He gripped the steering wheel, which made me smile a little with his response.

"But then Kiara called me and said they were evacuating. So, I lashed out on him and took his car."

"Lashed out?"

"He brought me there so H.E.X.A can go forth with their plan. They shot our leader and here I am on THEIR premises."

"Joshua wouldn't do that. I don't even think he was aware. When I gave him his car he was worried about you and seemed apologetic."

"I don't wanna trust him. It's too much of a risk."

"Joshua is OUR spy, just as Sam was there's, Natalie. I don't think he was aware of the plans."


Lucas and I scan our bands in the main corridors to enter the building. A few stairs up and some agents were already coming up to us.

"Tell me the news guys", Lucas says as they tell us what happened overnight while we walk to the Pit.

I had a few female agents asking me where shipment boxes go, and that's how most of the time here went.

We were the stand-in leaders as Boss was gone, and it felt... normal.


We were changing our technology too. Lucas and I got our tech crew and we started tweaking every agent's BlackPeices to make sure no one can hack through them.

It was a few hours later, starting to be 2 pm when I finished some emails on Boss's desk and went to grab water for my now throbbing headache.

I groan from the pain.

I get flashbacks to when Mama used to struggle going to work at the agency with migraines that sometimes lasted a week. She didn't want me to inherit this "curse", as she called it, so she made sure to get my head checked out and learn acutherapy.

I put my head down and use my fingers to massage pressure points around my temple.

I stay like that until I put my head up to see a gorgeous face leaning on the office entryway.

Lucas in all black hits different. His leather combat boots, pants, and tight fitted shirt with a jacket against his sleek cropped wavy har.

His eyes bore into mine and he clears his throat.

"Come, let's go see Boss."

My stance straightens up in alert.

As I exit the doorway I hear him take a sharp breath in, as his soft cologne hits my nose. My presence affects him. We linger in the doorway before I step out.


We had a local hospital where many of our agents double up as doctors. If we aren't able to treat our people at the agency, we treat them here.

I know Boss was in good care, BlackLight agents are devoted to protecting their leader because their leader protects them.

Lucas and I enter the lobby and show our BlackLight "license".

"We're looking for Darius Black."

"Room 242 on the second floor", she smiles.

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