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i'm not really the type of person who asks for favors.

when i need to get something done, i make sure that i positively can't do it by myself before i ask for help. i make sure that i've done everything i can before running to another person. i make sure that i'm asking for help because i don't know what to do anymore.

which is what i'm doing now.

calum's got a party coming up tomorrow, and i know that it's going to be my chance to talk to luke.

it's so hard to have a moment with him in class, since fern always makes sure to keep him all to herself.

it's also hard to have a moment with him whenever we pass by each other at hallways, since he won't even look at me.

so, i'm thinking that calum's party may be the moment i can have to talk to luke.

but i need some help to do that.

"what do you need us to do?" calum asks.

we're currently at my apartment now. at my kitchen, to be more specific, all huddled around the center island.

i've explained to them what happened between luke and i, and what i did to him. thankfully, they understand me and they're willing to help.

i lean closer to them, and whisper what i want to do.

"what?" michael says, his eyebrows furrowed, "but we never play those games at calum's parties! we jump on bouncy castles and swim in jell-o pools and-"

"michael." calum says sternly, causing michael to stop talking.

"right, we're here to help vada," michael says sheepishly, "sorry. what were you saying?"

"as i was saying," i start, smiling slightly, "we need to do my plan at your party, because that's the only way i can have a moment with luke."

"the only way?" calum chuckles, "i think you can just pull him to a corner and talk to him, really."

"fern would never allow that," ashton deadpans, "she'll come swooping in before vada could get any words out."

michael groans at this, and turns to face calum.

"can you not invite her?" he whines, causing me to giggle, "i thought we dropped her because of that orange juice fiasco. why is she still invited?"

"luke invited her," calum sighs, "i couldn't say no to luke."

"no one says no to luke." ashton says a-matter-of-factly.

they start talking about how luke always gets what he wants, and it seems as though they've forgotten why they're here in the first place.

"ehem." i say softly, hoping they'll turn their attention back to me.

"yeah, i obviously showed that i didn't want to invite fern," calum continues, "but luke was shooting puppy dog eyes at me!"

"weakling," michael scoffs, "you could've just looked away, then."

"ehem." i say again, a bit louder this time.

"dude," ashton says, "once you're locked in luke's gaze, trust me, it's so hard to turn away. proven and tested."

"bloody oath," calum agrees, nodding, "it's like he has the power to hypnotize anyone he's talking to-"

"guys!" i exclaim, causing them to all snap their heads towards my direction.

break the heartbreaker : lukeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu