2. Interviews and Unfortunate Events

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"Kim Namjoon" hitman bang called out.

Namjoon stepped forward nervously."Yes sir?"

"Have you decided what you want to major in?" he asked glaring at Namjoon as if he expected him to say no.

"Yes sir" Namjoon replied once again.

"yEs SiR. Is that all you can say?" the principal mockingly asked Namjoon.

"No sir-"

"FOR HEAVENS SAKE NAMJOON" Seokjin butted in. "Say whatever the fuck you want to major in and get on with it!"

"Mr.Kim I will have you know that I do not tolerate such language" hitman bang said raising an eyebrow.

"Does this face" Seokjin said gesturing towards his face "look like it gives a fuck?"


"I'm sorry!" Taehyung wailed.

''Not you, you dumb bitch.'' Yoongi said rolling his eyes for the nth time today.

 Jimin pushed Yoongi and hurried to Taehyung's side. 

"No Tae it isn't your fault!" Jimin comforted Taehyung before turning to his principal. "You" he accusingly pointed a finger at hitman bang "Apologize."

"Sorry," hitman bang said shamefully. Then he blinked "wait what?"

A soft clink was heard as everyone turned towards Jungkook who was holding a teacup with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Where the fuck did you get a teacup from?" Yoongi asked genuinely puzzled.

"And where the hell did you get tea from?" Seokjin asked before snatching away the teacup from Jungkook.

"There's nothing here," he said after a painfully long pause. He turned towards Jungkook. "Why is there nothing here?"

"Cause all the tea I needed was right in front of me" Jungkook stated with a smile that quickly turned into a look of horror before he ran out of the principles office.

"Pathetic fucking excuse for a human" Seokjin muttered under his breathe while heading towards the window. "And since I couldn't get rid of that fucktard, let me throw this trashy piece of horse shit away" Seokjin said with a disgusted look before tossing the teacup out of the window.

"NO!" Hitman band cried while rushing towards the window. But he was too late.

Hitman bangs cries were lost as the teacup dramatically fell in slow motion towards the ground. "Martha" he whimpered.

"What's going on in here?" the lady from before burst into the office.

A silence hung over the room since no one knew how to tell the lady the reason behind one of the new students running out of the principal's office screaming "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me!" and the principal who was staring out the window with teary eyes.

That was until Hoseok broke the silence, " Oooo you name your teacups?"

.  .  .

"Okay since all of you somehow managed to break our principal we decided to interview all of you guys individually," the lady who turned out to be the secretary said turning back towards the principal's office.

"Isn't that how it happens anyway?" Taehyung asked confused.

She turned back to face them "yes." And with that she turned back again and entered the office.

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