Chapter Five

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Dib was confused by the name as he walked over to him and kneeled down ever so slightly
"Tallest? What do you mean by that?"
He asked as he put a hand lightly on Zim's shoulder, a worried look rested on his face.
"Well... in my old empire you did everything to please your tallest they were like gods to us, and- they never liked me. I-I just want someone to follow and be proud of me."
Zim covered his eyes in an attempt to stop the tears.
"Hey, hey its ok..."
Dib spoke softly as he moved zims hands to wipe the tears from his lover's face.
"You don't have to live like that anymore...I'm here for you and if you really ever need anything important or you're in trouble,"
He reached into his pocket and got out a small bell,
"Ring this bell..only when you need it okay?"
Zim nodded and hugged Dib tight.
"Could you at least take me with you? I don't want to be alone right now..."
Dib nodded as he hugged back and then stood up, he took Zim's hand lightly and started to walk.
"My jobs aren't that interesting so if you get bored you can find an escort."
"It's okay... I just want to be near you."
Zim had to walk quickly to keep up with Dib's long legs, growing tired easily and having to stop to catch his breath.
"Can't you just carry me? I can't keep up with you."
Dib nodded as he held Zim on his shoulders. He didn't care if any of the servants stared he was just happy that Zim felt safe with him. He soon arrived at the dining hall and looked at all the decorations
"What is this?..."
He asked as he looked down at one of the servants,
"A ball, 7 kingdoms will be visiting to honor your consort."
"7 kingdoms?..."
Zim said quietly as he hid his face in Dib's hair a bit, Dib nodded and looked back at the servant.
"Who is coming?"
"The north kingdom, the Balonese empire, our south ally kingdoms Goroyton and Quatry.
As well as the East and west kingdoms and the Atlans"
Dib nodded,
"Please warn us next time"
He said as he started to look for the seamstress again.
"Bethany, are Zim's clothes ready?"
"Almost done sire."
Bethany called, as she stitched, she was speaking through clenched teeth as he held pins in her mouth. Dib nodded as he set Zim down as Zim looked at the beautifully crafted garments.
"You should probably go get cleaned up and dressed nice after this..I was just informed there will be a ball tonight."
Dib said as he looked at the clothing,
"Yes Sire, I'll do so as soon as I done. Give me 30 more minutes."
He nodded as he patted Zim's shoulder
"Stay here until its done okay?"
He kneeled down and kissed zims cheek,
"Ok Dib."
Zim smiled as Dib walked away. Bethany awwed,
"Are you two just darling? Such a lucky lad, prince Dib is always so kind."
Zim nodded as he got a chair and sat on it
"Yeah..I knew I liked him when I first met him."
Zim said as he started to think back to the brothel,
"How did you two meet?"
Zim froze, should he lie or could he trust Bethany to keep a secret?
"I...uhm...can you keep a secret for me?"
Zim asked as he sat up a bit straighter,
"Of course deary, my lips are sealed."
Zim took a breath.
"I used to work in a brothel..."
Bethany stopped for a second and nodded.
"Really? The king always told Dib never to go there..."
'or else this would happen..'
She thought the last part as she continued to work
"Really? I thought he could do whatever he wanted."
"Mmm, King membrane has rules for his children to keep them out of trouble."
" that why he was mad at Dib for being with me?"
He asked, did he get Dib into trouble?
"I don't know, word spreads fast here but I haven't heard of Dib going to brothel..."
Zim nodded as he curled up into the chair and hugged himself. He felt guilty now and he was worried that Dib would throw him out any second.
"Though I heard from Darla that the new girl Patricia was from the town brothel too..."
"Wait, Patricia? Long brown hair, brown eyes, freckles?"
Zim asked.
"Yes... how did you know?"
"I used to work with her! Oh thank goodness she got away! But how? Salowop would never let her quit...I wonder how she managed to escape, nonetheless how she even made it to work at the castle."
Zim questioned but pushed the thought away
"Apparently Prince Dib saved her if Darla is correct."
Zim felt a bit of jealousy roll over him.
He nodded as the small bits of jealousy stung and poked at him. Saved her too? Did he like her better?
"Said he stabbed her boss and gave her his coat."
Bethany continued, this only made it worse as Zim hugged himself tighter and nodded.
"Oh deary, what's got you down?"
Bethany asked as she turned to see Zim curled into himself and looking forlorn.
"W-what if Dib doesn't love me?"
Bethany looked saddened as she got up and walked over to him
"It's ok deary. I know Dib would never cheat on someone...he's loyal and I'm sure you'll be just fine"
Zim whimpered.
Bethany turned back to her work and finished hemming the tunic.
"Whenever I'm down, I make myself a new outfit, that always cheers me up. Maybe it will do the same for you."
Bethany picked up the finished outfit and handed it to Zim.
"Try it on dear."
He nodded as he was handed  the tunic and went into the changing room. Thoughts swirled in is mind about what Dib could be doing. Was he hanging out with Patricia? Was he many things came up and he just couldn't handle it as he stayed in the dressing room and just kept quiet.
Zim pulled the tunic over his head, his arms sliding in the black sleeves that stretched to his hands, thumb holes included,there was a slit in the fabric right below a soft collar. The magenta tunic was beautiful. Zim turned and looked at himself in the mirror, Bethany was right, this did make him feel better.
He smiled ever so slightly as he walked out of the changing room to show Bethany. He felt way better now as he turned to show Bethany the entire thing
"Oh! It looks fantastic!"
Bethany exclaimed,
"I also finished your bed ware, I'm sure Prince Dib will enjoy it."
Bethany gestured to a dark pink satin top with pink gossamer flowing down to the knees and to mid calf in the back, the was also a pair of black lace underwear. Zim blushed and thanked Bethany.
Bethany smiled and nodded as Zim walked over to grab it,
"I'll be sure to put this in our room"
He said with a smile as he looked back at Bethany,
"Speaking of, could you escort me there?"
"Of course Zim, you need to wash up and get dressed for the ball as well."
Bethany suddenly gasped.
"You don't have a dress!"
Bethany ran back to the fabric box and grabbed at fabrics wildly.
"Oh goodness no, you'll have to stay, I'll make this as fast as I can!"
Bethany immediately started sketching up patterns.
"I..its fine..I can just wear my tunic"
Zim said as he put his hands up a bit in defense
"Not at a 7-kingdom ball."
Bethany snorted.
"You'd be a laughingstock."
He nodded nervously as he went to go sit back down,
"I just hope Dib will stay with me..."
Bethany showed Zim the sketch of the gown.
"I hope you like it because we don't have time for a second draft."
Bethany begin cutting fabric and running it under her press sowing machine.
Zim nodded and looked around a bit. His wig was scratchy and he really wanted to take it off but he didn't want to scare Bethany
"When does the ball start?"
He asked as he looked to the door,
"In 3 hours."
He nodded as he waited for Dib quietly.
40 minute later and the dress was done, even though Bethany said it was a rush job, it was beautiful and the black straps that hung on the shoulders went amazingly with the pale pink opera length gloves and gradiented pinks of the dress. Bethany lead Zim to Dib's room and retreated back to her own to prepare.
Zim smiled as he opened the door to the room and looked around a bit for any sign of Dib as he closed the door and locked it so he could change.
Zim stripped of Dib's clothes and walked to the bathroom to see if he could clean himself, Zim was still weak to water but it wouldn't burn him alive anymore, so maybe a shower...
He turned on the shower as he hummed a bit to himself he took off his wig and contacts as he ran quickly over to Dibs main door and unlocked it so he wouldn't get into trouble and then went back to the bathroom as he closed the door but didn't lock it.
As Zim was in the shower Dib entered his room to clean and change. He trudged to the bathroom, wondering were Zim was and opened the bathroom door.
Zim yelped when Dib walked in as he covered himself with the shower curtain and his antenna went down
"Oh, there you are..."
Dib blushed at the sight of Zim naked.
"Do you think I could join you?"
Dib asked with a smirk, leaning close to Zim.
Zim blushed a bit, but nodded as he looked down a bit and then back at Dib.
"I don't see why not."
Dib pulled off his clothes and threw them in the nearby hamper before stepping into the shower and immediately hogging the water flow.
"You've been in here longer I'm only making it fair."
He pouted as he crossed his arms
"You came in here as soon as i got in!"
Zim whined as he tried to get the water back,
They scuffled playfully and eventually settled on one using to water, while the other soaped up,
Zim smiled evily as he used the water and once he got out to use the soap the water was cold
Dib yelped and fixed the water, slapping Zim backside as revenge. Zim blushed and looked over his shoulder angrily.
Dib chuckled a bit as zim just rolled his eyes and shook his head
"Thought you liked cold water.."
He teased
"When did I ever say that?"
"You never did, I just assumed it "
Dib finished washing his hair and stepped out of the shower.
Zim stepped out of the shower as well afterwards as he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself.
Dib opened up his closet and pulled out a dark blue tail coated top, along with dark grey dress pants, he dried off, and brushed his hair before getting changed, topping it off with his crown
Zim got the dress on as he combed out his wig and put that, along with his contacts on before going over to Dib and staring in awe at his crown.
"Gods you look amazing."
Dib said softly, eyes taking in Zim's form just like when he first saw the green boy. Zim turned towards the mirror and touched lightly at the bruises on his neck.
"Shouldn't we cover these up?"
"Don't, I want everyone to know who you belong to."
Dib purred as he nipped at Zim's neck,
Zim bit his lip and chuckled as he held onto Dib's hand and smiled
"Maybe after the ball Dib.."
Zim said as he kissed his cheek and looked at his lover with a smile.
"Aw, but I want to ravish you now."
Dib whined jokingingly, Zim's blush deepened a bit as he kept his smile,
"Aw, but then we'll be too tired"
"Oh all right."
Dib smiled devilishly,
"But as soon as it's over..."
Dib wrapped his arms around Zim from behind him.
"Okay, let's go."
Dib kissed Zim's cheek and detached his body from Zim's and led Zim out of their room.
The Irken nodded as he walked with him...the ballroom was already being set up and a few kingdoms where already there.
A girl with purple hair and teeth in braces ran up to Dib.
"Dibby! I have seen you in forever!"
Gretchen hugged Dib tightly. When she let go Dib had to gasp for breath, she gave really intense bear hugs. Zim looked at her confused as he tilted his head a bit and spoke,
He said quietly as he stayed close to Dib.
"Oh, you must be the lucky lad! I'm Gretchen of the Atlan Kingdom, pleased to make your acquaintance."
Gretchen gave a curtsy and shot Zim a hard seething glare that Dib couldn't see, Zim looked a bit scared now as he stayed as close as he could to Dib. Were all the girls going to act like this? He would probably go back to Dib's room if they did,
"So Dib, what have you been doing lately?"
Gretchen played with her hair and batted her eyelashes at Dib.
"I've mostly been doing work and uh...the usual stuff like taking care of the castle and all"
He said with a smile, Gretchen smiled back. The two began to talk about their staffs and Zim felt like an outsider. Zim gripped onto Dib's sleeve and stayed quiet.
He soon left though to see if there were any sweets as he searched the table and hummed to himself.
"Hello Zim."
Zim froze in fear at Membrane's booming voice,
"Hello your majesty."
Zim answered, shaking slightly as he looked up at the tall king, Membrane looked at Zim with a slightly confused face,
"Where's Dib?.."
He asked as he looked around him
"H..he's with a princess..."
Zim pointed time the stairs where Dib was talking with Gretchen.
"Ah. I see. So how are you enjoying the ball so far?"
"It's im not sure about the princess Dib's talking with...she dosen't seem to fond of me."
"Well that's understandable. Gretchen has been going after Dib's hand in marriage since they were five. Dib is quite thick headed when it comes to identifying affections of others."
Zim got confused by the comment,
"He wasn't for me...well it took him awhile but he noticed it"
Zim said as he got some punch.
"Mmm, I'm glad he finally has come around, I was worried he'd never get married..."
Membrane chuckled a bit,
"Yeah...I thought I would never fall in love, but then Dib came around and I just..I loved him. He's just so kind and gentle."
Zim continued with a love struck look and a happy sigh,
Membrane smiled a bit and patted Zim's shoulder,
"Just take care of him ok?..He can be a handful"
"Thank you sir. I will."
Membrane nodded as he walked away and Zim stayed by the food table,
Zim ate a few sweets until Dib jogged over your him.
"Sorry, we hadn't caught up in a while. Are you doing okay?"
"The band should be getting ready right now, see?"
Dib pointed to a band gathering on a stage with violins, flutes, drums and brass instruments.
Zim smiled and nodded as a tall male with bright orange hair walked in and he looked over and tilted his head
"Who's that?"
"Oh that's Keef, prince of the north kingdom, unmarried, 22."
"You sure have a lot of information on him."
"I do not like him one bit. That's why."
"Oh..why was he invited then? And what do you not like?"
Zim asked as he kept his eyes on Keef. There was something weird about him,
"It's a sign of peace, if we didn't invite him they might wage war, we're not exactly ally kingdoms. That and he's just creepy..."
Dib nodded as Keef walked over and waved at the prince.
"Hello Dib!"
He said with the same annoying smile he always had,
"Hi Keef."
Keef then caught sight of Zim.
"And hellooo~ What's your name cutie?"
Dib grabbed onto Zim, Zim shivered a bit as he spoke in a bit of a shaky tone.
"Z-zim, boyfriend and future husband to prince Dib..."
He said as he held onto Dib's arm.
"Oh, so forward."
Keef purred, eyes eating up Zim as he checked him out. Zim whimpered a bit as he grabbed his cup and quickly left. That was uncomfortable.
Dib glared at Keef, who's eyes were glued to Zim like a fox to a rabbit.
"Hey Keef...eyes off"
Dib said as he waved his hand infront of the ginger boy.
"He's taken Romeo.."
"For now."
Dib's eye twitched.
"Those are fighting words Keef, and you're on my territory."
Keef snorted.
"I'm still twice the fighter, Mr. Diplomat."
The last two words were mocking, Dib was this close to knocking Keef into Sunday
Membrane walked over and put a hand on Dib's shoulder.
"Why don't you go get something to eat...I don't want you to start a fight"
Membrane said as he walked Dib away to the other side of the table.
Dib growled curses but walked away to find Zim, his lover shouldn't be alone with Keef on the prowl.
Zim was by a different staircase. He looked pretty hidden with all the girls around as he sipped his punch.
Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and yelped. He turned quickly to see it was Dib. Zim sighed in relief.
"Dib, thank goodness it was you, you scared me half to death!"
Zim wrapped his arms around Dib's neck, (even if he had to jump a little to get there) Dib brought his hands up to support Zim
Dib chuckled a bit as he kissed Zim's cheek
"Man, you're easy to scare"
He said playfully and Zim pouted a bit.
"Yeah well there are alot of people and I don't want to get grabbed "
"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave your side tonight, I promise."
Zim smiled and nodded as he stayed close to Dib and the candle lights dimmed as some music started,
"Well my love, do you want to dance?"
"It'd be a pleasure "
Zim said as he put a hand on dibs shoulder and one on his waist,
Dib giggled,
Dib clasped his hand with the one Zim put on his waist, then put his other hand of Zim's waist.
"You can't lead and follow silly."
"Well I've never danced before!"
"It's alright, we'll go slow."
He nodded as he rested his head on dibs chest a bit and a few other people started to dance. Though Jeef and Gretchen were sitting at different tables and watching people dance.
"Ugh, that lucky little grrghhh."
Gretchen grumbled.
"I should be dancing with Dib, who does this nobody weirdo think he is anyways!?"
Keef mumbled some things to himself. He kept his eyes on Zim though as he took small sips from his drink,
"Dib-love...could we get something to eat?"
Zim asked as he looked up at Dib,
Dib held Zim's gloved hand and they walked to the food tables.
Zim looked at all the food and went over to grab a plate as he started to put some sweets on his,
"Are sweets all you eat?"
Dib asked as he filled his plate.
"Mostly. Also grains and stuff, my body can't process meat and most proteins."
Dib nodded as he sat down at a table and Zim sat down with him, before immediately standing up
"I'll be right back, I need to refill my drink.."
He said as he walked to the punch bowl
Dib responded, not thinking of his promise.
He hummed a bit as he got some drink for himself and Keef stood up
Keef grinned and wrapped his GROSS TERRIBLE AND NASTAY arms around Zim.
"Dib, do you want a cup t-"
Keef beamed.
"Oh my, you seem to be in my arms,"

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