Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"Yeah." I nodded. 

"And that Marco?" He asked, dumping the empty containers in the trash can. 

I dumped the ones I was holding as well before turning around to walk back home. "He's Nicolas' friend." 

"And Nicolas is gay too?" He looked over to me. 

"Pan." I clarified. 

"Oh." He hummed. 

"And this Marco?" He questioned just as we were about to enter the apartment again. 

"Pan as well." I placed the keys on the table before turning to him. "Any more questions?" 

Tay thought for a moment before nodding. "I'd like to talk to Nicolas." 

I looked at him in surprise. "What for?" 

"To make sure he's good for you." Tay answered, closing the door behind him. 

He went to sit down on the couch, leaving me standing still in the hallway. 

A moment later, I faced him again before shaking my head. "We barely started talking a week ago." 

"So? Sounds like you both like each other. There shouldn't be any problem with just one call." He crossed his arms over his chest, looking determined. 

"I'm not doing this." I denied, firmly. 

"Why not?" 

He was obviously trying to act stubborn. I huffed in annoyance before marching over to him and taking a seat at the edge of the table. 

"One, it's too soon-" 

"No, it isn't." He retaliated, cutting me off. 

Ignoring him, I continued. "And two, he must be asleep already." 

He looked over to the clock on the wall beside him in confusion. "It's not even ten." 

"He wakes up before sunrise." I answered, trying to suppress the amusement over his confusion. 

"Wow." He sounded actually amazed while still staring at the clock. 

A chuckle escaped me as soon as I opened my mouth. "He's amazing. I know." 

When he didn't talk back to me, I decided to leave him to get the extra blanket and pillow for him to sleep. 


Tay and I stayed up talking for the most part of the night. We talked about what we had done for the past month and I told him about Nicolas as much as I could've without having to mention that he was a werewolf. 

Tay was still doubtful about Nicolas and I didn't blame him for that. After all, it was clearly my fault. The only thing I hadn't told him was the very reason for everything he thought was odd. 

He wasn't shy about expressing his concern about my safety and sanity for being so close to a not-your-regular young guy. But by the end of the night, we came to some terms which we both agreed upon. 

The most important thing for me was to keep Tay from insulting Nicolas any more and thankfully he agreed to it. His only condition was that he wanted to meet Nicolas and it wasn't negotiable. I had no other option but to agree to it. 

Thankfully, he didn't ask for it right away or even anytime soon. So that was something I wasn't going to worry about, not for a long time at least. After all, we all still had a long life ahead of us. 

"You think you'll be okay with this long distance thing?" Tay asked as soon as I came out of the shower. 

"What?" I asked, confused by his sudden question. 

"Your long distance relationship with Nicolas. You're okay with it?" He explained again. 

"I guess." I shrugged, drying my hair with the towel. 

"You guess?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"I mean, I don't know. I came back just two days ago." I said and left to hang the wet towel to dry. 

"You don't miss him?" He questioned once more as soon as he saw me again. 

"Why are you even asking so many questions?" I queried before taking a seat beside him. 

"I'm curious. Now tell me, do you miss him?" He turned to face me. 

"Yeah? Of course, I do. What kinda question is that?" I answered, shaking my head in disbelief. 

He hummed as if thinking of more questions to ask. 

"You know, we should be studying instead of wasting time like this." 

Instead of agreeing with me, I saw a smirk take over his face and he opened his mouth again. 

"No, shut up. No more questions. Or I'm going to kick you out." I threatened him with a glare. 


"No." I narrowed and gestured toward the gate. 

His smile faltered and he nodded reluctantly. 

I grinned widely, realising that for once I had managed to win against him. 


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