Chapter twenty.

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Jade leaves Tori's house and hears her crying. When Jade gets home, Matt walks over and pulls her into a tight hug.

"Hey." Matt says.
"Hey. You alright?" Jade asks.

Matt shakes his head.

"What happened?" Jade asks.
"Joey told me he didn't wanna be my friend anymore." Matt says.
"Why does that little turd not wanna be mates with you?" Jade asks.

Matt shrugs.

"Dunno. He said he doesn't wanna be my friend. We were in this treehouse his dad built him when he told me. I nodded climbed out and ran home." Matt says.
"That little shit." Jade says.

Jade tightens the hug and sits on the couch with him.

"So does this finally mean i get to kill him?" Jade asks.

Matt laughs.

"I suppose. If you wanna." Matt says.
"I was joking. Good to know you share my sense of humour." Jade says.
"Where's Tori? You normally hang with Tori." Matt says.
"She broke up with me." Jade says.
"What?! Why?" Matt asks.
"Cos our friend Beck kissed me. I tried to push him off but he didn't let go. Then Tori saw us. I tried to tell her that i didnt kiss him but she told me that we're over and to go." Jade says.

Matt looks at her.

"And you actually let her go?" Matt asks.
"Yeah." Jade says.
"Well that was dumb." Matt says.
"I think she just needs time to accept what happened." Jade says.

Matt nods.

"How about me and you open a few bags of popcorn get comfy and watch a scary movie?" Jade suggests.
"I like the sound of that." Matt says.
"Where's dad by the way?" Jade asks.
"Work. He left about 5 minutes before you got home." Matt says.

Jade nods.

Tori is sat on her bedroom floor looking through her messages with Jade. Then she decides to text Beck.

T: Beck.
B: Tori i am so so sorry. I dont know what came over me earlier.
T: I just wanna know why.
B: I dont know. I am really sorry Tori.
T: Did you do it just to spite me? Or the fact that you just cant accept that i moved on?
B: What do you mean?
T: What i mean is can you not stand the fact that i moved on. Is that why you're with André?
B: You wanna know the truth? Fine. I hate the fact that you moved on. It kills me. I dated André to try and make you jealous. Just the tiniest bit jealous. Cos i thought that if you saw me with André, you might get jealous, break up with Jade and come back to me.

Tori sighs.

T: Beck, i found the one thing that made me happy. That was you. Then you cheated on me with MY OWN FUCKING SISTER! But, i decided that i would forgive it. But you call me to tell me that YOU CHEATED ON ME AGAIN! AND THAT WE NEED TO BREAK UP! You made the choice to fuck up our relationship. Then you have the fucking audacity to get jealous when i move the fuck on?! You ruined the one good thing that happened to me. Out of fucking jealousy. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP THAT IS?! ITS PRETTY FUCKED UP! I BROKE UP WITH JADE! ARE YOU HAPPY?! YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED IN THE END! Just stay the fuck away from me Beck.

Read at 5:30pm.

Tori stands up, screams and punches a wall. Trina walks in.

"Well well well. The black sheep has fucking returned. Welcome home Trina. You here to kick me out again because of Jade? Well this should be music to your fucking ears. ME AND JADE BROKE UP! SO DONT FUCKING TEST ME!" Tori says yelling the last part.

When she shouted, Trina flinched.

"No Tori. I came to say sorry. I dont know why i got the way i got. I think it was down to the fact that i didnt wanna see you get hurt." Trina says.

Tori scoffs.

"So basically what your saying is that you did what you did because of me. Why am i not fucking surprised Trina?! WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED!" Tori yells.

Trina flinches again.

"Sorry. I'm just not in the best of moods right now. I just need to sleep." Tori says.

Jade fell asleep half way through the movie as did Matt. The next morning, Jade gets up, gets dressed, takes Matt to school and then goes to school herself.

At school, she sees Tori at her locker. Tori slams her locker and looks at Jade. Jade puts on a fake smile but Tori looks angry and goes into the janitors closet. Jade follows.

"Tori?" Jade says.
"No." Tori says sternly.
"Tori come on. You didnt even let me..." Jade tries to say but gets cut off by Tori.
"Save it Jade. I'm not interested." Tori says.

Jade looks down.

"Wow. Really thought you woulda let me explain." Jade says.

Tori scoffs and stands up. She walks to Jade and stops when their faces are inches apart.

"Sorry to disappoint but when i saw you and Beck, it hurt. You know thats not even the worst part." Tori says.

She sits down. Jade sits next to her.

"Whats the worst part?" Jade asks.
"He did it out of jealousy. He thought that if i saw you two kiss, he would get me back. He thought that if i ended it with you, he could come crawling back into my life like some fucking disease." Tori says.

Tori sighs.

"Tori please just let me explain it." Jade says.

Tori looks at Jade and shakes her head.

"Tori come on!" Jade yells.
"I DONT WANNA HEAR IT JADE! I dont care anymore. I just dont care." Tori says.

Tori's eyes start watering and she leaves Jade alone in the janitors closet.

Okay so u might not like me very much rn but it gets better. I promise xx

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