Chapter twenty five.

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"You guys here for Jade West?" The doctor asks.
"Yeah. Please tell me shes okay." Tori says.

The doctor sighs.

"Unfortunately not. She's faced multiple problems in the past that have been temporarily fixed. But they're unfortunately making her condition worse. I'm afraid she's only got about 15 minutes left. You guys can go in, pay your respects an  say your goodbyes." The doctor says.

Tori cries. Beck goes over to her and she hugs him.

"Come on. Lets go say goodbye." Beck says.

Tori nods.

They go in and see her with her eyes closed and a bunch of tubes sticking out of her.

"Jade. I know you probably cant hear this but i want to tell you that i love you and i always will. I dont wanna let you go. I love you so so much and it hurts. But you're gunna want me to move on. Throughout the time we've been together, I've loved every second because they've been with you. And now-." Tori says but stops.

Cat hugs her.

"And now there's not gonna be anymore. I promise you, that i wont ever forget you." Tori says.

Cat sits next to Jade.

"Hey. This hurts alot. I'm really going to miss you. All your sarcasm. You scaring eveyone with on look. All the funny jokes you would tell me. I remember once, you came to my house and told me a bedtime story because i couldn't sleep. I know you told me not to tell anyone this but it wont matter anymore. Jade, you've been my best friend since 3 months after we met. And I'm telling you, the whole time we've been friends, I've loved it. I'm gunna miss you." Cat says. Tears now streaming down her face.

Tori and Cat share a tight hug.

"Hey. Um. Man. I dont like goodbyes. Even less in this situation. I want to say that I'm sorry. Sorry for all the shit I've put you and Tori through. With your relationship. I'm so sorry about it all. But I'm glad we became friends again. All thanks to Tori. When you was with Tori, you became a completely different person. You forgave me, which i something that you've not done in a long time. I'm going to miss you so so much Jade. You have no idea. Sleep tight." Beck says.

André walks next to Jade.

"Hey Jade. I wanna say how much I've loved being your friend over the years. Not gunna lie, you scared me a lot throughout the period of our friendship but it was funny. I'm not just realising how important it is to have a friend like you Jade West. You dont lie to not hurt peoples feelings. You tell the truth. I've always admired that about you. At one point, i had a big crush on you. But i hid it deep down because i was scared of how you would react. But im now realising, that you wouldn't have cared. Rest easy." André says.

André and Beck share a tight hug. Robbie then walks up.

"Hey. I know me and you didn't get along a lot of the time and i know i irritated the life out of you sometimes but i just wanna say that throughout the time that I've known you, you've helped me realise that i have to stick up for myself and for that I'm greatful Jade. Being friends with a Jade West had been the best thing ever. And i wanna thank you for being my friend. I love you Jade. Sleep well." Robbie says.

Robbie and Cat hug. Tori holds onto Jade's hand. She starts to slowly feel her pulse go until there is no pulse.

"No. No no no no. No we c-can stil help her." Tori says.
"Tori." Beck says.
"No! I'm not losing another person i love. I lost Trina because of what happened between her and Jade. I'm not and i repeat NOT losing Jade!" Tori says raising her voice.

Beck nods. He runs and gets a doctor.

"I'm sorry but she's...." The doctor goes to say.

The doctor nods and calls for some other doctors. The use defibrillators. A tiny pulse comes. Tori smiles.

"Thank you." Tori says to the doctor.
"I know how it feels to lose a loved one miss. I lost my daughter when she was little. She had cancer. Spent 3 years trying to beat it. But in the end, it won." The doctor says.
"I'm sorry about your daughter." Tori says.

The doctor nods. Jade has picked up a steady pulse again.

"You really didn't wanna give up on her." Beck says.
"Why would i?" Tori asks.

They all sit and wait for Jade to wake.

Tori ends up falling asleep with her head resting on the bed Jade is on.

André falls asleep with his head on Beck's shoulder.

Beck falls asleep with his head on André's head.

Cat falls asleep in Robbie's arms.

Robbie falls asleep resting his head on Cat's head.

At 2:30am, Jade wakes up. She looks around and then down at Tori. Tori stretches at looks up to see Jade awake.

"Jade. Oh my god. JADE!" Tori yells quietly.

The others jolt awake. Tori pulls Jade into a hug as well as the others.

"What happend?" Jade asks.
"You fell asleep the other night and didnt wake up. Something must've happened to you in your sleep because you had no pulse when i woke up. Wheb the doctor let us come see you, he said you had about 15 minutes left. When your pulse stopped, i got the doctor to do something and when your pulse became steady, we fell asleep." Tori says.

Jade smiles.

"You got the doctor to save me?" Jade asks.
"Yep." Tori says.
"You weren't gunna let me go were you?" Jade asks.
"Why should i? I love you." Tori says.
"I love you too." Jade says.

They all hug again.

I Think I'm In Love ~Jori~Where stories live. Discover now