Chapter 5. Fireworks & Butterflies

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My alarm rang at 6:30 am.

I was getting out of bed, but something was holding me tight around my waist. That's when I remembered that Niall had slept here. I looked at him and he was smiling while he was sleeping. I smiled and tried to untangle his hands from my waist slowly. After I was free, I put a pillow between his hands so he would think that he's hugging me instead. I showered, did my morning routine, got dressed then went to wake up Niall.

"Hey Niall,  wake up we have school"

He groaned "Ugh ... What time is it ?"

I looked at my watch "It's 7:10. You should wake up"

"Fine, just give me 5 minutes"

"No, get up now ! If you want to be able to finish your breakfast ......"

At these words, he got up quickly and and started getting ready. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to make breakfast for us. I made chocolate chip pancakes with a glass of milk and honey.

(A/N: A spoon full of honey, you put it in the glass instead of sugar. If you haven't tried it, try it !! It tastes really good).

He came down running when he smelt the aroma of the pankcakes.

"You did this ?!" He asked astonished.

"Yeah, why ?"

"It looks and smells AMAZING !!!"

I just chuckled and shook my my head "Thank you"

"Ahhh, am I in heaven ?"

God, this boy is crazy, but I love him.

Wait, what ?

WHAT ?!?!?!

Did I just say that I love him ?!

I thought I didn't ......

But .... I have to admit that when I kissed him mid sentence, I felt fireworks and butterflies in my tummy. I was happy from the inside out. I know he doesn't love me the way I do but, I don't want to lose hope. You might wonder why I said that he wouldn't love me back ? Well, he's the biggest nerd in school and would probably fall in love with a nerd, not a popular girl who used to have friends that are bitches. I don't really like my friends that I USED to have, especially Sally and Mark. They bullied Niall the most. I felt so sorry for him. He has to put up with the pain everyday just because he's a nerd.

Last week, I met this girl in school named Jessica. She's sweet and nice. She wouldn't hurt a fly, so she doesn't bully Niall. In fact, She's a little nerdy and doesn't have friends. We got on really good. Me and Niall are going to meet her today at school. At first, Niall was a little hesitant, but when I told him that she's like him, he agreed.

I looked at the clock to see that it's 8:00. We have to go now since school starts at 8:30 and it takes me 30 minutes to arrive from my house.

"Ready to go, Ni ?"

He came running from my room dressed just like yesterday, smiling.

"Yeah, let's go"

- Niall's P.O.V -

While Jasmine was driving, I was thinking about how she kissed me mid sentence. I was surprised. I never thought she would kiss me, but when she did ...... I couldn't stop thinking about it. I felt fireworks and butterflies in my belly. I was on cloud 9.

I just love her !!!

What ?!

Love her ?!?!?!?!

I love her ?!?!?!

I know this seems stupid, but after thinking about it I realized that I DID love her. It's the way she lights up the whole world in her smile. The way she laughs. The way she talks ..... Everything about her is so irresistible. Now that I think of it, she would NEVER EVER love me. She's the most beautiful popular girl in the world. Everyone's crazy about her. I don't want to get my hopes up, because I know that she wouldn't go for a boy like me.

"We're here" She announced.

We were getting out of the car when Jessica came running towards us.

"Hello, Jasmine and Niall. I have some bad news"

"What ?" I asked nervously.

"Mark and his gang are going to beat you up for hanging out with Jasmine"

"What ?!" Jasmine shouted angrily. I never seen her this angery before .... Not that I knew her for years. It's only been two weeks and a day since I first talked her. I even marked it on my phone's calendar.

On August 25, 2011.

The day we first talked.

"Calm down, Jasmine" Jessica said.

"No. I'm not going to let that happen. If they want to fight with Niall, then they should fight with me first" She said seriously.

"Mizzie, don't do tha ......." I tried to say, but she cut me off.

"No. I said NO. They're not gonna beat you up Ni. I'm your best friend, and I would do anything to keep you safe"

My heart ached when she said 'best friends', but what hurts more is that it's true. We're only best friends.

All I want for us is to be together. I want to be able to call her mine. I want  to feel her lips against mine. I want to sleep with her in the same bed. (Not in a dirty way) I want to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck while she's making breakfast. All I want is her. Nothing else. But the most irritating thing is that I can't have her.

- Jasmine's P.O.V -

When I said we're only 'best friends' I wanted to be home laying on my bed and crying. I want us to be more. I want us to be far away from best friends. I want us to be soul mates, to never leave each others side, to be loved by him, to feel his hands playing with my hair, but all I know is that these things aren't going to happen because I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way.

Little did I know.

Endless Love (Nerdy Niall Horan Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora