Well, deciding that I spent too much time adoring my daughters' sleeping faces, I woke them up with a simple shake.

"Ri-ri, Li-li, Mo-mo. Wake up. It's time for breakfast." I called out to them, and at first, they didn't budge, however, shaking them with more force worked as Andromeda was the first to open her eyes groggily, followed by Narcissa who nuzzled her face onto my bosom, then Bellatrix who grunted.

Andromeda: "G'morning mommy." the 'youngest' out of the three was the first to greet, lazily stretching her arms before leaning towards me.

Andromeda: "Mmm~~wua." she added a sound effect as she gave the tip of my lips a kiss.

Bellatrix: "Good morning, mother." the 'oldest' of the group greeted me next, pressing her forehead to my cheek and lazily kissing my jaw.

Narcissa: "Hehehe! Good~ morning mommy~!" the 'middle child' was the last to greet, and was the most energetic of the three. Placing a kiss on my lips, she immediately jumped out the bed and began humming as she scrambled for her clothes, her pajamas already off and thrown to the floor, showing off her petite, naked, form.

Narcissa, over the years, turned out to be very curious and optimistic, sometimes hyper and somewhat annoying, but also shy and adorable at the same time.

Bellatrix: "I'll go change too." my eldest mentioned as she slipped away from the bed, slowly undressing herself. But unlike Narcissa who threw her pajamas on the floor, she folded hers neatly and placed them on a nearby sofa.

Andromeda: "Riii~~~-ri~. Please get my clothes for me." my youngest lazily requested as she lay on the bed, slowly unbuttoning her pajamas.

Narcissa: "Okay~!" she replied with her usual cheery voice, easily finding her sister's preferred article of clothing from her closet, whilst not even properly fixing her skirt and still half-naked.

With a skip to her steps, she placed Andromeda's clothes next to her before she went back to her closet, finally fixing her skirt and wearing a simple, but expensive -quality wise-, red and white shirt. Twirling in place, she faced me with a giggle.

Narcissa: "Come on mommy! Let's go eat!" she exclaims as she jumps up and down, the smile on her face erasing any traces that she had just woken up. With a smile, I nodded and got down from the bed, the blanket sliding off me, showing off my see-through black nightgown.

As I walked towards my closet, Narcissa came to me with her hands behind her back, raising her head up slightly as she eyed my breasts. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "What is it, my little angelic princess?"

Narcissa: "Will my boobies get as big as yours?" she asks curiously, momentarily stunning me because of the sudden question.

"It would probably get as big as mine, as you are my daughter. But, maybe it won't. It's different for every woman. Why ask?" I answered before giving out my own question, wanting to know why she brought this out.

Narcissa: "Because I miss mommy's milk. My boobies are small, so they don't get any milk in them. And I can't bend my neck enough to suck my own boobies if I ever get milk." she explains, and a smile forms on my lips at her idea.

-I'll have to talk to her about that.- I thought to myself as I put on my robes.

"Sorry that I can't make milk anymore, Ri-ri." I tell her that, but honestly, with a little magic I could have allowed myself to lactate once again, same as when Narcissa was younger, as she wasn't naturally birthed from me. Bellatrix and Andromeda hadn't gotten a chance to feed from my breast milk as they only gained a human form when they were 2 years old.

Narcissa: "*She shakes her head* Nnn-nnn. Don't worry mommy, because I'll get my own milk from my own boobies!" she mentions and I couldn't help but laugh. Patting her head softly, I imagined myself from the future remembering this day and reminding Narcissa of her thought, most likely causing her to be embarrassed at herself.

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