The Talk

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Virgil shuffled his feet. Right the talk. The one Deceit hadn't forced him into last night because he was small. The one about him leaving.
A little bubble of panic pushed it's way into Virgil's throat. He wanted to just hide away and avoid it. But that wasn't an option right now. He owed Deceit an explanation so he steeled his nerves and took a deep breath.

"Where do you want me to start?"

Deceit studied him for a moment then turned on his heel Cape flapping behind him, and motioning for virgil to follow,

"Well let's start by sitting down. I dont feel like standing for the duration of this conversation."

Even in his upset state it was almost enough to make virgil laugh. Deceit could be almost as dramatic as roman sometimes.
But he followed him to the kitchen table. Deceit pulled out a chair for him so he sat and watched as Deceit took the chair across from him and folded his gloved hands together, resting them on the table.

Virgil scratched at the back of his neck, "is he-?"
But Deceit cut him off.
"Remus will not be joining us today. I believe he is doing...something in the subconscious for the next few days. Besides, I think it would be better if I'm there when you talk to him."

Virgil nodded gratefully.

Then there was a moment of silence in which virgil was quite sure his heart was going to burst right out of his chest. He squirmed in his seat gaze focused firmly on the table and tried to remember how to breathe.

"Stormcloud," Deceit's Voice cut through his worrying and he snapped his head up to meet his mismatched eyes.
"Breathe for me alright?"
Virgil nodded and gulped down some air as deceit waited patiently for him to regain his composure.
"Are you ready?" He asked when virgil had calmed down enough. Virgil gave a sharp nod.
"Ask away."

Deceit closed his eyes for a moment then sighed.

"I just want to know what went wrong  Virgil, what changed? Why..." his voice cracked, "why did you leave us?"

And there it was. It was what he had expected but it still felt like a punch to the gut.
He swallowed. Deceit deserved an explanation and so did Remus...but that was better left for later.

He opened his mouth but no sound came out so he tried again.
"I-I felt ignored..."
Deceit's eyes widened "By us?"
"NO!no no," Virgil said hastily. Sure sometimes Deceit and Remus had been busy but they'd never purposely ignored Virgil.
"By Thomas...and-and the light sides. They treated us like villains...and never listened to me...but Thomas always listened to them and when I started spending more time with them and they warmed up to me he-he started listening. He treated me less like a scary pest and more like...a member of the team and it felt so good but princey still hated me and I wasn't quite there yet and I thought-"
He sniffled
"I thought if I broke myself off from you guys, then I would finally be accepted by Thomas. I know that's not a good enough reason...I just I miss you so much" tears began to slide down Virgil's cheeks
"They were so nice to me though and-and no one ever had a problem with them...they were normal? I guess and when I was with them I felt normal. I-Im so sorry Dee for leaving you and Remus, I shouldn't have cared. We were a family and I ruined it."
And at that point tears were flowing freely down his cheeks and he lost the ability to speak. Burying his face in his hands

Deceit slowly rose from his seat and strode over to Virgil.
"You're right"
Virgil whimpered and deceit placed a hand on his back.
"Its not a good enough reason. But I still love you Virge. You didn't 'ruin' our family, because you know what? I still love you and while he may be Upset with you Remus does too. You broke our trust Virgil and it will take a while for that to heal. But you didn't break our love for you. You couldn't if you tried. You are Family. No matter what."

And with that Dee enveloped Virgil in a tight hug. As he cried. A few tears escaping his own eyes as he held him. He didn't know how long they stayed like that before Deceit pulled back and swiped at his eyes as Virgil pawed at his own. Virgil gave him a watery smile and it was enough to melt Deceits cold scaly heart.

"Alright no more tears storm cloud. Why don't we get ourselves a snack hmm? I'm pretty sure Remus hasn't touched the fridge in the past few days so everything should be safe to eat. He chuckled, causing virgil to follow suite.

They moved to the kitchen and Deceit opened the freezer door and dug around for a moment before emerging with his prize; a pint of mint Icecream. You still like ice cream right Virgey? Virgil nodded enthusiastically and Deceit reached to give his hand a quick squeeze but when he went to release his hand Virgil still clung to his tightly.

He looked at Virgil thoughtfully. Virgil always craved physical affection but it was rare for him to initiate it unless he was small. Was he slipping? It would make sense after such an emotional trial. He decided to watch Virgil extra closely for the next little bit just in case.

He dished them both out a serving of icecream and then lead Virgil to the couch setting up Coraline. Dark enough for big Virgil to enjoy but whimsical enough for small Virgil as well.

Virgil leaned into Deceit's side as the movie progressed. He was right on the edge of slipping but he didn't want to make Deceit watch him again so soon after so long without seeing him. He didnt want him to think the only reason he wanted to reconnect with him was to have a babysitter. So he just did what he had done with the light sides and ignored it.

Partway through the movie a thought struck Deceit.

"Mhm." Virgil hummed looking up from where his gaze had been fixated on the film.

"Who took care of little you when you were living with the light sides?"

Virgil looked away and pulled on the strings of his hoodie.
" one did."
Deceit frowned and flicked out his tounge expecting to taste a lie...but he didn't.
That suprised Deceit he would have thought at least one of the light sides would have been taking care of virgil, after all he was a very affectionate little.
"You regressed all by yourself?" He asked.
Virgil began to chew on his thumb.
"Umm-no...I- I didn't regress."

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