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Looking back on the experience from the war, I realise that it was my fault my boyfriend died. I still have the ring. I wear it on a gold chain around my neck.

When I heard about the war and that it ended I waited for my brother. Scanning the airport, the noise of people talking, eating and walking got very annoying. When the plane landed I rushed to the glass door.

There, I saw my brother. Alexi was walking in with Andrew, Luke and Spencer. I keep thinking that Nicholas will walked through the door of the airport. Nothing. Then I realise that he died.

I ran over to Alexi and gave him the biggest hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!" I said. "Did you hear the news?" Alexi asked worried. "No. What?" I said. "Mother is dead." He said blankly.

I didn't really care at the moment right now. When he told me that his friends will be moving in, I got a little nervous.

During the rest of my life another war was happening. The Cold War. I also just learn that more wars happened. I am so frighten, hasn't any one thought of the consequences of war?!?.

When Alexi told me, that he saw Jews in concentration camps, I didn't know what to think. When I asked he said it basically separates the Jews from the other Germans. Roughly 26million Jews were killed.

Genocide. I thought. In my life time, The UN was formed, the National declaration of Human Rights were created, The Korean War, The Vietnam War and plenty more.

A/N: When I wrote this book, at first I didn't know I got all the facts right. But after checking my history book, I realised I was correct. During WWII, Women weren't allowed to fight. When I wrote this book, the main character changed.

She was going to be a shy girl, but it changed. For the love of her family. Hopefully you like this book, I hope you enjoy it more then I enjoyed writing it.

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