Chapter Eight

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⚠️Attempted rape and Murder Warning⚠️
The sun started to rise in the north as the irken covered his eyes a bit. He was leading the entire army, above the general as he let out a shaky breath and looked off to the distance.
"Sire, I think we should attempt a sneak attack, the prince would let you in, you could kill him and we could charge once he's dead."
"No...too obvious..were going through a back window...tie your horses up and find somewhere safe..once the front door closes go into the window your by and clear the castle from the inside"
Zim said as he dismounted his horse and left the sword and sheild as he walked up to the front gate.
"State your name and Business!"
A voice called from above, Zim stood tall and answered
The door opened as a gaurd looked around him before pulling him inside. And Zim smirked a bit.
"So you decided to come back to me~"
Keef purred from the throne. He thumbed a dagger, green eyes like his mother and the ginger hair from his father who sat beside him, well actually Howard didn't get to sit. Zim mumbled something to himself before speaking
"Why of course...I see your obviously better than Dib could ever be."
He gagged the words silently as he forced a smile. Keef grinned slowly
"I knew you'd come around."
Keef ran his hands over Zim's hips, making Zim shiver.
Keef immediately starting to bite at Zim's neck, hard.
"Nnn- Keef can't we do this somewhere more private?"
Keef nodded as he picked Zim up and carried him to his room as he closed the door and locked it. His room was bigger...everything in it was bigger and it sorta scared Zim as he looked at Keef and hesitantly took his own crown off. Keef didn't even ask or compliment Zim before lunging on him and biting into his neck again. The irken let out a moan as he immediately covered his mouth and clenched his eyes shut. Zim needed to get to the knife he had in his pocket, he hesitantly reached for his waist as he grabbed it and felt around for the knife. "What are you reaching for there Zimmy?"
Keef chuckled and smirked,
"I know what you were reaching for."
Keef sat up on his knees and unbuckled his pants
(To reveal him 2 cm dick! Jk jk

Unless? ;)

((Lol i wish))

Zim blushed a bit as he sat up and leaned against the wall in a slight panic as he crossed his legs slightly and stared at his pants, trying to find a way out of this.
"Now don't get all shy, you were asking for this."
Zim bit his lip as he looked down and off to the side,
"Whatever, it doesn't matter, not like you have a choice anyways."
Keef added with a shrug. Zim didn't like those words as he sat up a bit more
" can't do that!"
"That's funny, I don't recall asking you to SPEAK!"
Keef backhanded Zim across the face, making him whimper a bit as he held his face, this did not go as according to plan
"Fucking broken whore."
Zim breathed heavily as he kept his legs crossed,
"Open up you bitch."
Keef smacked Zim's thigh harshly, a growl grew in Zim's throughly as his pak warmed up its emergency defensive lasers. Zim stood up to attack but was immediately pinned down by Keef onto the floor harshly as one side of his PAK shattered and he let out a gasp for air as his lasers shot out. Zim's body was suddenly flooded with rage as his pak legs sprung out with such strength Keef was knocked off.
"You broke my pak,
167 years of meticulous care and you BROKE MY PAK!"
The laser hummed violently and shot right a Keef with a "ffooom!"
Zim was lowered and felt around on his pak, there were ashes on the floor.
He let out small gasps for air as he held his chest. Too much energy...way too much..
He fell to the ground and curled up and started to cry a bit. Why hadn't he just stayed at the brothel? Sure he wasn't happy but it was simpler then and Zim didn't have to worry about wars and if Dib really loved him and being Queen...
He sobbed on the floor as he sat up and looked at the crown before immediately getting up, leaving the crown there as he hugged himself and started to clean up the crime scene.

He had done it..he was was all over..he framed it up as a suicide murder and returned to his work as be hesitantly opened the door.
The greasy clerk looked up.
"Oh look who's finally back. It's greenie."
Zim looked down as he walked up to the clerk,
"I want my job back...I'll do anything just please give it back.."
The greasy clerk raised an eyebrow.
"Come one, you know what to do to get it back."
Zim nodded and jumped onto the clerks lap.
"Do you want to me, I don't care anymore."
Zim took his shirt and pants off as he spread his legs out for the clerk, his bitten up skin starting to bruise as he held his arms behind his back. The clerk spotted the marks and shoved Zim to the ground
"We don't have marked ones here, run back to whatever low standards bum you hoed for before you man whore."
" please! I'll get rid of them I swear...I need this job! I'll be your personal prostitute even, just please!!"
The personal prostitute thing got his attention as he looked him over
"Go to your room and don't come out until you're healed."
Zim nodded and ran to his old room. He missed his days on Irk. It was about a month before anything healed fully and Zim sighed as he walked out of the room.

The Crown Gets What the Crown Wants (royalty zadr au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang