Chapter six.

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"So anyway, what happened when i fell asleep?" Matt asks.

Jade takes a quick sip from the glass of water Matt gave her.

"Basically, her and Beck got into an argument and at like 2am, she came here. She tried to leave but i yanked her back inside. Anyway, she started telling me what happened and i think we fell asleep. I have no idea how she got like that." Jade says.

He nods.

"So can i ask a question?" Matt asks.
"Water me first." Jade says.

He passes her the straw and she sips from it.

"So what's your question?" Jade asks.
"Do you like Tori?" Matt asks.
"As a friend." Jade replies.
"No you know what i mean Jade." Matt says.

She inhales a little to hard and chokes on thin air. Matt giggles. Tori moves slightly and Jade stops breathing. When Tori stops moving, she opens her eyes knowing neither of them can see her.

'I wonder what she's gunna say.' Tori thinks to herself.

"You gunna answer the important question then?" Matt asks.
"Water me." Jade says.

She takes a sip from the straw again.

"If I'm gunna be honest with you Matt, I do like her but in more than a friend way. I don't understand it though. It makes no sense. There's just something about her you know." Jade says.

He nods.

"How long have you felt this way?" Matt asks.
"About.... a few years." Jade says.

He inhales really hard forgetting he's got water in his mouth and starts choking on it. Jade starts patting his back to stop him choking. When he eventually stops, she nods.

"Exactly." Jade says.
"Why didn't you tell her when you had to chance to?!" Matt says trying not to wake Tori up.
"You seem to forget how much of a pussy i am when it comes to this stuff Matt." Jade says.

He laughs.

"So you've kept this hidden deep down inside you for two years because you were too scared to tell her?" Matt asks.

Jade nods.

'Holy shit. She likes me. I cannot let her know i know.' Tori thinks to herself.

"The thing is Matt, you and me both know that i dont do well when it comes to telling people how i feel. Especially when it comes to relationship shit. I suck at it and I've kept the truth about my feelings hidden for nearly three years. I know i shoulda shot my shot when i had the chance but i didn't have the guts to do it and now i cant because i was a pussy about it. It sounds like a dumb cliché but the thing is, when I'm around her, i feel different. I've never had that feeling around anyone ever and thats why i know i feel something strong towards Tori." Jade says.

Matt nods.

"I understand what you mean. Is it like a whirlpool is destroying your stomach?" Matt asks.
"Water me." Jade says.

She takes a sip and nods at his previous question.

"Yep. Been like that for nearly three years. It's like butterflies and everytime i see her, its like they're hatching even more butterfly babies inside me. But can i say anything to anyone? No because my best friend is dating my best friend. I dont make moves on people in relationships." Jade says.
"That's smart." Matt says.

Jade looks at her pear phone and sees that it's 10 am.

"Look at her and see if she's awake." Jade mouths.

He sits up slightly and sees both her eyes open looking straight up at the ceiling.

He sits down again.

"Asleep?" Jade mouths.
"Awake." Matt mouths.

Jade's eyes wide.

"Fuck it all." Jade mouths into the air.

Tori stretches pretending she's just woke up.

"Tori i know you've been awake and i also know you heard everything i said." Jade says.
"Maybe." Tori says.

Tori sits up allowing Jade to breathe properly again. Tori goes to talk but Jade stops her.

"No we're not talking about it. Before you even ask." Jade states.

Tori nods.

A few minutes later, Tori puts her shoes back on and starts to leave.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Jade asks.
"Home. You know that place i live." Tori says.
"How are you getting there?" Jade asks.
"Well i was planning on flying there." Tori says sarcastically.
"Ha. Ha. Lemme drive you home. It's raining and i dont want you getting ill." Jade says.

Tori nods.

Matt chucks Jade her keys and Jade puts her shoes on. When Jade pulls up at Tori's house, Jade unlocks the door and lets her out.

She backs out of her drive and pulls up a little further in front of her house and starts hitting the steering wheel.

"Why'd i have to talk about it when she was at house?!" Jade yells.

She punches the steering wheel causing it to beep.

Tori walks in and hears a random beep. So her instincts are to go look. She goes outside and sees Jade's car.

"Um." Tori says to herself.

Trina comes click clacking out in her dumb heels.

"Is my man here?" Trina asks.
"No. It's Jade. She's punching her steering wheel again." Tori says.

She runs up to the car to see Jade angrily punching the steering wheel.

"Thats what i thought." Tori says.

She opens to car door and Jade instantly looks at her.

"Vega? You leave something?" Jade asks pretending that she didn't just spend about 5 minutes brutally beating up her poor steering wheel.

Tori shakes her head and gets in the passenger's seat.

"Why'd you brutally beat your steering wheel?" Tori asks.

You like her, she's sat RIGHT there. KISS HER! She's dating Beck. Thats not fair. I cant do that. Not to a mans girl. I dont do that shit.

Jade shrugs her shoulders and Tori nods. She leaves the car allowing Jade to go home.

When she gets home, Matt smirks.

"Have fun?" He asks.
"Shut up." Jade says.

I Think I'm In Love ~Jori~Where stories live. Discover now