Chapter One

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Warning!: this fic has a lot of smut, if that ain't your jam? Skedoot, if it is then enjoy this lemon jam on your super toast :)
Zim sat on one of the small couches the brothel had as he had his legs slightly crossed. He was a prostitute, but he was struggling and desperately needed money. But business was low and he never had a lot of clients.
There was a knock on the door, Zim immediately adjusted his position to look more appealing before calling out,
"Come in!"
The door handle turned and a well groomed young man, looking about 20 or so stepped into the room. His golden eyes made their way across the room, stopping on Zim's laid out form. The man shut the door with a click.
Zim looked at dib as his heart started to race a bit. He hadn't had a customer in about a week and look who had stepped in! He immediately knew who it was because of all the pictures and folklore, but somehow he had nobody following him. The man looked slightly over his shoulder before looking back at Zim.
"You've come for an appointment?.."
Zim asked as he stood up a bit.
"I have, they said there was something different about you,"
As he spoke Dib walked around the couch, eyes taking in Zim's everything.
"Something special."
He whispered as he held up Zim's chin and looked into faux lavender eyes. Zim blushed slightly as he held onto the humans arm and looked away a bit
"Y..yeah...that's probably the reason no one comes here."
He said quietly as he shifted his gaze back to Dib.
"I can't see why they wouldn't, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
His blush only deepened as he brought his face a bit closer to dibs
"You flatter me..."
Dib chuckled and ran his thumb up and down the side of Zim's face,
"Surely one as stunning as yourself would accept a kiss?"
Zim could feel Dib's warm breath as the prince awaited a response.
"I certainly wouldn't be against it."
He said as he held one of his hands in Dib's and kept his gaze on him. Dib smiled and joined their lips, Zim felt his heart flop about, other clients never asked if they could kiss him. The change was a breath of fresh air in the stagnant career he held. This was honestly the most amazing he had felt in awhile as he hesitantly put his hands on his shoulders. He let Dib do what he wanted, as that was his job of course and he wasn't going to mess this up.
Dib turned them around and sat on the couch, steadying one hand on Zim's waist, the other behind his head, Dib broke the kiss to breathe and caught himself staring in those lavender eyes again. Zim blushed a bit as he sat by his waist. His heart fluttered but he had to quickly stop himself. This was just a quick way of getting was a bad idea to form relationships.
"Gods, you're beautiful..."
Dib mumbled quietly, his pupils large with adoration. What he wouldn't do to have Zim be his personal servant, just sitting there being beautiful all day by Dib's side. He honestly didn't know what to say to the comment. Nobody had treated him like this before and in a way he felt special because of it as he smiled a bit and responded,
"T..Thank you.."
Dib smiled and awwwed quietly,
"You're welcome."
Dib hugged the smaller boy close unable to stop smiling, he was just adorable, Dib had to come back here soon.
Zim was a bit suprised by the hug. Why was Dib treating him this way? No one ever did... Wasn't Dib worried about the difference? Zim questioned himself as he hesitantly hugged him back.
Dib sighed happily before snapping to a different mindset, Zim was a prostitute, he didn't love Dib. Dib separated the hug and rubbed Zim's cheek gently,
"Now where were we?"
Dib asked as he drew closer to Zim for another kiss. Zim didn't hesitate to kiss him though he hated the thought of Dib being nice and then just leaving hurt him and he hated being hurt. He didn't show any emotion of that though as he was just focused on doing his job. Dib reached down to gently stroke Zim's thighs as he asked for entrance into Zim's mouth with a lick, Zim let him enter as he opened his mouth a bit and wrapped his arms around Dib. Dib hummed into Zim's mouth and pushed him lightly down on to couch, Dib felt around Zim's shockingly sweet mouth, it was as if the male had been eating nothing but candy, and Dib loved it.
Dib kissed Zim with more passion until he broke it to shoulder off his coat.
Zim got a bit nervous of the fact about the sweetness. He usually only ate candy but that was only because he really didn't like anything without sugar and he couldn't exactly eat anything without it.
" Your mouth is so sweet. I wonder if the rest of you is as delicious."
Dib smirked and licked his lips lightly, eyes scanning in the green boy's figure and the skin showing through his skimpy outfit. Zim's face immediately heated up as he looked off to the side a bit. He just had to keep reminding himself why he was doing this so that he didn't get too carried away.
Dib leaned down to kiss at Zim's exposed neck, he knew he shouldn't mark his pretty little neck as sadly Zim wasn't his, but what if he was? That thought made heat rush to his belly and Dib kissed Zim's neck and collarbones with more vigor. Zim bit his lip slightly when Dib started to kiss his neck as he held his hands on Dib's back. What was Dib doing? He wasn't supposed to be marked... Then he wouldn't be able to do this anymore and he needed the money. Dib drew back with flushed cheeks,
"Do you think you could undress darling?"
Zim nodded as he got up a bit and started to undress infront of Dib teasingly slow.
Dib bit his lip impatiently as Zim stripped torturingly slow. Dib whined despite himself and had to hold his hands clasped to stop himself from pulling Zim's clothes down like an animal. Zim finally got everything off as he turned around and sat down on Dib's lap with a teasing look on his face.
Dib practically drooled when he saw Zim fully undressed.
"Gods, you're the most majestic and amazing thing I've ever seen in my whole life."
Dib praised as if Zim were his new god. His body was smooth and warm, with no apparent nipples or scars, just beautiful supple skin. Zim blushed a bit more as he leaned against Dib and looked up at him. This had to be the nicest a client had ever treated him and he was honestly contemplating on just doing this for free.
Dib then remembered that he was fully clothed,
"Should I even the playing field?"
He said as he gestured to his button up shirt and tie. Zim noticed and got off of him to let him undress, how else were they supposed to do it?
Dib undid his tie and unbuttoned the pale blue shirt, throwing them to where his coat lay, then unzipped and unbuttoned his pants before pulling them and his boxers down, hopefully he wouldn't disappoint. Zim blushed a bit seeing his size. Yes he had seen bigger but, something just seemed different about Dib as Zim laid down on the couch infront of Dib.
"So, how would you like to go about this?"
Dib asked as he leaned forward onto his hands to stare into Zim's eyes again.
"Well, what positions do you perfer?.."
Zim asked as he looked up at Dib and did his best not to be intimidated. Dib cocked his head and scooted closer to Zim
"Well I'd like to lavish you with my tongue first of all then if you're up for more we'll discuss it."
Zim blushed as he looked at Dib and put his hands on his shoulders.
"You can do whatever you want."
Dib smiled reassuringly and sunk down on the couch, hands on Zim's bare thighs, he gave a timid lick which made Zim gasp, Dib looked up at Zim from between his soft thighs,
"You alright?"
Zim nodded as he leaned his head back a bit
"J..just getting used to it.."
He said as he let put shaky breaths. He hadn't done this in over a week so he had gotten fairly sensitive.

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