Chapter 12- VE- Day

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With Berlin burning in front of him. Time isn't on Hitler's side. With the allies advancing closer to Berlin, Hitler is determined not to give up. "We're so close to Berlin. Only a matter of moments." An American solider muttered under his breath.

With the soldiers giving their final bit of energy. The Russians from the east, the Americans from the west and the English from the north.

The Germans being forced into small numbers were easily killed. The American soldiers in Europe wanted this to end quickly. They knew once Hitler is gone, the Nazis will crumble without their leader.

Hitler paced through his bunker. "Nein! We won't give up!" Hitler yelled. "Mein Führer. The Allies have cut our supply routes off. Without supplies we can't fight." Himmler said.

Outside shots were heard, bombs were falling. Footsteps were outside. Maybe it was Hitler's assassinator or other people.

He didn't want to take that chance. Grabbing his gun he aimed it towards his head. "Mein Führer. Stop!" Joseph Gobbles yelled. Without listening he fired.

Falling on the ground blood flowed onto the concrete ground. That's it, the war in Europe will come to an end.

With the news reaching the Nazis, they surrendered after Berlin was going up in flames.

With the rest of the surviving German soldiers they mourned the lost of their powerful leader. Releasing the Jews from the camps, American soldiers paraded around Berlin.

May 2nd 1945, the war in Europe is finally over. The soldiers were grateful of the cheering from the German people. They too, were glad the war, Hitler and poverty were over.

After six long years of painful fighting, bloody deaths and being pulled from loved ones. They could be reunited with family.

With Hitler being buried in an unmarked grave, the Germans won't be sad to miss their "Führer.", the Aryan race and the smell of Jews dieing in the streets.

Also in 1945 the war in the Pacific came to an end after the atomic bombs were dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Bringing the world into the nuclear era. The war in the pacific came to an end in September 2nd 1945.

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