Chapter 28

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

Also, this chapter is shorter than usual and I'm not very happy with it but oh well lol

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Hybrid types usually correspond to the country they reside in. For example, you'll see a lot more panda hybrids in China than in Canada and more lions in Africa than France.


   Your eyes immediately lit up in excitement at Jimin's words. A wide smile spreads across your face and you clutch onto Jimin's arm.

   "Can we visit the Nintendo Company or store? Oh! And can we eat at the Pokemon Cafe? A-A-And--!"

   "Baby!" Jimin laughs. "Slow down. We can do all of that and more since we left rehearsal early. Okay?"


   Jimin smiles at you before telling the taxi driver where you'd first go.

   The drive to the Nintendo store took about fifteen minutes. For the entire ride, you couldn't keep still out of anxiousness and excitement. Your knees shook uncontrollably and your teeth chattered. Jimin eyes you with amusement written on his face and placed a hand on your thigh, effectively keeping you still. Your eyes darted over to his as he giggled quietly over your fidgetness.

   At last, you made it to the Nintendo store. A loud squeal erupted out of your mouth as you threw a random amount of money at the taxi driver before Jimin could protest and flitted out of the car. Jimin quickly gathered all of your forgotten items before following.

   Your soulmate found you bouncing around the Switch games section. It looked like you were having a seizure while standing with how much you were moving. Jimin heaved a breathy laugh as he watched you look back and forth between all of the games, not knowing which game or games that you should buy.

   "Jimin!" you suddenly screech, causing Jimin to yelp in surprise. You snicker at him.

   "Yes baby?" he asks once he's recovered from his shock.

   "What game should I get? I can't choose between Skyrim or Zelda: Breath of the Wild or Mario Maker 2 or Mario Odyssey or--"

   "Y/N!" Jimin chuckles. "I'll let you pick two out of the four games, okay? So choose wisely." You jump up and down in excitement before hastily putting the two Mario games back in their places and putting the other two games in a basket that you found at the front of the aisle. Skipping back over to your soulmate, you grab his hand a drag him over to the plushy aisle.

   "Are you getting anything?" you ask while holding an Absol and Gardevoir Pokemon plushies. Jimin smiles his cute eye smile before waddling over to a giant Oshawott plushy. "I want this one! It's so cute~!" You coo at the sight of your soulmate squeezing the plushy and rush over to give his adorable chubby cheeks a little squeeze. He cutely pouts as you kiss the top of his nose.

   "I'm done in here. Are you getting anything else?" You grab his hand again.

   "Nope!" he exclaims. "Let's go pay." You nod in agreement and follow behind him to the cash register, where a very bored looking teenager sat on his phone behind the counter. Once you were all ringed up (and secretly paid for all of the items while Jimin was distracted), you both walked back to your taxi and drove to the Pokemon Cafe.

   Inside the cafe, you and Jimin sat at the back (for privacy reasons) and conversed quietly about random things while waiting for your waitress. When she finally did arrive, Jimin did all of the talking because you couldn't speak Japanese.

   Your food arrived around twenty-five minutes later and you dined on the Pokemon dishes contently.

   After your snack, you both continue to hang out in the cafe, peacefully watching Pokemon reruns, when Jimin's phone started to blow up in messages. He confusedly whips out his phone from his hoodie pocket and unlocked it, seeing countless messages from his members asking him to come back. His eyebrows raised as he carefully read every message that they sent him before rolling his eyes and powering down his phone. You could tell that his happy mood from the last few hours had completely diminished as he was harshly pushed back into reality. He stood from his seat with a frown on his face and threw both of your trash away.

   "Come on, we better get back to the hotel. We should be rested for tomorrow's concert," he grumbles. You frown but listen anyway and follow him out of the cafe.

   The ride back to the hotel was quiet and quite awkward. Jimin was tense for the entire ride; you knew that he would rather be anywhere that his soon to be ex members wouldn't be, but also wanted to sleep and hopefully wake up the next day with a nightmare, claiming that the last couple of days was all false.

   Finally arriving at the hotel, Jimin pays the cab driver once more before grabbing the bags and your hand and trudging into the building. He completely ignores any and everyone and remains silent all the way until you both make it back to your room.

   Jimin tosses the Nintendo items on a chair before throwing himself on the bed and smushing his face into a pillow, releasing his animal features in the process. You climb onto the bed after him and pull him into your embrace. No words were said, nor were they needed. All Jimin needed was to know that someone still loves him, which is literally the least that you could give.


Hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter! However, I still think it was pretty boring honestly. I just knew that I needed to get a chapter out though, so here's one I guess lol.

Also, I'm going to change my update schedule a bit. Originally I said that it'd be every other day, but from now on it's going to be two to three times a week. Mostly because I can be lazy sometimes and I also make Gacha stories. Plus, I love reading Wattpad stories.

Anyway, please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help. Bye friends~~<3

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