Too much

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Well this week had certainly not gone according to plan. Things were shit, things were so shit right now...

Virgil lied on his bed looking up at the ceiling a dull weight beginning to form on his chest pressing down, down, down.

Quarentine. They were living in a goddamn dystopian YA novel. No parents, no friends, no contact.

To make matters worse the latest sanders sides video, the one the fans had been waiting for months for, the one they had promised would be released this month was now postponed. Oh god they were all going to hate Thomas, everyone would hate him and then he'd catch the Corona Virus and die alone and friendless in his home and-


Patton's cheery voice echoed from the kitchen, shaking him from his thoughts.

"Its breakfast time bud! I made pancakes!"

Glad for the momentary distraction Virgil heaved himself off his bed and dragged himself to the table. Great so not only did he have a thousand things to worry about he was exhausted as well.

As he pulled out a chair Logan gave him a greeting nod from behind his steaming cup of coffee and Roman burst into the kitchen brandishing his sword and making some loud proclamation about the adventure he had just been on in the imagination. But Virgil didn't hear it, he had flinched away from the startling noise his mind starting to go a bit fuzzy and unbeknownst to him his eyes were wide and his body language guarded.

"Virgil," Logan frowned setting down his mug, "are you quite alright?"

"huh?" Virgil asked shaking himself out of his trance.

Oh shit.

"Yeah, yeah Logan I'm fine. Thanks. Don't worry about it."

from the look on Logan's face Virgil could tell he was still concerned but thankfully he dropped it and moved onto a different topic of conversation as Roman took a seat next to Virgil and Patton set out the pancakes for everyone.

Crap. Virgil had thought he'd had this under control since he moved in with the light sides. He needed to get a grip, he couldn't afford to loose his cool and god forbid SLIP in front of the others. He just had to push it down and stay focused, it had worked so far, things were really stressful right now but he could handle it. He had to.

"So!" Patton said excitedly between a mouthful of pancakes, "since we have this quarentine I was thinking we could have a Netflix party! we could all pick movies to watch and I could make popcorn and everyone could snack and hang out! doesn't that sound fun?"

Virgil inwardly flinched. Usually it would but right now he wasn't so sure he could handle being around that many people at once. And being reminded of the pandemic wasn't doing anything good for him. He opened his mouth to quietly mention that to Patton but before he could Roman jumped in with-

"Of course we would my perfect padre! What fun! I shall craft us a blanket fort of the utmost style for the occasion!"

Across the table Logan straightened his glasses

"And I will research the newest documentaries to find the most educational and relevant."

"Yaaaaay!" patton jumped up and down clapping his hands "I'm so excited"

Well Virgil couldn't decline now. Not after that. he would just have to suck it up and whether through it. And after all he kind of owed it to Patton after all the side had done for him. So he took a deep breath and said-

"Yeah Patton, sounds like fun."

and with that his fate had been sealed.

Virgil spent the rest of the day in his room trying to distract himself. He re-apllied his eyeshadow four times, he fiddled with the fidjit cube Logan had given him for Christmas, he listened to My Chemical Romance and Panic! at the Disco on repeat. But no matter what he did the trepidation was still there lurking at the back of his mind.

Eventually day turned to night and Patton came to get everyone for the movie night.

Virgil really REALLY did not want to be around that many people right now but he reluctantly shuffled to the living room where Roman had already set up a blanket structure that resembled more of a castle than a fort. There were two levels and both were coated with pillows and- Stuffed animals...Oh no. Little Virgil LOVED stuffed animals. He had to stay strong he would just have to ignore the stuffie- stuffed animals and everything would be fine.

making his way over Virgil clambered up to the second level where Logan and Roman were already sitting and was soon joined by Patton who was triamphuntly holding aloft a bowl of popcorn like it was his greatest achievement.

then it was time for the movies. Unsuprissingly Patton opted to watch several episodes of Parks and Rec in lue of an actual movie and Virgil couldn't help but smile. he supposed this wasn't so bad...just relaxing with his famILY watching a cheezy show. And hey as long as April was on screen for some of it he had no complaints. Unfortuanetly things went downhill from there. It was Roman's pick next and he of course chose a disney movie. It should have been fine. Virgil had watched plenty of disney movies with the other sides before and not regressed but right now when he was teetering dangerously close to the edge it was a recipie for disaster. Thats how Virgil found himself hastily making an excuse and rushing to the bathroom halfway through 'Fixer upper'

He gripped the sides of the sink and shakily tried to regain his composure.

"come on virgil" he muttered to himself "get a grip"

he hadn't regressed since...since he left.

he loved his new family but he was NOT going to regress in front of them. He didn't need it. He didn't...or at least he shouldn't. he was and ADULT. They were all adults and he needed to act like it.

when he emerged from the bathroom the movie was over and a few concerned looks were thrown his way. But the disney movie was over...he could do this.

And thats when Logans documentary started.

A documentary on COVID-19.

The very thing Virgil had been trying to avoid thinking about all day.

30 minutes into the movie and he was shaking.

An hour and he felt like he couldn't breathe. His chest was constricting squeezing him. Tears pricked his eyes.

"I-I have to go!" he managed to choke out. thankfully the other sides were too engrosed in the movie (or in Roman's case passed out from boredom) to think much of it as virgil stumbled to his room locking the door behind him.

He felt hot tears roll down his cheeks as he flung himself on his bed cried. He was going to die. They were going to die. The world was ending and he couldn't protect Thomas or his famILY he was a faliure and this was all his fault. It made no logical sense but he still felt that way, and worst of all...He'd never get to apologize to Ree and Dee. They hadn't done anything wrong. Why did he push them away? would he do the same things to the light sides? would everyone hate him?

He began to sob anew at the thought, alone and friendless. He missed Dee and Ree. he really did. What if he never saw them again? what if they hated him now? It would serve him right. He left because he no longer wanted to be seen as a 'dark side' the bad guy. But that wasn't their fault they were just trying to help Thomas and he- and he'd pushed them away. The people who had been there for him, the only ones who he was able to go to when regressed and now he was here alone, sobbing, fighting regression because they weren't there.

"D-Dee Dee!" he wailed into his pillow.

Then suddenly there was a whoosh and a black and yellow blur appeared in his tear filled vision. Strong arms were wrapping around him and then-

"Oh Stormcloud...I'm so sorry."

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