Anxious baby

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Two updates in as many days? Who am I? Warnings: Another F word. Patton and Roman being stupid (I promise they'll get better)

As soon as Virgil started wailing Logan knew Patton had fucked up. He he'd been meaning to talk to him about the way he talked about Deceit and Creativity around Virgil who obviously had an emotional attachment to them but it appeared he should have done so earlier.

Virgil was currently balled up on the floor sobbing and trying to get something out. At first it was indecipherable but after a bit it became clearer.

"S- so..sowwy, m' sowwy. No! No sorry. I didn mean no DIDN'T!

Patton Logan and Roman all had similar faces of confusion. Patton reached out to try and comfort Virgil but Logan caught his hand and shook his head. As innocent as his intentions may be he had been the one to distress Virgil. It would probably be best if one of the others handled this. However Roman looked so confused he probably wouldnt be much help. Logan sighed. If you wanted something done right you had to do it yourself.

He placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder. "Virgil, breathe. You have nothing to be sorry for. Is there anything you need?"

The purple and black ball shook his head in between sobs, then hesitated and choked out.

"D-Dee Dee..."

Roman raised an eyebrow. "Deedee?"

Logan cocked his head. "You require the presence of Deceit?"
Patton immediately shook his head. "We cant bring him to Deceit! That's...thats..we cant!" 
Logan brushed him off. He would deal with Pattons prejudices later.
He was about to say something but was interrupted by Virgil practically shreiking.


He winced at the volume but nodded. "One second Virgil. I shall summon him."
Virgil seemed to slightly calm down.
"Logan No!" Patton shook his head and Roman looked equally as skeptical. "Teach we cant have that liar in out home!"
But logan ignored them and summoned Deceit.
It took a few tries in quick succession but he showed up after the third one.

"What is it Logan?! What do you-" his eyes snapped to Virgil and his whole demeanor shifted to something Logan had never seen from him before.

Virgil reached out for him and started crying harder and Janus immediately leaned down and scooped him up into his arms.
"Shhhh, shhhhh, Stormcloud it's alright. It's okay baby."

Patton snapped out of the temporary shock he had been in seeing Deceit appear but he immediately went into protective dad mode when he picked up Virgil. He saw a threat where there was none. Even if he was being irrational his primary thought was to protect Virgil.

"Let him go!" He reached out to try and take Virgil but unfortunately for him while he may be in protective dad mode Janus was in full blown mama bear mode. When Patton got to close Janus growled and hissed forcefully at him. Enough to send him stumbling back in surprise.

Virgil whined and buried his head in Janus's shirt at the conflict. The snake side stopped but cast the evil eye at Patton. Logan casually shifted himself in between and upset Patton and a Roman who was currently beginning to draw his sword and Janus and Virgil.

"Roman. Please put that away." He said coolly "And Patton, while I understand your concern I believe it is unwarranted. Virgil is perfectly fine and seems to be doing better in Deceit's presence."

Janus looked shocked that someone was speaking reason for half a second but he didnt have the time to appreciate it. He needed to get Virgil out of there now. Being around this many people when he was on the virge of a panic attack was a recipe for disaster. He started twoards the door with him but Roman was immediately in his way, Katana raised.
"Not so fast snake face! You aren't taking Virgil again you villain!"

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