yeet yeet b*ches I'm alive (aka: family reunion)

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((TW: a bit of cursing, also Remus and some angst))

An hour or so later Deceit awoke and smiled down at Virgil's still sleeping form before gently tapping his shoulder

"Time to wake up Virgil."

Virgil whined and pulled the comforter over his head causing Deceit to chuckle. For someone who didn't want to take a nap in the first place he certainly didn't seem to want to leave it.

"Come on Virgey, if you don't wake up now you won't be able to fall asleep tonight."

Virgil made another sound of discontentment but pulled down the blanket a smidge to peek out at Deceit, who couldn't help but laugh a bit, before leaning down to scoop Virgil up out of the bed.

"and how old are we little stormcloud?"

Virgil shrugged as he nestled into Deceit and held up three fingers.

Deceit smiled and bounced him a bit, "my, my, what a big boy." He would be lying if he said he hadn't missed this, missed Virgil. Both small and big he absolutely adored him and his leaving had really taken a toll on him. Of course he had still had Remus but their little family had just felt incomplete without their stormcloud. Plus while Deceit loved Remus he tended to be loud and rambunctious almost all the time and sometimes Dee just needed the chiller energy exuded by Virgil

The said side giggled a bit and planted a kiss on Deceit's cheek, causing him to absolutely melt. "why what a sweet baby I have, thank you dear." he said before returning Virgil's kiss on his nose, causing another bout of giggles as he carried him into the living room.....right in time to run into Remus, returning days early from his quest.

For a second everyone in the room froze. Remus gaped at Deceit and more importantly Virgil eyes almost bugging out of his face. Needless to say it took a lot to render Remus speechless and Deceit who had not yet expected him back hadn't had time yet to plan how this was going to go down.

Before Dee could say anything Remus recovered and pointed to Virgil "What the ever loving FUCK is he doing here?"

Virgil whined and hid his face in Deceit's cape, trying to disappear. He knew Remus wouldn't be as calm about his arrival and was a bit scared.

"Remus." Deceit scolded, "Please, watch the language, Virgil is little." He set Virgil down and spoke softly to him, "Virgil, please go wait in my room, put your headphones in alright bug? there are some in my bedside drawer." He doesn't want him to hear the inevitable fight that's about to take place. But Virgil whined and clung to Deceit's cape not wanting to leave him. "Virgil, now." He said firmly. Virgil nodded and finally let go before looking back at Remus with wide eyes and scampering off to the bedroom.

Deceit sighed and turned back to Remus. Now that Virgil was gone he looked about a hundred times more ready to explode. 

"What the actual mother fucking frick frack fuck is happening here?!?!" he asked, head tilted to the side and grinning. Dee opened his mouth to respond but Remus cut him off again "Am I getting even more demented than usual or did I just see Virgil back here after he left without so much as a goodbye? Nonononono that can't be right." He stared at Deceit eyebrow twitching.

"Yes Remus, Virgil is back."

"I'm sorry I must not have heard you right. It sounded like you just told me that the one person who betrayed us, left without so much as a farewell to join his little light side friends over us is back and you have absolutely no problems with I must need to get my ears checked."

Deceit sighed. They had both taken Virgil's leaving hard but Remus had taken it as a personal offence. Dee suspected it had something to do with his feeling surrounding his brother. Remus and he had always had a complicated relationship and when one of Remus' few friends had left him to join a group his brother was part of....well it hadn't been a boost to his ego that was for sure.

"Remus please just calm down. I already talked to him about his leaving and-"

"I don't give a dolphins blowhole what he has to say Dee. Go on and have your little reunion with the guy who tore our hearts out and stomped on them, but I'll be in my room. If you want him to emerge with all his fingers intact then I suggest you don't let him in there!"

and with that he spun on his heel and headed back to his room, whistling a Disney villain song to himself.

Deceit watched him go and shook his head. Remus was hurt but he'd come around. He loved Virgil too, he just needed some time. 

So Dee turned back to check on Virgil.

Virgil was hiding under the bed curled into a ball with tears streaming down his cheeks. He should have put on the headphones like Dee told him too but he didn't and he heard every word. Remus was right. He didn't deserve Dee's compassion. He had hurt them, left them. It was all his fault. He hiccuped with the force of his sobs.

Suddenly the door clicked open and he saw Deceits boots from his spot under the bed and tried to stifle his cries.

"Storm cloud?" Deceit called, "Baby, where are you?" 

at the sound of Dee's voice Virgil accidentally loosed another choked sob. quick as lightning Deceit was peering under the bed at him.

"Oh baby bat, did you hear us talking?"

Virgil nodded sadly. "M' sorry."

Deceit sighed and gently pulled Virgil out from under the bed and into his lap. "you aren't in trouble dearheart. I just didn't want you to hear that so you wouldn't get upset like this" he said, gently pushing a lock of hair out of Virgil's face and drying his tears with the end of his cape before beginning to rock slowly back and forth with him.

"ReeRee hates me!" Virgil sniffled into his cape and he rubbed his back soothingly. "He doesn't hate you Virge, he's just hurt and needs some time to cool off. We'll talk to him when you're bigger okay?"

Virgil nodded hesitantly and cuddled up to Dee who then brought them over to the bed and turned on a kids show for Virgil that they watched the remainder of the afternoon, Dee bringing Pizza to the room for dinner when Virgil was too scared to venture back out to the kitchen and Eventually tucking them in for bed. The last thing either of them remembered before they fell asleep was the goodnight kiss Deceit planted on Virgil's forehead. 

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