Chapter 13

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

If two hybrids are soulmates, and they are different types of hybrids, the partners can switch their type over to their mate's type at any important time of need. For example, if the female hybrid is a cat and the male hybrid a dog, if the female is pregnant and gives birth and it's a cat, the male can switch animal types and be a cat to help out some more. Or, if one of the hybrid's animal type is bigger and stronger than the others and they find themselves in danger, the other hybrid can switch their type over to give them both an advantage. ({A/N} If you have any other questions, put it in the comments)


Also, hybrids wear a special type of underwear that transforms with them when they shift into their animal forms, so they're not completely naked when they shift back into humans.


   A full week had passed and it was time for all of BTS to go back to work. They were reluctant and didn't want to go back, but they all knew that they needed to do it for their fans.

   Jimin was the most saddened to return. He loved spending time with you. And then, every time he was ready to mark you as his, someone interrupted, whether it be Suho, Bangtan, or even your landlady. Jimin had you against the wall with his fangs ready a couple days after he asked you out and your landlady knocked on the door just as his teeth were on the spot. Jimin was growing more and more frustrated by the second. However, he made sure he focused during practice and listened to what his elders told him. He didn't want to be scolded, because then they might not give them anymore breaks.

   Meanwhile, you were feeling the same way as your soulmate. You missed him terribly, even though it's only been a few days. But, like Jimin, you did all of your work right. You didn't want to get fired. It was the only place in which you could play your Switch freely without people questioning it.

   You and Suho hung out a lot after work. You'd both run around each other's houses in animal form, hang out at random cafe's, or played video games together. You had successfully replaced Suho's PS4 with an Xbox One X, so that was awesome. Suho wasn't too happy about it at first, but he soon realized that Xbox was indeed superior. Like, you couldn't even play Halo on PS4s. Everyone needs to try playing Halo at least once!

   You had also helped Suho in getting a Switch for himself, so now you both played them secretly at work. It made work less boring.


   "Suho! Come on, let's go to McDonald's!" you exclaim.

   "Okay, let me get my stuff. Bring that laptop you were having trouble fixing with us, I'll help you."

   "Only if we can play Super Smash Bros afterwards," you grin. Suho groans, but you can see the hint of a small smile on his lips. Your smile widens.

   "Let's go."

   You grab your keys and follow Suho out of the door. The walk to the McDonald's was short, but definitely boring. To keep yourselves entertained, you and Suho sing BTS songs as loud as you can.

   "WAITING FOR YOU ANPANMAAAAAAAN~!" you and Suho screamed.

   "Waiting for you Anpanman~~!" someone sang.

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