Historical Note

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A few weeks before the second war started, Hitler sent Stalin a treaty. It was know as the "Stalin treaty." Hitler wanted to win the second war and in order to do that he needed the Soviet Union out of the war. It basically stated "Poland gets divide. Germany gets one side and Soviet Union gets the other side." Poland was between Germany and today's Russia. Hitler broke the treaty by invading Russia in 1941* which was known as Operation Barbarossa. The setting for this story.

The end of WW1 or the Great War or The War to End All Wars which finally ended in 1918. In 1919, the leaders of Britain, Russia, America, France, Italy and Japan met in Versailles, France. The treaty took six months to complete because of the adding and subtracting of demands. When the treaty was finally finished, a German minister signed the Treaty.

But one person wasn't happy about this. It wasn't like Germany to surrender. That brought the rise to Nazism. In April 1922, Benito Mussolini charged into the Italian government and demand change. He was then know as the prime minister. Adolf Hitler looked up to Mussolini and he did what Benito did.

He joined a secret political party, later know as The German Worker Party or NSDAP or Nazi party. In 1924, Hitler took to the streets of Munich. Him and his fellow Nazis attacked and terrorised the people. He came up to some police officers and said "Join Us!" And it led to an arms fight.

Hitler was sentenced to 9 months behind bars for treason. During that nine months he started to write his autobiography. At the end of the nine months he took to the streets again.

Joseph Gobbles, his trusted ally was in charge of the German propaganda. And Henrichi Himmler was an SS Nazi (Holocaust). They were both powerful men alongside Hitler.

Hitler knew he needed Allies with him. He sent a treaty to Mussolini (Rome/Berlin Treaty) And another one to Emperor Tojo (Japan).

On September 1st 1939 was the invasion of Poland. On 2nd September 1939 France and Britain declared war on Germany. Starting the European war. On December 7th 1941 Pearl Harbour was bombed by Japanese soldiers, officially bringing America into the conflict.

With most of the world fighting except for five neutral countries fought for six long years. Near the end of the war Mussolini wanted to surrender but Hitler didn't allow it. April 28th 1945 Mussolini was found, escaping to Switzerland was hung. April 30th 1945 Hitler committed suicided after an assassination was planned on his life. In his bunker he could hear the Russians (Red Army) outside the bunker.

And the Americans were on the outskirts of Germany. Defeat was so close to Hitler. He thought he either kills himself or the Red Army will kill him. He grabbed his gun and shot himself through the head. On May 2nd, 1945, was when the war in Europe was over.

Upon hearing the news, America wanted to end the war quickly. Franklin D. Roosevelt went to Moscow, Russia and met with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. Franklin told Stalin that they built an atomic bomb.

America warned Japan to surrender. On August 6th 1945, America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. America warned Japan to surrender again. But they still didn't listen. On August 9th 1945, America dropped another atomic bomb. This time on Nagasaki.

The war in the Pacific officially ending on September 2nd, 1945. The world then entered the nuclear age.

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