Chapter Two- A Picture tells A Thousands Words

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Tatiana sat at the table at Nicholas' place with the newspaper in between them. The silence made it unbearable. Nicholas cleared his throat to get my attention. I snap back to reality.

"Like I said before, Pass the paper!" Nicholas said with the smile I grown to love. Inhaling I reluctantly hand him the devastating paper. His eyes are drawn to the huge front page cover story. "Nazis Are Moving Closer To Inland Russia!"

The title makes me think about Alexi and that he is fighting the Huns. Nicholas' eyes don't leave the paper but I know he is worried about Alexi as well.

My eyes are glued to his eyes. The almond colour of his eyes draws me in. He looks up and I look away with a smile. "Your face is red." He stated then went back to reading the front page.

Nicholas puts the paper down after a few minutes and I notice a sparkle in his eyes. He smiled and handed the paper back to me. "Look!" He said before pointing at the picture.

"Alexi Romanuz ,Andrew Stylus and Spencer Davenport MIA!" My mouth suddenly opens wide and I bite back tears as this stupid war is tearing everyone apart.

"I'm sorry. You know about Alexi." Nicholas said before wrapping her in a hug.

The next few minutes are spent in a quiet tone and only the sound of Tatiana's crying and Nicholas' breathing were heard. Nicholas turned the radio on and the reporter is saying how the Nazis have moved further inland, and the Russians living in the area have to be careful.

"Operation Barbarossa!" Nicholas said. She wiped her eyes and she let Nicholas continue. "Hitler and Stalin, signed an alliance treaty. Before the war started, that is. Then Hitler betrayed Stalin and invaded Russia."

"But, that doesn't mean he can just invade us!" She shouted. "Hitler's powerful!" Nicholas said. Tatiana knew the Russians are getting pushed back.


Both sides lost a lot of soldiers. Alexi and a few other soldiers from Russia decided to push back the Nazis into Germany. Andrew fired with the machine gun and a few Nazis were shot.

Luckily everyone followed the plan. Joseph Stalin gave Luke an order. "Push them into Poland, then Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Cezchoslavia, Yugoslavia then Germany!" Luke nodded and past it on. One good side is that the Russian cold is coming. The Nazis weren't prepared for a winter, especially now.

As the first snow fell, the Red Army was prepared for the long winter. The Nazis were already freezing. The Nazis weren't giving up much of a fight. Within an hour the battleground was already covered in beautiful snow. "It won't be so pretty when blood is spilled on it." Luke said.

The Red Army was already out of Moscow, now their goal was Siberia. The Nazis told Hitler to surrender but he told him keep fighting on. Every time the Nazis died it wasn't because of the actual war but the Soviet cold.

"Fire!" Spencer yelled. All of the Red Army fired at once. None of the Nazis could keep up with the rapid shots. One Nazi solider threw a bomb. It flew over Alexi's head and landed fifteen meters behind.

It was getting dark, neither side moved to attack. Alexi decided to write to his sister, Tatiana. He wrote that in five days they are going into Poland. He also wrote to Nicholas as well, keeping him in the loop. "Tomorrow." He thought. "Is another day."

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