Chapter Twelve

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Membrane stood and ran to the medical bay.
"Where's my daughter?"
"King membrane, you're here, she needs a blood transfusion this second."
A doctor said.
Membrane rolled up his sleeve and the doctor drew some blood rushing it to Gaz.
Membrane looked at her throat, it was a miracle she survived, but two attacks on his family so close together? Dib could be in danger for all he knew...
Dib rushed into the medical bay just then with Zim as he went to were his dad was
"I came as soon as I could!!"
He said as he set Zim down and kneeled by his dad.
"What happened!? She was just fine when she talked to me, I don't know why or how this could've been possible!!"
"Well there was a corpse with gouged eyes found in her room."
A nurse said,
"Thank the gods she sleeps with a switchblade, otherwise she wouldn't have made it..."
Dib said softly as he reached to lightly squeeze Gaz's hand. Membrane nodded and pulled Dib close.
"I couldn't bear to loose either of you Dib, please be safer."
Dib nodded as he hugged his dad
Zim didn't feel that he was needed at the moment and he headed to the dining room. Zim saw Howard walking and sped up to talk to him.
Howard's eyes widened and he turned. Zim glared at him and crossed his arms
"I know you had something to do with this so you better start talking!!"
Howard froze then booked it for the medical bay, Membrane would buy his act and get rid of that green hideous boy that killed his son. Zim chased after him as he tried to keep up
Howard took a sharp turn and slid into the med bay, faking tears and sniffling as he shook and clung to Membrane.
"What's wrong?"
"Zim was planning to kill your son! This was his plan all along!!"
Howard cried as Zim ran into the medical bay.
Zim continued to run at Howard, growling as he did when he was pushed back by the guards.
Membrane was holding Dib and Howard close, a furious and frightened look on his face.
"What? Let me through!"
Zim hissed as he scratched at the guards armor, no one hurt someone close to Dib.
Membrane yelled as Zim immediately stopped and got a terrified look on his face
"I let you into my home...let you have a chance to be with my son and this is how you repay me!? I am truly disappointed and disgusted by your behavior and I will have you executed at once!"
Tears welled in Zim's eyes, he looked desperately at Dib to help him but he wouldn't meet his eyes.
Zim could clearly remember his trial, all the Irkens in that room cheering as the control brains decided his fate.
"I'm- im sorry! Miyuki and Spork's deaths were accidents! So were the blackouts! I- I was careless!"
Zim couldn't see the Membranes, all he saw was the lights of the control brains looming over him.
"Don't re-encode me! I'll do anything, please my tallest!"
Zim was suddenly jolted from his vision as his pak sent a shock through his body.
The Membranes stared at him strangely as Zim fell to the ground, shocking the guards who stepped back a bit and waited for orders. They had seen a lot of strange things, but this was a first and they didn't know how to handle it.
"What should we do sir...he seems to be passed out, should we carry on with the execution?"
They asked as they stepped closer to the Irken and Zim jolted back up as he immediately tried to get away from everyone. Data flooded to Zim's brain and the thoughts were overwhelming.
"No, NO! I'm not defective! I'm not!"
Zim clawed at his head as he frantically tried to avoid the truth. Dib went up to try and stop him and Zim hissed at him as he hugged himself
He hissed as he scooted farther away.
"You've failed... why are you still alive? You even broke your sir, and that thing was indestructible..."
Zim rocked himself as he muttered to himself.
"I am defective..."
Zim suddenly started clawing at his pak viciously.
"Defective defective defective defective!"
"'re not a defective"
Dib said as he kneeled down by Zim and looked at him.
"You're a sweet guy and I know that you would never hurt someone...please listen to me..."
Zim stopped for a second
"You really think that...don't you?"
"Of course I do Zim..."
"You don't even know me..."
Zim trembled,
"I got my leaders killed when I was just a child, all I cause in havoc and destruction, it would be better if I was gone..."
"Zim...I know that...even if you meant to do that or didn't, that you deep inside regretted it...that you didn't want to...and I know that deep are an amazing person who I love so so much..."
"But why were you chasing Howard?"
Membrane asked, Zim growled lowly.
"He framed me...I know it's him...he's the one that payed the guy to kill Gaz!!"
Zim yelled as he quickly stood up and pointed at Howard
"I would never! Besides, where's your proof?"
Zim growled at Howard
"YOU LIAR!! you know very well that the reason all of the castles currency has been disappearing is because of YOU!!"
Howard feigned shock,
"How would you know if the wealth was dwindling unless you've been taking it?"
"I'm too busy getting kidnapped ever other day!"
"You're so pathetic!!"
zim hissed at him before running off to dibs room,the guards looking at membrane for permission to go after him
"Go, don't hurt him yet, restrain Howard as well, I want answers once I know my baby girl is alright."
Membrane shoved away Howard and turned fully towards his sleeping daughter. The guards nodded as a few restrained Howard and others went after Zim as the Irken went into Dib's room quickly and proceeded to then close and lock the door.
"Let us in, we aren't going to hurt you!"
Zim hissed loudly and burrowed in the warm blankets of Dib's bed. Dib ran up to them and pushed them aside
"Let me handle this..."
He said as he went up to the door,
"Hey Zim..."
Zim whimpered from the bed and cover his head in blankets.
Dib unlocked the door with his key and stepped in. Zim backed off and stayed hidden in the blankets as he growled
"G-go away!!"
"Can I just hold you?"
Dib held his arms out, Zim peeked our from under the blankets. he thought for a second and nodded as he went over to Dib and stayed close to him as he rested his head on Dib's chest.
"I'm scared Zim, Gaz is my little sister and she's the toughest person I know, if she was almost killed, who's to say it couldn't be one of us next?"
Zim was quiet for a second before speaking,
"I know who did it..."
He looked up at Dib.
"Down in the village there's a small store hidden from the can hire bounty hunters there but if you give them enough money they'll kill whoever you want."
Dib at Zim suspiciously,
"And how do you know this?"
"Men at the brothel liked to talk about things... and I might've done it with one or two of 'em."
"Wait, done it as in had sex or as in went to get them assassinated?"
"We had sex...and then after the second person they took me back to the brothel because I was apparently not good enough."
Dib ground his teeth,
"Oh, they're dead..."
"It's's too dangerous to try and kill one of them..."
"Well we can at least gas out their business, maybe find who hurt my sister."
Zim nodded as he nuzzled Dib and stayed close to him. Dib sighed,
"You wouldn't betray me, right?"
The Irken shook his head
"Of course not... I love you"
"Zim you need to go with the guards to be safe, at least until you can explain why you were chasing Howard, he's being questioned too."
Zim sighed and nodded
"But I'm staying with you and that's final..."
He said as he held onto Dib tightly.
Dib leaned into Zim and hugged him tightly.
"I love you too Zim."
He smiled and Dib went and opened the door as a few guards stepped out of the way for Dib. Dib held Zim in his arms as he walked back to the med bay.
"Dad, you can question Zim, just be nice, please. I have a feeling he's innocent."
Zim hesitantly crawled out of Dib's arms and went over to sit next to Howard as he growled lowly Membrane was clearly distraught,
"So, one of you is responsible for harming my daughter..."
Both of the males nodded as Zim looked down a bit and Howard kept a straight face.
"Now, who could've had the resources, nay! The connections to order an assassin I'm to kill Gazlene , in her sleep of all times..."
"Sir may I have you know that I was with Dib at the time...we were in his room when the guards alerted us... "
Zim said.
"Zim was with me the whole day before as well."
Dib added. Howard didn't speak as he looked away.
"And where were you Howard? "
Membrane asked as he looked at him
"I was heading to bed after you checked on Gaz."
Howard said as he looked blankly at the walls Zim growled a bit
"Yeah right!! It's not even dark yet it's dusk!! "
"Gaz slept at that time! And she visited you and Dib first!"
"And how do you know she visited us before she slept? Huh!?"
Zim hissed back, Howard was lost for words. Membrane looked at the guards and nodded as they grabbed Howard
"I'm sorry Howard... I thought I could trust you... "
Membrane said as they lead Howard out Dib walked to his father and patted his back softly.
"I'm sorry Dad..."
"It's ok son... "
Hes said as he quickly headed to his office Zim looked at Gaz laying in the medical bed.
"I wish I knew how to fix this, but I never learned medicine on Irk..."
Dib put a hand on his shoulder
"It's ok...she'll be happy to know you weren't the one."
"We've never even had a one on one conversation..."
Zim whimpered,
"I barely know anyone here..."
"Gaz trusts you Zim... She knows that you wouldn't hurt anyone if you didn't have to"
Zim frowned.
"Just hold me and tell me that it's going to be alright."
Dib nodded as he hugged Zim and told him everything was going to be alright as he picked him up and took him to his room. Zim leaned into Dib's chest and shut his eyes, focusing on Dib's heartbeat. he layed down with Zim and sighed as he pet him a bit and kissed his head. Zim purred softly and curled in Dib's arms. Dib smiled and closed his eyes a bit as he slowly started to dose off Zim watched Dib sleep, no one would hurt his Dib. No one ended up coming that night as the next morning Dib was left untouched. Dib awoke to Zim sitting by his side eyes open and taking in the room.
"Morning love."
Dib said as he pulled Zim closer and kissed his forehead. Zim smiled as he held onto Dib.
"Morning Dib-love!"
Zim said as he rested his head under Dib's chin and purred happily.
"Mm, we should check on Gaz and get ready for the peace day celebration later today..."
Zim nodded as he got up and went down to the medical bay as a few guards were guarding it now and the place seemed to have much higher security. The guards stepped aside once Dib arrived and the two could see Gaz sitting in the bed.
"GAZ! You're awake!"
Dib exclaimed as he hugged her lightly, she smiled and picked up a chalkboard and wrote on it
"I can't talk, so I have to write, won't be able to make the peace day celebration, have fun for me."
Dib looked confused as he sat by her
He sighed as he smiled a bit,
"Damn right I'll have the best time...have fun listening to dads lectures"
He joked as he playfully nudged her,
"No you dick-brain."
Gaz wrote and smirked. Dib flushed thinking of their last conversation. Dib rolled his eyes after that and got up
"I'll see you after the party."
Gas waved and laid down with a smile, Zim moved closer and reached to hold Gaz's hand.
"You've been nothing, but kind to me, I hope I can repay you for it..."
Zim reaches into his pak and pulled out a vial of purple goo.
"This is synthesized from my own healing systems, it should help you with your recovery, and also boost your immune system."
Zim put the vial in her hand and smiled, butting his head against hers as a show of care. Gaz looked over and nodded as she smiled at him.
She grabbed a bigger whiteboard and started to write, it took a minute but once she was done she gave it to Zim.
"Thank you Zim You've taken care of my brother and my family and i thank you for everything you've done. You forever have my blessing and I trust you with my life...thank you so much."
Zim's eyes watered and he hugged her.
"I knew you would be amazing as soon as you handed me the right fork..."
Gaz snorted then swallowed painfully and shooed Zim away with her hand. Zim smiled and left the infirmary as he went over to find Dib so that he could get something to wear for the peace day dance Dib was in his room and he smiled when Zim entered the room.
"Hey, I found out something cool."
"What is it Dib love?"
Dib opened his closet and pointed at the multiple pink and purple dresses and outfits.
"Yeah I think Bethany made you a new wardrobe."
Zim picked out a purple suit that he liked and went to the bathroom to try it on
he walked out a bit later to show Dib as he looked up at his lover and smiled.
"Wow, you look amazing."
Dib mumbled, he was shocked how Zim kept looking more and more amazing each day.
Zim kept his bright smile as he stood infront of Dib.
"Thank you! I'm sure your suit looks amazing too!!"
Dib rubbed the back of his head and smiled,
"Thanks, but it's nothing special..."
"It's always special when it's on you!"
He said happily as he kissed Dib's cheek, making Dib smiled.
"You are just too sweet! Good thing I like sugar."
Dib purred as he kissed Zim's sweet mouth. Zim blushed as he kissed back and wrapped his arms around Dib.
"Maybe you can have some more when we get back~"
"I like that idea."
Dib said with half lidded eyes,
"But he gave to get going, the Atlan kingdom is quite far away."
Zim nodded as he kissed Dib's nose and headed downstairs to wait for Dib in the carriage.
Dib pulled on an acceptable outfit and headed downstairs, saying his goodbyes to the workers and picking up a picnic basket of food for the trip from the kitchen.
Dib got into the carriage and smiled at his lover. Dib crouched down and kissed Zim's hand before laying his head of Zim's thigh.
"Mmm, hi darling."
Zim blushed and gave a small "Hi" back. Dib gave a small kiss to Zim's thigh but before it could go any further the door opened and Dib leaped back eyes wide and face ablaze.
A foot servant blinked at him.
"Um, I've come to say that your father will not be attending and expects you to represent the kingdom well..."
Dib calmed and nodded,
"I will, don't worry."
The foot servant nodded and shut the door. Zim kinda panicked when the servant came in but chuckled a bit when he left as he looked back at Dib and crossed his legs a bit
"You could've gotten caught y'know..."
he said as he sat closer to him and wrapped his arms around Dib.
"And dont you need protection if you're going to even try during the ride?"
He asked as he rested his head on Dib's shoulder,
"Bold of you to think I didn't come prepared."
Dib answered with a smirk and pulled a condom out of his pant pocket. Zim smirked a bit and rolled his eyes
"Guess you can have a small treat before we get there~"
He said as he kissed Dib's arm.
"Or the entire package if you don't think well get caught~"
"Mmm, thank you love."
Dib hummed as he pecked the underside of Zim's jaw as the carriage moved onto the main road.
Zim bit his lip and smiled as he held onto Dib's shirt and leaned into it a bit. Dib pulled Zim onto his lap,
"I missed this, having you all to myself..."
Zim squeaked and held tighter to Dib's shirt when he was moved.
"My Zim."
Dib held Zim close as the small Irken moved around a bit to get comfortable while in a way teasing Dib aswell, he eventually found a comfortable way to sit.
"Keep on moving like that and I might not have clean pants for the event."
Dib said with a smile, the carriage went over a bump and Dib blushed and groaned softly as Zim bounced in his lap. Zim chuckled a bit and moved against him again, hoping to cause something
"You mean like this?~"
He purred as he looked up at him. Dib bit his lip then grabbed Zim's shoulders,
"Hah, just let me undress first..."
His face was red and he was out of breath as Zim hesitantly got off and sat on the couch opposite of Dib. Dib quickly stripped and gestured for Zim to do the same. Zim nodded as he undressed and went back over to Dib, sitting back on his lap. Zim put his head on Dib's chest as Dib pet at Zim's head and wrapped the other hand around Zim's bottom,
"I think riding me would be the best way to do this, with the road bumps and all."
Zim nodded
"That means your gonna have to lay down for me.."
Zim carefully pushed Dib down and got on top of him. Dib laid down and gazed at the rolling early autumn hills, Dib was excited so spend the holidays with Zim, curled up by the fire and sipping hot cocoa. Dib snapped back to reality at the feeling of bucking against him.
"Eyes on me Dib."
Dib blushed a bit as he straightened himself up and nodded
" dreaming again.."
He said as he placed his hands on Zim's waist.
"Mmm, what were you thinking about?"
Zim asked,a little scared of the answer.
"Oh, well I was thinking how it's autumn so that means winter, and then snow and holidays, and cuddling by the fire and drinking hot cocoa..."
Dib said with a blush, embarrassed by the softness of his fantasies. Zim smiled a bit as he leaned over and kissed Dib.
"That's cute~"
He purred as he cuddled Dib and they hit a big bump Dib let out a noise as Zim bounced unintentionally and gripped onto him tightly. Zim blushed as he held onto Dib's arms as he looked at him with a smirk
"Gonna be a bumpy ride~"

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