Chapter Four

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Zim started to get nervous as he shook Dib a bit to try and wake him up.
"Dib...It's your dad."
He said as Dib sat up and put on a shirt. He hid Zim under the blankets before opening the door.
Dib rubbed his eyes tiredly.
Membrane's temper cooled slightly.
"Dib I told you so many times not to lock your door, you worried me half to death, what if someone tried to assassinate you!?"
"Nobody will try to assasinate me Dad, and if they tried they definitely wouldn't succeed..."
Dib crossed his arms and looked up at his dad. Membrane huffed.
"You're impossible, we will finish the conversation later."
Membrane stomped off and Dib closed his door again, Dib pulled off his shirt and flopped back into bed, arms wrapping around Zim's petit form. Zim cuddled close to him and rested his head on his lover's chest as he started to purr again, showing that he felt safe and comfortable as he wrapped his arms around Dib.
Dib felt himself drift off while holding onto Zim. Zim's warmth and soft purring was a lullaby to him, Dib snuck in one last bite on Zim's neck before falling asleep. Zim bit his lip and kissed Dib's head as he drifted off to sleep aswell. He would immediately be awoken by the feel of a cold knife being held to his throat.
The door was left unlocked and the servants would do anything to protect the prince.
"Who and what are you."
A boy about 16 hissed, before Zim could answer a girl about 17 added, "And what are you doing with our prince!"
That was loud, Zim looked at Dib and prayed he'd wake up and save him, but Dib only mumbled and nuzzled more into Zim's neck. Zim started to panic as he sat up a bit and cleared his throat
"I am I'm Dib's lover..."
He stated as he tapped Dib's shoulder and tried to wake him.
The boy yelled, then covered his mouth, Dib stirred and blinked at the blurry shapes around him.
"Marcus? Gwen? What are you doing in my room?"
Zim got closer to Dib as he clenched onto his arm. His antenna stayed completely down as he looked at the two servants in utter fear and then to Dib.
"Zim? What's going on? You're shaking."
Zim felt tears prick his eyes as he hid his face in Dib's chest. Zim sniffled. Dib looked up sternly at the two.
"What the hell did you two do?"
"We didn't do anything! We swear he was in your bed and we just thought..."
Marcus stopped as he looked at Gwen
"We thought you were tricked into sleeping with a prostitute.."
This really got to Zim as he held onto Dib tighter.
"They pointed a knife at me..."
Zim whispered, still quaking in fear.
Dib glared at the teens.
"You tried to hurt him?"
Marcus yelped and darted behind Gwen.
"Sire, we thought he was a threat to you."
"Well, I appreciate the loyalty you have, but if you ever do much as even look at him wrong, you will regret it."
Dib growled and held Zim tightly against him. They nodded as they quickly ran out and Zim muffled his small whimpers in Dib's chest
"I-I tried to talk to them...they didn't believe me..."
Zim said as he held onto Dib.
"Now their going to tell your dad! He'll kill me!"
Sib pet Zim's head softly trying to calm the boy.
"I'll go talk to him. He won't do anything to you."
Dib stood from the bed.
"I'm going to talk to him, you will stay here with the door locked, if you feel in danger you will go to the trapdoor under the rug, understand?"
Zim nodded. Dib caressed the side of his green face,
"I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you."
Dib kissed Zim's forehead and changed into something more presentable quickly before dashing out the door and locking it behind him. He had to find his father before his father found Zim.
The servants had quickly went to Dib's father as they told him everything. This really upset him as he rubbed his eyes and stormed over to Dib's room to try and find him,
Dib's eyes were wide and wild with fear and desperation as he screeched you a halt in front of his father. The king crossed his arms as he looked down at his son with a fierce glare,
"I heard you slept with someone...that someone being Zim..."
"So what if I'm sleeping with someone, I'm a grown man and I can make me own decisions."
"Don't you get snappy with me Dib! I am your father and your king, you will obey my orders. I command you to cease contact with that... thing."
"I'd rather be dead than live without him! I love him!"
"You've barely known him for a week!"
Membrane shot back. Dib glared at his dad as he hissed back a rebuttal.
"At least he treats me better!!"
He shot at him as Zim curled up hearing all the yelling and decided to make a nest in the small compartment as he tried to keep as calm as possible.
"You probably took less to fall in love with mom, OH WAIT! I don't even know her! She's probably some random one night stand that bore you an heir! Is that what happened with Gaz?"
Membrane slapped Dib across the face.
"You will NOT speak of Gaz's mother that way!"
"You failed to mention mine however."
Membrane yelled and burst by screaming,
Dib immediately stopped as tears started to form in his eyes
"Then your not my father!.."
He yelled as he walked into the room and slammed his door shut, locking it as Zim peeked out from the area with a worried look,
"Dib love? Are you ok?"
Dib felt his body shudder and for the first time in ages he sobbed. Dib covered his face as he shook and sunk against the door. Zim whimpered seeing Dib cry and went to lie his head on Dib's lap in an attempt to comfort him.
"Dib, I'm sorry, please, let's just talk."
Membrane's voice came though the door, it was cracking and weak compared to it's usual boom.
Dib only cried harder hearing his father's voice. Zim growled and sat up.
"Can't you see you've done enough!"
Zim yelled at the door, then butted his head against Dib's curled up form.
"Dib, why don't we move to the bed instead of against the door?"
Zim spoke softly, trying to soothe Dib's pain. Dib nodded through his tears and stood shakily. He smiled a bit as he held his hand and sat him down on the bed
"It's ok Dib, you've still got me. I'll always be here for you"
Zim whispered as he rested his head on Dib's shoulder and purred a bit as he tried to comfort him
"You couldn't be a clone becuse you're so much better than he're the most amazing person I've ever met"
Dib pulled Zim close and just rested on his shoulder, maybe if Dib went to sleep everything would be alright, but it seemed every time they finally went to sleep, someone came and awoke them with a scare. Dib just didn't know what to do. Dib's eyelids were heavy and he shut them, letting the calm of sleep take him once more. Zim called it upon himself to protect Dib as a lot of servants had heard of what happened and were now trying to get to Dib and 'save' him
Zim let out soft purrs as he kissed his cheek
"I love you"
Hours ticked by and when Dib came too the stars were out. Zim looked exhausted as he sat in the center of the room like a guard dog, now clothed in Dib's sweater and shorts. Zim caught sight of Dib and ran to him.
"Are you feeling better? Can I help? What's-"
Zim was talking way too fast.
"Shhhh, it's late. You look exhausted, come to bed."
"But... I have to protect you!"
"You deserve a break, if you're really worried I'll keep guard."
Zim whimpered a bit but sighed and nodded as he kissed Dib's cheek and crawled into bed. He was unsure of Dib gaurding as he looked at him still worried.
"Don't let what he said get to you"
He called out softly as he kept himself warm in Dib's sweater. Once Zim was asleep Dib kept watch on the door the window, and on Zim. Occasionally he would brush loose hairs from Zim's wig out of his face and stare at his gorgeous lover.
At around 1 o clock there were footsteps outside Dib's door. Dib readied his hand dagger as he heard the lock being picked, the door opened and Dib lunged at the figure in the doorway.
It groaned and hit his head while it whisper yelled.
"Dib, you idiot I'm trying to help you!"
"Yes you moron!"
Dib stood and helped his little sister up.
"Just let me in before the others get concerned."
"Why should I?"
"Because I brought you and your stupid boyfriend dinner."
Dib looked at her confused as he closed the door once she came in,
He asked as he looked at the plates of food she had
"Did we anger you? Is the food poisoned?!"
He whispered yelled as he readied his dagger again and pointed it at Gaz
"You try it first..."
Gaz rolled her eyes and ate some food from each plate without hesitation.
She gulped it down,
"There. Now are you gonna let me in or are going to wait to see if there's poison effects?"
"Just get inside "
Dif said as he let her in and zim shifted a bit hearing someone else in the room
"Why are you helping?.."
The price asked as he brought zims plate to him.
"You're my brother, I don't want you dying of starvation."
Gaz answered as she shrugged,
"Besides, it was this or Dad trying to bring food."
Dib shook his head as he carefully woke Zim up
"That's not happening..."
He mumbled as Zim yawned a bit and looked at the food. Dib ate from the plate, remembering how hungry he was, as this was his only meal that day. Zim picked at the meat and scarfed down the sweet things. He purred a bit due to the taste and smiled at Dib with a cheerful look on his face. Gaz rolled her eyes before speaking,
"Dad wants to speak with you tomorrow."
"I don't want to speak to him."
"Dib, I don't think you have a choice..."
Once their plates were empty, with Dib eating Zim's meat (pun not intended I swear) Gaz gathered their plates and left, locking the door behind her. Zim let out a small sigh as he looked off to the side.
"This is my fault..."
He said quietly as he hugged himself and whimpered, refusing to face Dib.
"Zim, none of this is your fault. It's just bad circumstance."
"But...but if i had just kept my mouth shut.."
Zim whimpered as he held onto himself tighter,
"Hey, look at me, you've done nothing wrong, the others are just...
Zim looked up at Dib as he held onto his hand tightly.
"I...I just want to love someone "
He said as he hugged Dib.
"Zim, I love you. Not even my father could keep me away from you."
The irken smiled in response.
"I love you too Dib..."
Zim learned forward to kiss him lightly. Dib held Zim close and lied down on the bed, tomorrow he would convince the king that Zim was to be his and that nothing could change that. Zim stayed close and the next morning he yawned as he held onto Dib a bit before slowly opening his eyes. By the time  Zim woke up Dib was gone, he had already gone to speak to king membrane. Membrane was currently in his room working on things and eating a small breakfast, There was a knock at his door and Membrane called out calmly.
Dib stepped in.
Membrane immediately stood to hug his son, but Dib jerked away.
"Too soon sir, too soon."
Membrane sighed and sat down.
"What do you need?.."
He asked as he crossed his arms and looked at his son
"I don't have all day i really need to get to a meeting soon "
"Gaz told me you wanted to talk to me."
"I didn't tell Gaz that..."
The two were silent for a moment.
"That cunning girl."
Membrane let out a sigh as he stood up
"If you won't say anything im leaving..."
He said as he started to his door,
"Dad, I want to be with Zim, not a princess or some citizen, I-l can't live without him, he was up for hours watching over me yesterday and he cares for me, he really does."
Membrane sighed as he rubbed his temples a bit and finally gave in
"Fine...get him some proper clothes and make sure he gets fitted for a crown."
"Y-you really mean that?"
Membrane nodded.
Dib beamed and ran up to hug his father tightly,
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you though soooo much dad, you won't regret this I swear it to you."
Membrane smiled and nodded as he hugged him back
"I'll inform the servants..."
He said as he let go of Dib and the prince ran back to his room.
"Zim! Zim! I have great news!"
Dib announced excited through the door. Zim jumped bit as he looked over to dib with an intrested face
"What is it dib love?.."
Dib entered the room and picked Zim up and twirled him around.
"He said you can stay!"
Zims eyes lit up with pure joy as he smiled and held onto dib
"No way!"
"Uh huh!"
Dib dipped Zim and kissed underneath his jaw. Zim smiled as he brought him into a deeper kiss and held his arms around the other males neck. They kissed for a while until someone cleared their throat loudly.
"Ahem, lord Zim, you have a fitting to attend to."
Dib blushed and let Zim down, waving goodbye as his lover followed the seamstress Bethany. Zim looked at Bethany curiously as he followed.
"What kind of fitting?..."
He asked curiously as he walked next to her,
"Clothing suitable for a royal consort my lord. As well as bed ware your prince will like."
"You can just call me zim.."
He said as he continued to walk,
"Yes my lor- Zim."
Zim smiled happily, he just wanted to be called by his real name and soon they arrived at the fitting area. Bethany dug around the area picking of many fabrics and measurement tools.
"Alright Zim, strip down so we can get your raw measurements."
Zim blushed but obliged, pulling off Dib's hoodie and shorts. Bethany measured the half naked irken's arm arm, leg, and waist length. Zim in all honesty somehow didn't feel comfortable without clothes on infront of other people anymore as he wanted to get this over with. Once she was done measuring Bethany told Zim he could redress, she would work on patterns now.
"I hope you like gossamer."
She added while she sketched up concept bed ware, a top with gossamer trailing down over underwear. All in shades of pink. His proto outfit a segmented tunic with tight black long sleeves, they'd be done by tonight for sure. Zim looked at the references curiously before walking out. Now that he was able to go exploring without being caught he didn't really mind walking by himself as a few servants stared at him. Zim decided to get something to eat, maybe the kitchen had cake! Zim hadn't had cake in years. He never had the money before. He quickly rushed to the kitchen as he looked inside for any possible signs of cake. The chefs looked at the strange green boy.
"Can I help you?"
One of the chefs asked.
"Do you have any cake?"
The chef shook their head as they kept looking at him and one came over and kneeled down,
"Where should you be kid?"
Zim blinked up at the taller Chef
"Um, I should probably head back to prince Dib..."
The chef chuckled a bit and so did a few others
"Ok ok..very funny now...where should you be "
Zim pouted and crossed his arms,
"I told you already."
Zim turned to leave but the chef held him back.
"Listen Kid, the prince is busy, don't bother him and just tell us where you should be."
Zim pushed him away as he tried to explain but the chef soon called the guards to take Zim away as he yelped. The guards grabbed Zim by his wrists and dragged him to the main hall.
"Scat kid."
Zim huffed angrily and crossed his arms before starting to climb the stairs, grumbling as he did..
"Where's dib when you need him"
He mumbled as he started to try and look for him but the gaurds stopped him again.
"How many times are you gonna try this kid."
The guards were about to throw Zim into the courtyard when Dib ordered the guards to put Zim down. They immediately did as told but tried to reason as Zim went behind Dib.
"But sire! He was wandering around without an escort!"
Dib sighed and picked Zim up.
"Zim, you need to have an escort when wandering around the castle, a lot of people have things to do and you can't just interrupt them as you please. If you want to go somewhere ask me or Gaz."
Zim nodded. He let out a troubled sigh as he looked down at himself,
"Am i short?..."
He asked as he looked back up at dib
He looked troubled like he was unsure of it.
"Well, most would consider you petit..."
"I am short aren't I?"
Zim frowned looking like he'd just been insulted. Dib held his breath but sighed and nodded,
"yes you're short...and most people will think that you're a kid BUT..your still the same zim that I know and love right?"
"I know but..."
Zim shut his mouth, height was an important thing to Irkens. Dib nodded as he kissed zims forehead
"I have duties to attend to now so I must get going"
Dib started to walk again,
Dib turned around.
"I- I don't know where to go and this place is so big and..."
Zim's lip quivered.
"Please just tell me what to do."
Years of coding being repressed flooded back to Zim, he needed to be directed by his tallest.
"Please my tallest."

The Crown Gets What the Crown Wants (royalty zadr au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora