"But the gun and the shouting?" Jihoon questioned, not wanting to be rude but that was his biggest worry. "I still think he deserves to rot." Rocky seethed, looking straight at Minghao. "He took away everything from us, we knew we were going to get sent here eventually but I didn't expect it to cost me one, maybe more of my friends and a useless arm." Rocky said, gesturing to the large scar that stopped him from being able to use it properly.

"You got rid of it too?"

Rocky nodded, "Bandits. They recognised the incision holes I suppose because they got us and they pinned us down and- and Jinjin tried to fight back but he- he didn't make it and then they cut both of our arms open, they must've done it before because they acted out this whole murderous narrative that confirmed us both dead so it wouldn't be questioned if the trackers went dead but I- I managed to get away. It was so painful and I couldn't help but think it should've been you." Rocky said, turning his attention back to an emotionless Minghao.

"Last night at the party I drugged you and your friend because I thought I could finally get justice for Jinjin but I never get what I want, never." Wonwoo's eyes widened upon hearing all this, suddenly caught in a mental battle about whether he should tell the pair what happened between them but as he began to think about it he realised-

"Wait, where's Jun?" He asked, the others looked around the circle to find him not there. "Shit." Wonwoo cursed as he hurriedly got up, leaving the others to ask any questions they needed.

"Jun?" He asked tentatively, pushing his door open. The boy was curled up in a ball, skin a few shades paler than usual with his cat in his arms. "Jun, you alright? Everything is fine downstairs I just-"

"Shh Won, I could hear I'm just- I did something really bad." His tone was like that of a guilty child, hugging into Aki more as he spoke. Wonwoo sighed, knowing he must remember at least a little, "I know, it's okay," He soothed, much like he'd done with Minghao. "Jun, the bar tender admitted to drugging you, you don't have anything to feel bad about, okay?"

"That's the thing but, why would I do that even when I was in that state? I thought I was changing Won. I really thought that I'd make things different with Minghao like we'd have some cute little love story or something and it was going so well, he was so much happier and I felt like I was finally doing something but now- Now I realise I can't change."

"But Jun you never needed to change, you never do anything out of hate, when we were little I was so desperate to be like you. I always felt like I had to look after everyone but you were always so carefree it really helped, even if you don't always feel valued you really are." Wonwoo reassured, grabbing his shoulders and pulling the older up to face him, "Now if you don't mind, the person you're sulking over being shitty to is in the lounge with a person who tried to kill him so please put on a brave face, I don't think he remembers so if you don't want to I mean technically-"

"No don't finish that sentence, I have to tell him. Oh god Wonu what if I was his first? What if-"

"Stop right there, stop worrying and just come on, yeah?" Wonwoo grabbed his arm and pulled him up, deciding not to comment on the way Jun refused to let go of his cat.

When they snuck in again the tone had shifted. "Don't you think we need to do something? This isn't right!" Rocky complained, "What are we supposed to do, take on the entire system because it's sketchy? Be realistic." Mingyu said, he'd taken a strong dislike to the younger's foolishness, huffing in his place.

"But it is wrong! Surely there's a way, some route in that no one has thought of."

"Look, kid, I don't care if you want to get yourself killed but we're happy here. Minghao is one of us now, we're sorry about your friend, it really wasn't something we want to do but we can't just drop everything for whatever ragtag scheme you're concocting." Seungcheol added.

Everyone knew the system was a mess but none of the boys had been affected by it other than Jeonghan and Minghao, one who hardly even opened up to everyone about it and the other who desperately wanted to come anyway.

"I found out about these people, they're really nice and they want change. I think I'm going to join them, isn't it the right thing to do? This is segregation and it's so fucked on so many levels. Maybe I was angry at Minghao, maybe I still am really fucking angry but don't you see? We can do something."

"Not we, you. We don't even know you," Jihoon added in at the ridiculous idea.

"Look Rocky, Minhyuk, I get where you're coming from really but I think you'll find it's not that bad here, it just takes a little bit of adjusting. I miss my family and friends everyday but now I have friends here and I'm learning to grow. I really hope you find Moonbin and Eunwoo unharmed but could you just let us stay as we are?" Jeonghan said, trying a lighter tone as he was the only one who had at least a little bit of sympathy.

"I guess you're right but I'm just so lost hyung, I- I'm living at the bar and I'm getting used to it but it just feels so wrong, you know?"

"I know." Jeonghan nodded. Sanha looked up, "I'm living there too, Myungjun is really nice and he never lets me out there at night but I don't mind it now!" Sanha said hopefully, smiling at his brother. "So you want to stay there, but you'll come visit though?" Sanha nodded. Jeonghan was a little bit apprehensive to have his brother anywhere near that environment but he figured in Odera it was unavoidable and it wasn't like he hadn't let him work in what was technically an underground club back in Healina.

"Ji just drive them home would you, I think that's enough excitement for today." Wonwoo said and the two boys complied, not without a dirty stare in Minghao's direction from Rocky. Mingyu made sure to threaten him loosely in the car as he joined Jihoon in the car, reassuring himself that the incident was impulsive and wouldn't happen again.

Wonwoo gave a look of sympathy to Jun sat quietly on the couch once they had left, "You should talk to him, you know you're the best at comforting him." He whispered, gesturing over to Minghao. Jun complied reluctantly, shuffling his way over to Minghao who was just sat on the couch slightly lifeless.

"Aki helps." He said simply, letting the cat fall from his arms to Minghao's side, she purred loudly at the familiar scent, rubbing her face into Minghao's arm which was able to make him form a hint of a smile. "She does."

Jun wanted to let out everything there and then but with everything that had happened he let himself just breathe for a little while, trying to let Wonwoo's words play in his head.

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