Little day

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"Whatever do you mean you didn't regress?" 

Deceit could hardly believe what Virgil had just told him.

"I mean...I didn't regress...The light sides didn't know and I didn't want to weird them out so I just- I made myself stop." 

Deceit just sat there for a second in stunned silence. Regressing was one of Virgil's main coping mechanisms, for him to just force himself to stop... Well it had to have been extremely difficult for him.

"Virgil, was-was last night the first time you've been little since-"

"Since I left?" Virgil interrupted with a sullen laugh, tears beginning to gather in his eyes. "yeah." It had been so hard to just shove that part of him down into non-existence but he had done it, he had abandoned his stuffies and sippy cups and bedtime stories, shoved it all under a rug and left it behind...and now all he wanted was to just be small and safe again in his caregiver's arms.

"Oh Virgil," Deceit sighed, his caregiver instincts taking over as he reached out and pulled Virgil into his lap where he quickly buried his head into the crook of Deceit's shoulder and sniffled.

"What am I going to do with you stormcloud?" he questioned, taking his gloves off and running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him.

Virgil began to calm down a bit at the contact. Deceit could feel his breathing and heart rate slow as he continued to tangle his fingers in his hair. 

"Do you need to be little for a while baby bat?" Deceit asked cautiously. He didn't want Virgil to feel like he had to go into his small space. It should always be his to control and enjoy, but he really did think it would be quite beneficial for him right about now.

"Yes p'ease Dee Dee." came the muffled response from against his shoulder, and Deceit smiled. "Alright then sweetheart, in that case let's go and get you into some comfier clothes hmm?" he supported Virgil with one arm underneath him and another two wrapped around his waist for added stability as he stood up and carried him to his room opening the door with yet another one of his extra arms. 

he hummed and set Virgil on the bed who immediately began to tear up and reach for him. Oh so it was going to be that sort of little day, Deceit thought as he leaned down to pick his baby back up. Virgil was always a clingy little but he only became this dependent when he was very small. "Virgil it's alright. Shhhh... there there little bat." he soothed, rubbing slow circles on Virgil's back. Said side curled into him as he moved aside the things in his chest of drawers until he found what he was looking for; Virgil's old onesies. 

"Look what I have here little bat!" he tried to entice the baby to look up from his shoulder "It's your skeleton onesie, would you like to put it on?" 

Virgil peeked out from where he had been hiding against Deceit and hummed in affirmation.

"Good job telling me what you wanted baby!" Dee praised. He knew it was was sometimes hard for Virgil to communicate when he went small. Virgil blushed at the praise as deceit set him down on the bed and went to work getting him changed into the onesie. when he finished he pulled his hood up and kissed him on the forehead. 

"I do believe its time for lunch isn't it Virgey?" he asked.

Virgil nodded again and reached up to Deceit who happily obliged him and carried him out to the kitchen.

"hmm...Let's see we have eggs?"

virgil scrunched up his nose and made a face

"Alright, alright," deceit chuckled "No eggs for the little nightmare...How about...yogurt and fruit? we have to get something healthy in you." Virgil thinks for a second then nods bringing a smile to Deceits face before murmuring , "chocolate milks?"

"of course little one" he responds, "now do you want it in a sippy cup or a bottle? I know you aren't big enough for a glass right now." he says booping virgil on the nose.

Virgil felt really really small, but after not regressing for so long he was rather shy about being so little. "uhm- bottle." he squeaks before hiding his face. 

"awww, you're just my tiny baby aren't you?" Deceit asks petting Virgil's hair as he gets a bottle from the cabinet and fills it with chocolate milk before mixing yogurt and fruit from the fridge into a dish. 

"m-m so-sorry" virgil whimpered, trying to wriggle out of Deceits many arms which only caused him to tighten them in fear of him falling. 

"Hey hey hey, little bat," he cooed abandoning the food to sit down on the couch with virgil, he swayed gently back and forth to try and calm him. "whatever are you apologizing for my little nightmare?"

"m-m'too small" he sobbed "annoying!"

"No." Deceit told him softly but firmly. "No. You are not a burden Virgil, you are not too small or too needy or too anything. You are perfectly you and if you were doing something that was wrong I would have told you already wouldn't I?"

Virgil hiccups but nods, Dee was a soft but stern caregiver, he didn't let Virgil get away with bad behavior but always explained to him why what he did was wrong and ways they could both improve for the future. But Dee had never reprimanded him for regressing too small or too often, so even if he wasn't quite convinced he felt a little better.

"T'thank you dada" 

Deceit loosed a breath. Oh yeah, virgil was really small and really upset. He was normally Dee or Dee Dee to him when regressed. The dada only came out when virgil was feeling especially tiny or in need of comfort. 

"Yes of course my stormcloud" he hummed wiping Virgil's tears from his face"Now why don't we get some food in you?"


Deceit pressed a kiss to Virgils head on top of his onesie hood and took him back to the table setting him down in his lap and giving him his yogurt and bottle. when Virgil had finished he tried to stifle a yawn but failed.

"And that's the sign that its somebodies nap time." Deceit chuckled helping virgil off the stool and leading him to the bedroom. 

"Not sleepy dada." Virgil pouted. Deceit stopped and turned around to face Virgil flicking out his tongue. "Hmmm...that's strange because I taste a lie" he raised an eyebrow at Virgil who looked down at his feet. "Virgil, do we lie to our caregiver?"

"No." Virgil said "m'sorry dada"

Deceit sighed and picked the little up setting him on his bed. "It's alright stormcloud I'm not mad, and thank you for apologizing, but we still have rules alright? that hasn't changed." 

Virgil nodded and lied down quietly and Deceit lied down next to him pulling him against his chest and snuggling him. He knew that after a scolding, no matter how mild, it was important to show Virgil that you weren't mad at him and that he was loved. Plus virgil had always been touch starved and adored physical affection no matter how he might deny it when trying to act scary and intimidating. 

"sweet dreams stormcloud." he whispered into virgil's hair.

"Nini DeeDee."

Virgil is BabyWhere stories live. Discover now