Chapter Three- The Letter

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Tatiana didn't know how she managed to sleep in, with the war going on. Nicholas barged into her room. "Morning, sleepy head!" He said. Tatiana wanted to punch him, so she can go back to sleep. But Nick was a head taller. "Here!" He said and handed her a note.

"It's from Alexi!" She said. She skimmed over the note. "It says he is going to Poland in four days. I have to say-" She said before she ran out of the room. "Tati wait!" Nicholas said, while going after her.

Tatiana was yelling at one of the generals in charge. "Well, let me in!" She yelled. "Sorry, Miss, no unauthorised personnel allowed in." the general said blankly.

She told him all about the letter from her brother, how he was leaving for Poland shortly. Nicholas grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away. "Just one last thing I demand-" Nicholas slid a hand over her mouth and dragged her away.

They walk away in silence. Tatiana was reading the letter over again. She stared at something in the letter for a long time. "Hey, Nick, check this out!" Tatiana said.

"Tati, meet me in our special area, tomorrow at 7pm." Nicholas red out. "That is in four hours!" Tatiana said. "Actually that's in four minutes!" Nick said.

They made it in time. Alexi was sitting on the snow covered rock, staring at the pure white snow.

Tatiana walked up to Alexi leaving Nicholas behind. "Hey, how are you?" She asked. Alexi turned around and said straight out what he was thinking. "I'm leaving sooner. Stalin wants us to invade Poland, and get rid of the nazis in Poland." He said.

She was dumbfounded at what he was saying. "What? Why earlier? When?" She asked at once. "Tomorrow!" He said. They sat in silence for a while, when Tatiana got up to leave.

Alexi understood why she is leaving. But he wanted to make sure he understood, for good. "Why are you leaving?" He asked. She stared at him and left. "Tati wait!" Alexi called after her.

Alexi saw the overhead bombers. He managed to mark their route. He ran after Nicholas and his sister.

He knew he was running out of time. Any minute those Nazi air bombers will drop a bomb. He wanted to make sure people he cares about will survive.

The planes were getting louder and he could hear the sirens in the distance. He ran to catch up to his sister and Nick.

When he entered Moscow, he had trouble looking for her. With the snow falling faster, it was making it harder to walk.

"Alexi!" He heard someone say. He didn't break his stride, he kept walking. "Alexi!" He stopped this time. He turned and saw Andrew and Spencer. "Did you hear-" Alexi started but Spencer cut him off. "Yeah, either the nazis are doing overhead attacks or the sirens are just going crazy?"

Alexi starred at him and they ran. They finally caught up to Nicholas. "Alexi. What are you doing?" Nicholas asked. "Did you hear the sirens?" Andrew asked. Nick nodded. "I've been trying to catch up to you. To warn you of the ongoing air attacks." He said.

Tatiana came out from behind the building and saw Alexi and two other men. "Did you-" Andrew asked. She nodded. Then the warning sirens went off again. A bomb dropped from one of the planes. Andrew grabbed Tatiana by the hand and took her to cover.

When the smoke cleared, Tatiana wasn't moving and neither was Nick. Spencer and Alexi were injured and Andrew dodged the blast.

Alexi ran straight for his sister. Her breathing was slow. Nicholas was still more or less alive but his breathing was a beat faster then Tatiana's. "How is that possible! I moved her from the bomb." Andrew said.

Andrew lifted Tatiana and Alexi and Spencer helped Nicholas. They walked 150km to the hospital. "Those morning runs comes in handy." Spencer said.

After leaving them at the hospital they rejoined their country's army. They met them on the Soviet-Polish border.

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