Chapter Seven

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Dib rolled  his eyes and continued to eat Zim out, he could answer the door when Zim had finished. Dib wasn't going to just leave him on the edge. That's an asshole move.

((Wait...if that...and zim did...does that mean..))
(My co-writer is awesome man)
Zim came after a small bit as he leaned back into the bed and started to let out soft pants. Dib ate up the cum and wiped his mouth.
"I'll go see who's at the door, I'll be right back."
Dib left the room and grabbed a robe to cover himself. Dib unlocked and opened the door. It was a gaurd from another kingdom.
"I am here on behalf of prince Keef, I've come to deliver a message."
He said as he cleared his throat and started,
"Prince Keef has threatened to wage war on your kingdom if you don't give him what is rightfully his..."
Dib scoffed,
"I can't respond to that, go to the king, only he can do something about this."
Dib shut the door before the guard could respond. Dib locked it and groaned walking back to the hidden room.
"Who was at the door Dib-love?"
"A guard from the northern kingdom, don't worry about it."
Zim nodded as he had already gotten his clothes back on and he was under the covers. Dib got in with him as he kissed Zim's cheek and Zim giggled a bit as he leaned against him a bit.
"So, what do you want to do now?"
Dib asked as he wrapped his arms around Zim's waist.
"I think I'll rest for a bit."
"I was gonna go downstairs to grab something to eat.would you like anything?.."
He asked as he leaned against Dib.
"I'll escort you."
Zim nodded and they got out the bed. He got a smaller robe and put on his disguise before he walked with Dib down to the dining hall. It was about lunch time as they had slept through breakfast, Gaz smiled smugly,
"So the lovebirds have joined us."
Zim blushed as he looked away a bit
"Don't expect us to stay for's our day today"
Dib said as he sat down. Dib patted his lap lightly, Zim blushed brightly, but sat down on Dib's lap. Gaz rolled her eyes at this as some chefs came out to fill the table with food.
"So...what are you guys planning to do then?..."
Gaz asked as she got something to eat,
"Dunno, sleep, talk, whatever we want."
Membrane wrung his hands anxiously
"Dib that's a good idea, but the northern kingdom-"
"I know...they came to my door and I refused..."
He said as he held Zim tighter and Zim looked a bit confused
"What happened?.."
"Don't worry about I-"
"They're waging war over a false claim of property."
Gaz explained smoothly as she picked at her cuticles.
Zim started to look a bit scared
"What property? I'm sure we could work things out.."
He said as he sat up a bit more.
"That's the thing, they didn't clarify what."
Gaz answered, Dib held onto Zim a little tighter.
"I know what they mean... They want Zim.."
He said and Zim started to squirm a bit
"B-but I'm not property..."
"I know Zim, that's just more to the fact that Keef's a messed up individual."
Zim whimpered as he covered his face
"What are we going to do?"
"You aren't going to do anything."
Membrane spoke with finality.
"I will speak to the king and queen of the northern kingdom about their son's vulgar actions and hopefully avoid war."
Dib nodded as he stood up with zim.
" careful Dad.."
He said as he patted his arm and carried Zim upstairs. Membrane sighed as the two retreated.
"Don't worry Dad, they'll understand."
"Thank you Gazlene."
Membrane stood and walked over to Gaz to kiss the top of her head.
"If I don't come back Dib will take the crown.
Gary! Prepare the carriage! I'm going to the northern kingdom!"
The servant nodded as he rushed to the stables and got the horses
"My king.."
Another servant, Craig, said as he walked up to Membrane
"You can't possibly be thinking to try and reason with them.."
"Anything is possible through reason my boy."
Craig sighed and nodded as he escorted membrane to his carriage and opened it
"Please be careful my king..."
"I will. Make sure that the public doesn't hear about this til I come back or am pronounced dead."
Craig shivered at the thought and nodded as Membrane walked in and he followed as he closed the door
"Prince Dib is not ready to be king..."
"I know."
Craig bit his lip,
"We'll pray for you sire."
"Thank you Craig."
He let out a sigh as they soon arrived at the kingdom and some gaurds opened the carriage door.
"State your name and business!"
Someone yelled from above.
"King Membrane of the Siencia Kingdom, I'm come to speak with Prince Howard and Queen Vanessa the third."
(Howard's a prince not a king bc it's Vanessa who has the royal blood and thus must have the higher title.)
Membrane stepped into out and the gaurds escorted him into the castle as Membrane took a shaky breath and was lead inside.
"So... the king of the witches returns."
"It's science Vanessa not magic."
"That's 'your majesty' to you worm!"
The raven haired and green eyed Queen stabbed her knife into the armrest of her throne.
"My apologies your majesty."
Membrane gave a low bow to the North Queen.
"Howard, strip him of weapons."
The prince nodded as he walked up to membrane and started to search Membrane for anything
"What are you doing here..."
He whispered as he leaned over his shoulder a bit.
"Trying to avoid a war."
Membrane whispered back. Howard continued searching for weapons, coming up empty handed he retreated up the stairs with his head down, still terrified to this day to look his wife in the eyes.
Vanessa scoffed,
"What kind of IDIOT doesn't bring weapons to face the northern kingdom?"
"The kind that dosen't want to start a war..."
Membrane said in a calm voice back,
"Your son has waged war because MY son refuses to give his boyfriend over...I'd like to not have a war with so will you please have mercy on us."
"We don't DO mercy membrane spawn. If your maggot of a son wants to keep Keef's new toy he has to earn it."
Membrane tried to keep in his anger as he clenched his fists.
"Zim is no toy...he is an amazing young man who deserves the best..and for him..the best is Dib"
"The boy doesn't matter. I say the two settle this is a battle to the death."
"Absolutely not!"
Membrane shot back.
Vanessa glared at him in utter disgust as she grabbed the knife and pointed it at Membrane
"Get him out of my sight and gather up the armies"
"How about a trade of land?"
Membrane blurted out, he needed to avoid a war.
Vanessa lowered her knife,
"I'm listening..."
"2000 acres of land in exchange for you for you to drop this topic and leave our kingdom alone."
Vanessa fiddled with the edge of her knife in thought.
"Throw in 20 workers from your palace and it's a deal."
Membrane shook his head
"I promised land not workers...i need them for my castle and if i can't cook then we have no food..."
I'll make it we have a deal?.."
"3400. And that's my final offer."
He mumbled a bit
He said as he didn't want to give his garden away
Vanessa looked pleased as she messed with her knife a bit and chuckled
"Put him in the dungeon.."
She ordered as she looked at the guards
The guards moved towards him.
"We had a deal!"
"It wasn't on blood witch boy."
Membrane growled but was tackled, his crown clanking on the floor. One of membranes gaurds grabbed the crown and went back to the carriage
"The king is down! Back to the castle!!"
He ordered as he got on the side and the horses started to run. Keef glared out his window at the retreating carriage.
Zim was pacing around him and Dib's room worried as his antenna stayed down and he perked up when he heard the carriage
"They're back!"
The two ran downstairs, Dib eager to see his father. His heart dropped like a stone when he saw one of the guards holding his father's crown.
"No... where's my dad?"
"He was taken by some of the gaurds...he won't be coming back..."
He said as he handed the crown to Dib and bowed down
"You're our new king..."
Dib wanted to scream and tell them to go get the king back but instead he shakily placed the crown on his head.
"We start war planning at first light."
Dib straightened his posture, he was the king, he would keep his people safe. The gaurd nodded and looked at Zim as he bowed aswell to him,
"And our beloved queen..."
Zim tensed up a bit and held onto dib tighter as he looked up at him. Dib nodded lightly,
"Alert the soldiers that we're going to make an attack on the northern kingdom. Outfit them with the best weapons we have, we won't rest until we save my father."
He nodded as he quickly left and Zim let out a heavy sigh as he rested his head on Dib's arm.
"This is all my fault...."
"Zim, it's not your fault, the northern royal family is awful."
"B..but they wouldn't have taken him...if I had just stayed with you.."
"Zim, it isn't your fault, we can talk about this later, we have a war to plan and a king to save."
"Dib you don't understand...they've probably already killed him by now...I know how they are"
He immediately covered his mouth after saying that.
Dib looked back and forth before dragging Zim to another room.
"I haven't told anyone this, but I know that my dad's alive..."
"But how?"
"My dad... was having an affair with the prince of the northern kingdom, that's the real reason we had to have them as allies, I'm sure he'll keep my dad alive..."
Zim gasped and covered his mouth at that news.
"How did you find out?"
"I... I caught them once making out in my father's office..."
Dib shuddered.
"They swore me to secrecy after that."
Zim nodded as he stood up a bit straighter
"So..what will the queen think then...won't she get suspicious of him"
He said as he started to get a bit worried
"What if she gets rid of him too?.."
"I don't know Zim! I just became king and there's a war! And!"
Dib was screaming by now, Zim flinched at the loud tone. He moved back a bit as he covered his face, scared if getting hit as he whimpered.
Dib stopped and reached out for Zim weakly.
"Z-Zim I'm sorry I yelled I'm just- I'm just so scared right now..."
Zim nodded as he held onto Dib and let out a soft sigh before someone quickly opened the door and grabbed Zim
"The queen must be kept safe"
The gaurd said as Zim yelped
"Where are you taking me!?"
Zim asked squirming,
Dib followed after them to make sure Zim was safe. They stopped Dib quickly
"You must be watching the guards so that they can go as soon as possible"
"Listen sir, but I'm frankly a little paranoid, I don't recognize you, and I know everyone here..."
The man started to panic as he tightened his grip on Zim and made a quick run for it as Zim yelped
Dib broke out in a sprint, he wasn't losing Zim again. They ran out the door quickly as they threw Zim in the carriage and he whimpered when he hit the hard ground. The person was in fact, someone from the north kingdom and they immediately yelled for them to go of the carriage got away. Dib had gathered more people who were much faster and they made a barricade around the carriage.
"Come out with your hands up northern scum!"
Marcus hissed. The carriage stopped as two soliders walked out and some of Dib's soldiers ran over to get Zim as he was shaking violently
"Lock those two up and interrogate them,and bring Zim to the med bad immediately. He must be kept under constant surveillance of at least 3 people."
The gaurds nodded as Zim looked to Dib worriedly but he was quickly rushed to the medical bay and set inside a small room with food and a bed. He was being watched by a doctor and two guards. Dib made his way to the dungeon to interrogate the two northerners.
They sat in the cell and talked with eachother before Dib caught their attention
"So, let's talk, maybe we won't torture you horribly then."
One of the men snorted.
"Oh sure, like this kingdom could torture."
"Maybe my father couldn't, but I'm in charge now and you two messed with my boyfriend.
Nobody messes with my Zim."
Dib smiled and gripped the bars.
"So talk before I strangle it out of you."
They jumped a bit as one of them started to talk,
"They ordered us to come here!!! They said if they didn't get your dead body they would kill your dad!!"
The other one shoved the second gaurd as he growled
"Who ordered this?"
Dib asked,
"Queen Vanessa!"
The first one blurted before the other slapped him.
"You traitorous shit!"
The one that got slapped whimpered as the more vicious one growled
"Better say your dying wish!!"
"Guards separate these two into different cells."
Dib ordered. The guards nodded as they brought the more timid one to a different cell. Dib went to talk to the more timid one.
"Hey, it's alright, you'll be safe if you talk, maybe you can even join our castle staff if you're good."
He nodded as he sat up a bit straighter
"Queen Vanessa ordered us to grab Zim in order to lure you there...they would've killed you and destroyed your kingdom entirely."
Dib nodded,
"Is my father still alive?"
"I don't know...Howard has been looking after him"
"I thought so..."
"Is that okay? Am I in trouble?"
"Yes that's good for now, we can move to to a room where you'll be watched. We still need to know where your loyalties lie before you're fully free, that and giving information would be good..."
He nodded as he got up and bowed
"Of course.."
He said as he stood up straight and looked at Dib.
"Come, if you try to run off you will lose all privileges."
The man nodded and followed Dib.
"So what's your name?"
"Jeremy Laake sir."
Dib nodded and led Jeremy to a small guest room.
"Stay here, someone will bring you meals and changes of clothes soon."
Dib left and ordered a few guards to watch over the room. The other solider sat in the cell and hummed to himself as he messed with a few rocks and waited for someone to open his cell.

Lol they never came, He died two days later of dehydration

Zim was shaking in his room as he stared at the small crown they had given him
Queen? Zim was no queen..he couldn't even please his boss...
Zim whimpered quietly, one on the guards coming from her post to comfort Zim.
"Are you okay my lord?"
"I can't be queen...I can't lead all these people...I don't know how!!"
He said as he pushed the crown away,
"Well, a queen has to be caring and supportive to their king and should dote on their subjects they should bear children and teach."
"B..bear children? No no no... I can't do that.."
He said as he scooted back a bit
"I can't!"
"Give it time deary, you'll figure it out."
He sighed as he hugged himself and hesitantly put the crown on as he stood up
"Take me to my room.."
"Yes Sire."
The girl gave a small bow,
"Oi Marty, Josh! The Queen wants to head to his room!"
They both nodded as they lead Zim to his room. He thanked them and walked inside as he started to look for a leather jacket and some jeans. Opening Dib's closet he found some old jeans that would fit him and a Dib-sized leather jacket. He smiled and got on a white shirt and he put on the jacket as he got some holes into the jeans. He let out a sigh as he put the crown on and walked out.
"Where to lord Zim?"
"Take me to the armory."
"Yes sire."
The guards escorted Zim to the closest armory, passing by Gaz who was dressed in full armor and held a wicked blade in her hands.
"Capture my father, I'll show them."
She mumbled angrily as she got farther away.
Zim went to the armory and grabbed a sword and shield as he turned to face the guards.
"Stay and watch the castle..I'm putting my trust in you"
He said as he walked out to the stables
Sally bit her lip and looked at Marty and Josh.
"We're so fired..."
Zim let out a sigh as he grabbed a small white horse and mounted it as he went to go follow the army. Dib paced around his father's desk, crumpling up his latest war plan, he'd been up for hours making plans that were all awful.
A solider rushed into Dib's room panting as he held his chest and looked at Dib.
"He's left..he grabbed a horse and left"
Dib sputtered, 
His boyfriend was going to fight.
"He'll be killed for sure."
Dib went pale at that thought and scrambled through his war plans he needed to make a plan that would kill the least amount of people, gods help him. The soldier let out a sigh as he looked at Dib.
"My king...our armies are weak...we have no chance against the north and we will surley perish "
"Don't you think I already know that?"
Dib hung his head,
"Gods if you're out there please help..."

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