Membrane sat in his office and tapped his quill against his chin in thought as he worked on his latest speech for his people during the autumn festival. He paused though when he got to the part about his son. Dib had been the only male not yet married in the kingdoms and everyone else had been married off... Membrane didn't want to do that, but he didn't want every kingdom and the Villagers that didn't go to the wedding to know that Dib was in fact interested in a guy. Membrane sighed, he prided himself on his Kingdom's reputation for be accepting, but the other kingdoms? Not so much...
What would they think of this? He sighed as he hesitantly wrote down
'Has not yet found a lover'
He sighed and rubbed his face, thinking over the rules he put down...was it too much? Zim had shown himself to be wholly devoted to not only Dib, but also to helping the kingdom in times of need. Membrane thought for a second before calling a guard over
"Lewis! "
"Yes my king?"
The guard answered with a salute,
"Tell Dib he is lifted of the rules...and that Zim has been deemed worthy enough to be a part of the Royal Family"
"Yes Sire."

Lewis left the room, but didn't head to alert Dib instead going downstairs to the wine cellar and sinking down and uncorking a bottle. Lewis let out of soft cry.
"He chose that Thing? Over someone who's served his family all his life and looked up to him? I love him, I should get a chance to be with him instead of that man whore..."
Lewis grumbled a bit to himself as he drank from the bottle. He looked so tired, yet a bit mad at the same time
"I'll show him...I can be better than that green lizard..."
He muttered, thinking of things he could do. Lewis kept thinking and drinking, meanwhile Membrane sat back feeling like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

Zim was currently sleeping in Dib's arms as he kept his head nuzzled into the humans chest. Dib smiled at his lover but knew they'd have to separate soon.
'Just 20 more minutes.'
Dib thought to himself as he held Zim close, careful to not accidentally shift out of him, Zim had been insistent on Dib staying in him for as long as possible. And Dib wasn't going to complain. The Irken purred as he yawned a bit and held onto Dib tighter mumbling some things and opening his eyes. He blinked them a few times and looked up at Dib
Dib whispered softly as his eyes dilated with affection.
Zim answered back as he gave a small chuckle and nuzzled his lover's chest.
"I probably will have to go soon, people will get suspicious of us being missing for nearly 4 hours..."
Zim whimpered but nodded, Dib slowly started to pull out of the sticky and slightly stuffed mess of Zim's vent, they really went at it. Zim bit his lip slightly when Dib pulled out as he got his pants on and his antenna went down.
"Can I walk you there? "
"Of course."
Dib said as he dressed and kissed Zim's forehead.
"I love you so much Zim, I just want to cuddle you while we read in the library and enjoy drinks and pastries and nights of drinking together, in moderation of course!"
Dib rambled, Zim cooed at how sweet and domestic Dib's plans were. Zim listened to everything as they soon reached Dib's room but they were both visibly confused by no guards being around.
Dib said as he opened the door to see a package on his bed. He stepped toward it any picked it up, the cursive writing read,
Dear Zim, I hope you enjoy the sleep ware I made you and a surprise for Dib.
Love, Bethany <3
Zim smiled a bit at the note and quickly took it to the bathroom before Dib could see as he changed into it. Zim twirled around in the revealing bed ware and smiled,
"What do you think?"
Zim posed for Dib in the outfit, it made him feel strong and in control, he loved it. Dib blushed starting to feel hard again as he quickly crossed his legs.
"You look beautiful darling~"
"I know! I love this outfit! The pajamas are really cute and soft too!"
Zim chirped happily as he held up a light purple nightgown and a two piece pajama set. Dib smiled seeing how happy he was as he went over and kissed Zim's cheek lightly
"They look cuter when on you wear them"
Dib cooed as Zim held his cheek and smiled,
"You should visit me before we sleep then, kiss me goodnight and all..."
"Zim you brilliant heart stealer."
Zim smiled then remembered something,
"Oh no... I left Gir all alone! Who knows what he's done to that poor bathroom!"
Zim changed quickly and ran back to his room, leaving Dib with a lot of questions, clothes and unresolved sexual tension.
'Why did Bethany drop off Zim's clothes here? And make him such nice bed ware if we can't have sex?'
Zim quickly checked on GIR who had fallen asleep in a pile of toilet paper. Zim let out a sigh of relief as he draped a blanket over the robot and went back over to Dib, feeling way better that GIR had fallen asleep. He walked into Dib's room and smiled at him as he walked up to the human.
"He just fell asleep, the darling thing."
Zim cooed softly,
"My sweet little SIR."
"You talk about him like he's your child..."
"He's like a child to me"
Zim said as his mind drifted off to having a child again and he let out a happy sigh
"At least you have practice for a kid..."
Zim gasped,
"That's it! You can learn to parent by spending time around Gir! Then you'll have practice for when we make smeets of our own!I'm so brilliant! Dib tell me I'm brilliant."
Zim purred proudly as he waited for praise. Dib chuckled as he kissed Zim's head.
"You're brilliant darling"
The prince said as he wrapped his arms around Zim from behind and kissed behind his neck. Zim purred at the compliment and butted his head against Dib's own.
"You should rest, you look tired."
Zim chirred softly at Dib as he ghosted his finger above Dib's eye bags. Dib nodded as he carried Zim to bed with him
"Just lay with me"
He said as he looked at Zim and needily tugged on his arms.
"Oh alright, how could I say no to such a handsome face?"
Zim squished around Dib's stubbled cheeks.
"I should shave soon."
Dib mumbled as he shut his eyes
Zim laid with him and shook his head
"I like your beard...makes you look manly"
"I like you..."
Dib started but fell asleep after a short while.
"Sleep well my Dib."

The Crown Gets What the Crown Wants (royalty zadr au)Where stories live. Discover now