Gay bff❤️🌈: Hello my fellow gays
Sexy ass😍😩: Hey Kev
Lesbian Queen🏳️‍🌈👑💄: What do you want
Cute af🥺😍🥵: Hii babe
Rich bitch🤑💋: Kev you know we're all not gay right?
Fat ass🍔: What she said
Gay bff❤️🌈: And Veronica your point is?
Rich bitch🤑💋: Change the gc name
Gay bff❤️🌈: No, now go and suck Archie's dick like you usually do
Dumb ass🥊🙄: Hey don't talk to my girlfriend like that, and why is that my name?
Lesbian Queen🏳️‍🌈👑💄: Please like u would actually do something Archie 🙄 ,and it's pretty obvious
Gay bff❤️🌈:^^^
Greasy 🐍:^^^
Fat ass🍔: ^^
Pretty af💫🌈: ^^Exactly what she said
Sexy ass😍😩: Srry arch Cher's right with that one
Good/Bad girl👱🏼‍♀️🏡: He's not extremely dumb guys, be nice
Bad ass lez🏳️‍🌈🖕🏾🖕🏾:Archie I just met u and ur one of the dumbest people i've met ngl
Sexy ass😍😫: Lmaooo
Pretty af💫🌈: 😂😂😂
Rich bitch 🤑💋: Can y'all stop bullying my boyfriend now😤
Lesbian Queen 🏳️‍🌈👑💄: Can you guys stop blowing my fucking phone up
Bad ass lez🏳️‍🌈🖕🏾🖕🏾: Damnnn Cheryl who pissed in ur coffee this morning?
Lesbian Queen 🏳️‍🌈👑💄: Eat a dick honey😘
Sexy ass😍😩: Watch that attitude princess
Lesbian Queen 🏳️‍🌈👑💄: I'm sorry Heather it won't happen again🙄
Greasy 🐍: *sound of whip cracking*
Rich bitch🤑💋: WHIPPED AF
Bad ass lez🏳️‍🌈🖕🏾🖕🏾: It's aight I eat pussy anyways👅👅
Sexy ass😫😍: Pussy is da best especially Cher's 😏
Lesbian Queen 🏳️‍🌈👑💄: It's only for u baby😘😉
Good/Bad girl👱🏼‍♀️🏡: Eww you guys are nasty
Fat ass🍔: I agree with you Betty
Gay bff❤️🌈: Does anyone know where my boyfriend is?
Greasy🐍:Yeah he's taking a big big shit right now but he left his phone next to me
Dumbass🙄🥊: You didn't have to expose him like that man
Greasy🐍: Oops
Lesbian Queen 🏳️‍🌈👑💄: Omgggg ik I said I would stop the attitude, but Kev what the fuck do u actually want, I'm trying to get ready right now
Gay bff❤️🌈: Oh my bad I just wanted to ask if everyone is excited for later on
Rich Bitch🤑💋: FUCK YEAH!!! I'm bringing the Alcohol as always
Bad ass lez🏳️‍🌈🖕🏾🖕🏾: Hell yeah we gonna get turnt tf up!!!
Pretty af💫🌈: I'll be getting all the candy and soda
Greasy🐍:Toni u ready for the games we gone do😏
Sexy ass😍😩: You already know my man😏
Lesbian Queen 🏳️‍🌈👑💄: V don't forgot to bring the rlly strong shit for me babes
Rich Bitch 🤑💋: I got u girl😝
Good/Bad girl👱🏼‍♀️🏡: I'm only going to have a few drinks
Fat ass🍔: I don't feel like going but Betty is forcing me, but who's bringing the food?
Dumbass🥊🙄: I'm bringing the chips and I'm getting pops for all of us
Sexy ass😍😫:Thanks arch
Sexy ass😍😩: I gotta go and clean the rest of the place so see yall later✌🏾
Greasy 🐍:Later Toni😆
Pretty af💫🌈:Byee
Good/Bad girl👱🏼‍♀️🏡: See you later Toni
Fat ass🍔:See you man👋🏻
Bad ass lez🏳️‍🌈🖕🏾🖕🏾: U better be actually cleaning and not eating if ya know what I mean 😏
Sexy ass😍😫: Yooo ur so dirty, anyway I'm actually leaving now

     End of texting
I put my phone in my back pocket and continued to clean. After cleaning, I checked the time on my phone and saw that there was 15 minutes left until everyone came over. I went in our room, and saw Cheryl doing her makeup. "Babe how long have you been doing that for" I asked her. "I would say about 35 minutes TT". I nodded and went to my closet,got dressed, and brushed out my hair.

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