Chapter 24

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Belle Pov

   My throat tightens with each breath of air I try to take to relax it. Its painful, it hurts, and I want to stop. But I can't bring myself to do it. I can't bring myself to calm down. My eyes are puffy and dry. My body shakes with cold and my chest aches from the inside out.

   I clutch my simple dress in my hands, as I watch another tear stain the expensive fabric. My eyes are tired from the time I've spent in here crying. I'm tired of doing it. But they fall on there own, and I am powerless to stop it.

   I've officially become the family  shut in today. My stomach grumbles in hunger, but I don't move. I wipe my face once more with the back of my hand. Pulling it away, I stare at the moisture on my hand. I grab a tissue from the nightstand, running it over my eyes and nose. I've been at this for hours, my sadness coming in crushing waves at a time. 

   I don't know know how long it will be. The healers are not certain. Won't be long now. Her voice calm and collected. Unafraid. You're the first I wanted to talk to, Isabelle.

   Why? Why had my mother chosen me. I was the youngest, Kane was always the first to know something. Why not this?

   She told me this only last night so I hadn't gotten much sleep. Breakfast was no special occasion. Idle talk was suffered through, and everyone went to their duties. Me, with no real purpose, retreated to my room. And there I stayed. Father wants to be alone with Mother. I know this. I accept this. Our time together, will come. 

   Ptolemus stopped by this morning. Just as breakfast was over, but I didn't have the energy to speak with him at that moment. So I sent Kane to make up an excuse to send him away. He stayed for a good 10 minutes, trying to get inside, but eventually backed off. I found it in myself to feel flattered. He has a job to get to, I told myself. Its best he has no distractions. 

    A knock on my door disturbs my humble silence. Its soft and hesitate. "Enter," I say believing its only a servant. Another one, my mother may have sent to get me to eat something. 

   The door opens and I look up, ready to accept the food now. "Samos!" I gasp roughly. 

   He smiles at me, "Surprise," he tilts his head, "Your brother let me in."

   I don't have the energy to scoff, "He did? That is a surprise."

   Ptolemus begins to close the door before hesitating and leaving a crack. He moves silently, coming to sit beside me on my bed. He unfolds my hands in my lap, before twinning our fingers. I stare at our joined limbs, unsure on what to say.

   "You sent me away this morning," he starts his voice low and not a drop of resentment in it. "You okay?"

   I chew on the inside of my cheek, breathing deeply. No doubt he's already seen my puffy eyes and flushed cheeks. "No," I sigh.

   "You want to talk about it?" he asks leaning closer so his forehead nearly touches my temple.

   I shake my head. "No," The knowledge of my mother's condition has yet to leave the Nornus family.

   He nods accepting my answer. Accepting my privacy. "You want to go out?"

   "Don't you have an armada of guards to lead or something?"

   He shrugs smirking, "Or something." his grip on my hand tightenes. "I have the rest of the day off. We can do whatever you want." His voice rises at the end, in a suggestive sense.

   I chuckle humorlessly. "Nothing to do here," I say standing up. "Sure. Okay."

Ptolemus Pov

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