she doesn't have to look up at me. Her hair is tied back into a ponytail, still glowing with her ability. Her lips are curved upwards in a smirk, her eyes staring right at me shamelessly.

"Didn't expect to see you to crawl out of your room, especially now," she taunts with her airy voice laced with amusment. "I'm surprised."

Annoyed with her self confidence, I stare back. With a chuckle I add, feeling some of that delicious anger flow back to me. "Well, I didn't think you could ease your way from underneath Evangeline long enough to come here. I'm surprised she has let you go this long without whistling for you to come back."

Her eyes widen slightly at my comeback, and her lips part in shock. I feel my own lips turn up. It is so easy for everyone to underestimate me. She collects herself in what only could be contained shame and anger.

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