Chapter 29

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Those rare few people who don't have a soulmate are the people where their soulmate either died at a young age or just flat out died.


   The next morning, you woke up bright and early. Excitement coursed through your veins as you hurriedly ran to the bathroom and got yourself dressed and brushed your teeth. When you came back, you found a still sleeping Jimin snoring lightly. So, you did the only reasonable thing you could do to wake him up.

   "JIMIN!" you scream while jumping on top of his sleeping form, "WAKE UP! IT'S CONCERT DAY!" Said man's eyes snap open in alarm and pushes you off of him and onto the ground.

   "OW!" you both groan. You sit up from the floor and give a clueless Jimin a death glare.

   "What happened?" he asks, one fox ear up and one down with his head cocked to the side.

   "I-- Never mind," you sigh, standing from the ground and wiped the dirt and dust from off of you.

   "What time is it?" Jimin mumbles while tiredly rubbing his eyes.

   "Time for you to get a watch," you snicker childishly. Jimin glares at you with an unamused expression on his face before grabbing his phone from off the nightstand and checking the time.

   "Aw-- It's so early! Why'd you wake me up so early?" the fennec fox hybrid whines.

   "It's my first concert! I'm so excited, so I thought you should share my excitement!" you squeal while spinning around in circles. You continue your spinning until an oncoming pillow hits you in the face and knocks you down once again and you land on the ground. "Bitch!" you screech. Jimin laughs.

   While Jimin gets ready in the bathroom, an amazing idea suddenly pops into your head. An evil laugh bubbles in your throat as you skip over to your backpack purse and pull out one of your BTS posters. While grabbing it, your hand skims over a leather book that you recognize as your photo book. Past memories flood into you head-- painful ones-- but you push them to the very back of your mind.

   With the poster in hand, you march over to behind your hotel bed and snatch a sharp pencil from the nightstand.

   "Ahaha!" you giggle loudly, an evil and mischievous glint in your eyes. Your knife-like pencil raises way above your head before gliding straight down and stabs Jungkook right in the eye. Another laugh erupts out of your mouth as you continue to repeatedly impale Jungkook's picture with your make-shift weapon like a psycho maniac.

   "Uhh, baby?"

   Your head snaps up. Jimin towered over you, his arms to his sides and an eyebrow raised. You blink twice while Jimin slowly takes the now dull pencil from your firmly gripped hands.

   "Are you okay. . ?" Jimin worriedly asks. You blink twice more before nodding your head slowly. Your soulmate shrugs before helping you to your feet.

    "Anyway," Jimin starts, "we'll have to bring our breakfast to go. Usually they make us practice fifty hundred times leading up to the actual concert."

   "Why? Wouldn't that just make y'all extra tired?" you ask.

   "Yeah, but they don't care." You shake your head incredulously before grabbing your purse and following your soulmate out of the door.

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Where stories live. Discover now