Chapter Two

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A week had passed since Dib had gone to the brothel and met Zim, and all that week his mind went running back, he had to see him again, maybe this time offer Zim a job at the castle, but less of a job and more of being Dib's eye candy.
Dib pulled on a cloak and opened his window, climbing out of the castle and making his way to see Zim again.
Zim was currently asleep at the moment as there was a sign on the door that read closed. He had been extremely tired lately and with only one other client he started to see the difference in the way he was treated.
Dib reached the brothel and went to make an appointment with the greasy clerk.
"I'd like a session with room number 27."
"Entrance fee?"
Dib placed down the gold coins in payment, the clerk swiping them into his pocket with a grin.
"Just to the left, third door down."
Dib nodded and made his way to Zim's room. Stopping once he saw the closed sign. Dib bit his lip and knocked.
Zim jumped a bit when he heard the knock on the door and he sat up. Who in their right mind would knock on a closed door?
He stopped thinking when he opened it and saw Dib as a small smile spread across his face and he opened it more for him to come inside.
"Sorry to disturb you, I just couldn't stay away another second."
Dib then caught sight of purple around Zim's eye.
"Did someone one hit you?"
Zim froze before answering,
"One of my clients was a little too rough..."
What Zim didn't tell Dib was how the 'client' was his boss taking a free service and when Zim made a noise he didn't like, his boss punched him, spat on him, and hissed our insults and slurs. Zim looked down a bit as he covered his face
"I..Im should probably wait until it goes away..."
Zim said as he tried to keep himself away from tears as he tried not to face Dib.
"Who the fuck did that to you?"
Zim flinched at Dib's hard tone and dib softened.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare I just- I want to beat the shit out of who did that,. How dare they hurt your beautiful self?"
Dib stroked Zim's cheek softly and pulled him close, petting his black 'hair'
"Shh, it'll be alright, I'm sorry."
Zim was basically crying now as he leaned against Dib and held onto his shirt.
" boss....he gets service for free a..and he beats me..."
Zim said as he did his best not to sound too dramatic. Dib held him close and wiped away his tears,
"You won't have to worry about him anymore."
"W...what do you mean?...i work here..w..without this job i won't be able to buy food."
Zim said worriedly as he looked at Dib.
"Zim, I want you to work for me instead. You wouldn't have to worry about money or food every again, I'd take care of you."
Zim looked at him and thought for a moment as he nodded a bit
"I'd appreciate that"
Zim said quietly. Dib smiled and hugged Zim tightly.
"You won't regret this, I promise you."
Dib's head hovered around Zim's neck. Gods he wanted to mark it show the world what was his, only his. Dib opened his mouth but shut it and but on his lip, Zim wasn't his. Not yet at least.
Zim rested his head near Dib's chest as he held onto him. Though some people questioned when Zim was taken out of his room as that was usually to mske a complaint and those were terrible. The greasy clerk asked from the desk,
"Oi, greeny? What you do wrong this time? Boss won't like any more complaints 'cuz a you."
Zim shivered and looked down a bit before speaking up
"I quit..."
He held onto Dib's arm and looked at the clerk. The clerk stood, rage in his eyes, he made his way over to hit Zim but Dib swiped him out from under his feet.
"Don't touch what's mine."
Dib growled as he gripped tighter onto Zim and stride out of the building, as they left the clerk yelled,
"He'll get you Greeny! You can't escape that easily. Bastards!!!"
Dib scooped Zim up and pulled the good of his cloak over his head as he began to run home. Zim held onto Dib tightly as he whimpered and curled up into his arms and held onto his shirt and let out small shaky breaths as he tried to keep himself from having a panic attack.
"We'll be there soon, then no one can ever hurt you again, and if they do? I'll have their head on a silver platter."
Dib stopping running as they reached the wall of the castle.
"Okay, we're gonna have to go through the passage then climb up the tower wall to my room."
Dib removed a brick from the wall and the ones above fell to reveal a small hole in the wall.
Once through the hole Dib crouched down,
"Get on my back and don't let go."
Zim nodded as he went through and wrapped his arms lightly around Dib's neck as the Irken got onto his back and held on. The castle? Zim had forgotten who had just smuggled him. The prince...was going to have Zim work for him? This had to be the best day ever. Once he placed the bricks back Dib began to scale the tower often looking back to make sure Zim was still attached, once they reached the top Dib entered his room through his window and laid Zim down on his big bed with soft blankets and pillows galore.
"Make yourself at home."
Dib closed his window and unclasped his cloak, hanging it up in his closet and stretching his arms. Zim looked around in pure awe as he laid down on the soft bed and smiled as he let out a happy sigh. It was good being away from all the abuse and panic, it was good being here. Dib turned back to Zim and sat on the edge of the bed
"You're comfortable?"
Zim nodded with his eyes shut, Dib chuckled and kissed Zim's forehead.
"I have to attend to my duties, why don't you get some rest?"
Zim nodded as he kissed Dib's cheek lightly and curled up to get some rest as he rested in the soft plush blankets. He only questioned how something so amazing happened to him. Dib smiled and locked the door so no one would bother his sleeping angel. Dib decided it was time to make that horrid man pay.
He knew that the boss of the brothel lived above it. So that's where he went, Dib had a dagger and enough hatred to kill a man.

The Crown Gets What the Crown Wants (royalty zadr au)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя