Chapter two.

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After school, Beck drops Tori at home and then goes home himself. When at home, his phone tings.

Side girl x
Heyy its 4pm. I texted at 4pm like you said so your girl wouldn't catch you.

Hey girl. I'll be over in 10. Im just gunna change into something more comfortable.

He puts his phone in his pocket. When he puts his shoes on, his phone tings.

Tori my one and only 😍❤
Hey Beck. I was thinking maybe we could go to Nozu for a bit. If you wanna xx

He then looked at the message from 'side girl' and decided to text her again.

Hey, i dont think we can keep this up anymore. I have a girlfriend. I know i shoulda thought of this before last night but it was a one time only thing and it wont happen ever again.

Side girl x
Beck are you serious? You have a girlfriend? Who is she?

Your sister.

Side girl x

Yeah. Please i beg of not to tell her and to delete my number after this convo.

Side girl x
Okay. I'll do it for my sister. She's had one to many heart breaks in the past and i dont think i can see her like that ever again. I will stop texting you and delete your number.

Thank you Trina.

Beck deletes her number and texts back Tori.

Hey babe, sorry it took time to answer, had to double check with my mom and dad if it was cool xx

Tori my one and only 😍❤
I thought you lived under your own rules xx

Unfortunately not when it comes to going out with people xx

Tori my one and only 😍 ❤
Okay babe am i meeting you there xx

No I'll come and pick you up xx

Tori my one and only 😍 ❤
Okay babe see you soon xx

Tori put her shoes on and Trina walked downstairs.

"Hey Trina." Tori says.
"Heyyy baby sis." Trina says.
"What are you hiding?" Tori asks.

'Damn it all to hell' Trina thought.

"What? Absolutely nothing baby sis." Trina says.
"You only call me baby sis when you're hiding something." Tori says.

Trina was about to tell her when the doorbell rang. Tori answered it and saw Beck stood there.

"Hey." Tori says.
"Hey. Wanna get going?" Beck says.
"Yeah. Just lemme grab some money." Tori says.
"Babe. I'm paying." Beck says.

Tori goes to argue but Beck his finger on her lips.

"I'm taking you so I'm paying babe." Beck says.
"Okay. So if i take you somewhere, do i pay?" Tori asks.
"Nope. I'm still paying." Beck says.

Tori giggles at his dumb logic.

"That's some pretty weird logic Beck." Tori says.
"I tend to have some weird logic." Beck says.

Tori giggles again.

(Imagine that Jade's dad is nice. For the sake of this story.)

Jade walks through her bedroom door and throws her scissors and multiple other pairs of scissors at the wall angrily and then screams. Her dad knocks on her bedroom door.

"Jade?" He says.
"Go away!" She yells.

He walks in and sits on her bed.

"Dad i said go away. I want to be alone." Jade demands.
"Jade come here." Her dad says.
"I SAID I WANNA BE ALONE!" She yells, her eyes watering.

He walks over to her and pulls her into a hug while she cries. He starts to calm her down. When she's calm, she tells him what's wrong.

"Why don't you just tell them how you feel?" He asks.
"Because they're in a relationship dad." Jade says.
"Still. Tell them. Get it off your chest." Her dad says.
"I cant. They're both gunna hate me forever if i do." Jade says.

He nods.

"You just need some time to wrap your head around your feelings and when you're ready, go tell them." He says.

Jade nods. She gets onto her bed and gets comfortable. Her phone rings. Tori. She answers it.

"What's wrong Tori?" Jade asks
"I need someone to talk to." Tori says with a broken voice.
"I'm coming over. I'll be there in 10." Jade says.
"Thank you." Tori says.

The call ends. Jade and Tori may not look as if they're friends but in reality, they are. Best friends have been since day one. Well, half way through day one. Jade randomly pored coffee over her head.

When she gets to Tori's house, she knocks on the door. Trina opens the door.

"Not the Vega i was expecting. But sure. Where's Tori?" Jade asks.
"In her bedroom crying her eyes out." Trina says.

Jade nods and runs to her room. She knocks on the door.

"Beck if thats you, fuck off. Trina if thats you, fuck off. Mom, Dad, if that's you, go away." Tori says.

Jade opens the door.

"Good thing I'm not one of them four then." Jade says.

Tori looks at her and giggles.

"Come here." Jade says with her sympathetic voice.

Jade opens her arms and Tori runs into them. Tori burst into tears and Jade rubs her back trying to calm her down. When she stops crying, they sit down on her bed.

"So, why am i going to kill Beck?" Jade asks cracking her knuckles.

Tori laughs sadly.

"Dont kill him. I'm just mad at him." Tori says.
"All the more reason for me to kill him." Jade says smiling.

Tori laughs a little happier this time.

"So what did he do?" Jade asks.


Wanna find out what happened?

I will gladly tell you.

Well, Tori

Joking I'm not telling you what happened. You gotta wait for chapter three to find out.


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