Chapter 11

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Belle Pov

   "You promised!" Sonya exclaims as we walk into the arena.
   "I never said I wasn't going to tell you," I grin remembering the almost touch of his lips. "I said I wasn't going to give you every detail."

   She sighs moving a piece of her dark hair over her shoulder, "Fine. Did he at least kiss you?"

   I groan, "We came so close, my brother walked in on us right before we could." 

   Sonya chuckles but I can tell her focus is somewhere else, "Huh,"

   "What?" I ask looking at her.

   She shakes her head, "Nevermind. I'm going to go talk to Evangeline really quick," she says.

   "Okay see you," I say.

   She walks away and I follow with my eyes. I look toward Evangeline and see that Elane is with her. I watch them, and notice Evangeline's stance. Usually she's tense and her eyes dart back and forth, watching, always watching just like Ptolemus. But her shoulders are slightly relaxed and the smallest of smiles sits on the corner of her mouth. 

   "Lady Nornus," a soft voice says behind me.

   I turn around and I see prince Maven behind me. I smile at him, "Prince Maven," I nod and he smiles back. The young prince is softer, quieter than his brother. "Good morning to you," 

   "And you my lady," he nods back clasping his hands behind him.

   "Not to be rude, but I prefer Isabelle, or Belle."

   "No problem," he says smoothly, "I can't help but notice you're all alone,"

   I smirk, "Yes, it seems that way. It's no problem really though." 

   He gestures to a seat in the corner, "Would you like to sit?" he asks.

   I shrug, "Why not." I take a seat on the small bench and Maven sits beside me. I almost miss the slight wave of warmth I feel  as he sits down. "We've never talked before, so I must say it is quiet odd that you spoke to me now."

   He chuckles, "Yes, I know. But I suppose like you, sometimes I'd prefer to keep to myself. But I like watching, studying behavior. And you seem like a nice, soft spoken, girl. Easy to talk to."

   "Thank you," I say hesitantly and he chuckles. "I guess that is something we have in common." I look over and see Mareena enter. She looks out of place, and uncomfortable. My brothers tell me, that I too often show my emotions on my face. But I can see everything she is feeling just by looking at her. "Mareena is here, " I say and he follows my gaze. "Maybe you should calm her a little,"

   He follows my gaze, "Yes, she does seem uncomfortable," 

   I raise from my seat, "Pleasure speaking with you prince Maven," 

   "And you Belle," he nods and I walk away. 


   When I return to my residence, I am surprised to find how quiet it is. Usually I come back to find my brothers talking with my cousins. But when I walk my uncle is mumbling to my cousin, his eldest son.
   They both look at me as I enter, and my uncle jerks his head towards my parents bedroom. My heart thumping in my chest I make my way over to my way over to their room.

   I knock softly waiting for permission to enter, "Come in," my father's voice says deeply and too serious.

   I push open the door to see all my brothers crowded around the bed on the far said, a Sonkos healer in front of them his eyebrows drawn together in focus. Father is on the closest side, sitting in a chair is hand gripping my mother's.

   I approach my father, resting my hand on his shoulder. He glances back at me, and I look over his shoulder to see mom. What I see makes my heart clench and my stomach roll.

   Sweat on her hairline fuzzing the root. Her eyes are closed and her lips are chapped. "What happened?" I whisper to Father.

   He shakes his head, "She's only gotten worse. We don't know what to do anymore."

   Mother has been like this for some time now. It goes on and off, back and forth. I love my Mother, yet I don't wish for her to suffer anymore. The healers don't know what to do anymore. Are we not invincible? Are Silvers superior to Reds? Perhaps not in everything. We Silvers are still human and we live and die, like Reds do.

   "There is not much more I can do, my Lord," the healer says quietly standing up straight. I look up at Christian and see he avoids looking at our Mother in such a state. "The best I can do is ease the pain,"

   Father doesn't acknowledge the healer and he grips mom's hand tighter. "Thank you," he grumbles, "You can leave now, Kane," he nodded to the eldest who ushered the healer out. We all stand in silence, watching the rise and fall of mother's chest. 

   I don't want to be the one to ask the obvious question. It's to painful for all of us to hear and accept. But nobody else will ask, so I take a big girl breath and ask, "How long do you think she'll have?" 

   The silence is my answer. 

   I'm back in my room, reading. If that is what you can really call it. My eyes see the words, but I cannot process them. Memory after memory pass my thoughts. Some with my mother, others, with my father. 

   The knock on my door is my savior from my own memories. I sigh, "Enter," I say and the door cracks open. Definitely not my brothers, they would have barged in here without introduction. A servant stands in the doorway, her eyes already cast down.  

   "Sorry to disturb you my lady," she says holding out an envelope, "this arrived for you," 

   I motion her forward and she steps in quickly. She hands me the envelope, and I see my name on the front written in cursive but feel it's thin. "Who delivered?" I ask her already picking at the flap.

   "A Samos servant my lady," 

   I think I scared the poor girl when I shriek in excitement. "Thank you," I tell her,  "You are excused." she bows and leaves  closing the door behind her with a soft click.

   I tear open the flap, pulling out the letter. It is more of a note, a few worded note that even I can tell he took his time with. Those dark black eyes flash before me, as I read

Isabelle, meet me in the gardens at 7.


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