Chapter 3

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Y/N finishes her math problems and waits for Mr. styles next instructions. Looking around the room and seeing the time on the clock. Y/N sees that there's only ten minute left.

"Alright everyone! You may talk until class is dismissed" Mr. styles says with a big smile

Y/N groans, from all the classes today we have to talk and make time go faster. Y/N decides to just lay her head down and wait. Not wanting to think of her dad and what he was going to do to her. She knows that it's not going to be pretty. Her eyes water and just hopes for the best but in all honestly there wasn't much to hope for.

"Hey Y/N" Lauren says in soft tone

Y/N doesn't look up, not wanting to make her day worse. She didn't have energy for a fight. Y/N was so tired of everything going on today.

"Y/N" Lauren says again not giving up in getting Y/N's attention.

Y/N realizes that Lauren was not giving up anytime soon. Well within the next 10 minutes.

"What do you need Jauregui?" Y/N says while looking up at Lauren.

"Where were you?" Lauren says now coldly while fully turning around in her chair to face Y/N.

Y/N just huffs, how can Lauren go from caring to bitchy. Y/N just ponders about that thought until seeing that Lauren said something else

"What?" Y/N says to Lauren, realizing that she zoomed out for a bit.

"I said, are you not going to answer me?" Lauren says now clearly annoyed at Y/N.

"Oh yeah sorry" Y/N says lowly, her anxiety building up again. Seeing the time on her phone.

2:55 pm

"I was in the principles office" Y/N says

Deciding to look at Lauren eyes waiting for her reaction. Y/N lifts her head and sits on a better position now being closer to Lauren. But man did she screw up. Lauren face was 3 inches away from her. And her eyes, those beautiful green eyes that brought Y/N so much happiness and sorrow. Those late night calls when neither of them wanted to hang up but they had to cause Y/N parents would just take her phone away for weeks. Which happened a lot because of how stubborn Lauren was about saying the last goodnight. Those tight hugs Lauren would give her when Y/N decided to leave her house when her parents argued. Or those soft kisses Lauren would leave on Y/N's bruised cheeks saying that she just fell that day. But very well knowing her father left those bruises there.

Coming back to reality Y/N stand up and heads towards the exit but stopping to let Mr. Styles know

"I have to go Sir, my bus is leaving right after the bell" Y/N says, lying and hoping that Mr. Styles would believe her.

"Oh good to know that there's finally a bus that can take you home miss Y/L/N. Hope you have a nice day. You may be dismissed." Mr. Styles says as he stands up getting ready to dismiss the rest of the class in a minute

"Thank you sir, and you too." Y/N runs outside and sighs.

Running both hands through her hair Y/N tries to think how to buy herself some time before walking home. Although she knows that the later she arrives the worst the punishment will be. Sighting again she decides to to just walk slowly and enjoy the few minored of peace before the storm.

As Y/N starts walking she sees a car pull up beside her. Then she realizes that it's Laurens car.

"Oh great, just my luck" Y/N says under her breath, really hoping that Lauren would just drop the subject and let her go home.

Lauren gets out of the car and comes closer to Y/N

"And where do you think you're going Y/L/N?" Lauren says while taking Y/N hands and leading her toward her car.

"Wow, hold up there Jauregui!" Y/N yanks her hand away from Lauren blushing a little while coming a complete stop beside Laurens car. Really not understanding Laurens mood today. The last 2 years she's been just ignored and given the cold shoulder. So what's so different now.

"Y/N please just get in the car... please" Lauren says looking directly at Y/N eyes.

Y/N hates it. Lauren very well knows that her green eyes are Y/N's weakness. She groans and thinks that it's better if she gets this over with and just have her life go back to being ignored by Lauren and being annoyed by Camila.

"Okay Jauregui, but make it quick" Y/N says while opening the passenger side of Laurens car.

Y/N notices how the car smells like Lauren. A mix of vanilla with roses type of smell. Y/N looks towards Lauren and sees her just staring at her with a serious expression. Y/N shifts nervously not understanding why Lauren was doing all of this right now.

"Y/N, I don't want to fight. I just want to know what happened at the principles office." Lauren says trying to hold Y/N's hand but failing.

"They called my dad. And now I need to go home as soon as possible." Y/N says while fidgeting with her fingers and looking at Lauren staring at her hands.

She sees Lauren smiles softly but then frowns and stares back at Y/N.

"What do you mean they called your dad? Why?" Lauren says now getting really worried.

"It's nothing bad Lauren, I was skipping as you clearly know. And I got caught, end of story." Y/N says staring back at Lauren, really hoping that this is the end of the discussion.

Y/N watches Lauren deep in thought. Then Y/N just ponders and takes Lauren image in and sees how much she's grown. Sometimes she wonders if Lauren was still there. Her Lauren she means, the one she met so many years ago that cared for her no matter what. The one who promised to always be there, Y/N thinks. She looks back at her hands and just keeps quiet waiting for Lauren to say something

"Let me take you home" Lauren says not as a question but more as a demand

"What? No I'm okay Lauren. I have two perfectly fine legs" Y/N says as she opens the door

"Y/N wait!!" Lauren takes Y/N hands and pushes her towards her and gets closer to Y/N

Y/N blushes not knowing what Lauren was doing. She feels Laurens body weight on top her. Y/N gets really red and just lets what happens be. To then find disappointment, seeing Lauren closing the door and shifting back to her previous position.

"Why are you so red?" Lauren says smirking

"Nothing! Just take me home please" Y/N crosses her arms and waits for Lauren to drive off to her house.

"Well okay" Lauren winks at her and Y/N groans

Ethereal - Lauren/You / Not edited Where stories live. Discover now