Chapter 20. The End

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~ 4 Years Later ~

- Jasmine's P.O.V -

Time passed by fast. A lot of things changed.

Niall and I got married 2 years ago and we're living awesomely with a baby boy named Daniel. He has Niall's eyes and hair, my lips and nose. Niall decided to propose on our second anniversary. The proposal was really romantic and beautiful simultaneously.

Liam and Danielle are happily engaged with a baby girl on the way. We all thought Liam was the most responsible one out of us, but I guess we were all wrong.

Louis and Eleanor got married a year ago, and she's 3 months pregnant. When Louis found out El was pregnant, he told every person he saw on the streets that he's gonna be a dad. All they did was look at him like he's insane and some were so nice, they congratulated him. Some of them even laughed !

Zayn and Perrie are married. They're on their honeymoon right now. They will come back after a week.

Harry and Jessica are still dating, but he's planning on proposing to her on Valentine which is in 3 days. Sadly, Zayn and Perrie will miss the proposal.

At the moment, Niall is playing with Dani, while I watch them from kitchen as I eat my banana. I could hear their laughter from the living room and I instantly smiled. Niall was the best dad a child can ask for. Ever since Dani was born, Niall became more childish and imature. But that didn't stop him from changing the diaper, or showering Dani.

"Niall, give me Daniel, it's time to feed him" I said, walking over to him.

I sat down on the couch, unbuttoned my nightie and unclipped my bra, then Dani started sucking and drinking.

"I'm next, by the way" He winked.

"In your dreams, Horan" I smirked.

"But he gets more action than me ! That's so unfair ! I'm supposed to be the one who gets all the action" Ni whined, pouting and crossing his arms.

"You'll get more action later, when he's asleep. Not now. Go order some pizza, I'm hungry" I sighed, giving in because if I didn't give in now, he would be whining all week.

"Ok ! I'm good with that" He got up quickly and ran with excitement to the telephone. I Told you he was more childish ..........

20 minutes later, a knock was heard. Niall opened the door, paid the delivery guy and sat next me after placing the pizza on the table. Dani is sleeping and I'm very happy with Niall not bringing up the breastfeeding topic.

It seemed like Niall just read my mind because after the thought of breastfeeding, Niall said "Don't think I don't remember anything about earlier. When we finish eating, you'll feed me"

"Sure" I mumbled carelessly since I was busy with the pepperoni in my hand.

● ● ●

"Let's invite the guys" I suggested. There's nothing to do. Dani is sleeping, and Niall was whining about the breastfeeding topic a lot. I was going insane and this isn't the time to go to a mental hospital. I have a child I need to take care of.

"I'm fine with that" He said smiling, finally letting go of the topic.

We haven't seen the guys in a week, which is kind of weird because we were always together.

I called Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie and Jessica and told them to come to our house at 6 o'clock with the boys.

Right now, Niall and I are setting up the bonfire. We have the marshmallows, biscuits, wooden sticks and other food. The guys arrived and each couple sat on a comfy big chair around the bonfire and wrapped themsleves with blankets.

"Remember when Louis was scared of a small bug in Bora Bora just because it had a strange shape ?" Liam asked, making as us all crack up at the memory.

"Or when Niall got stung by a jellyfish and Harry had to pee on his thigh because we didn't have any vinegar" Jessica clutched her stomach while laughing so hard.

"And Niall's reaction when he found out Harry's going to pee on him was the best" I hysterically laughed at him. Everybody chuckled while Niall just pouted, but eventually joined us.

"Can anybody believe that here we are, older, most of us are parents, had a successful future and we're still the same friends we were 6 years ago ?" Louis questioned seriously.

All of us were shocked at Lou's seriousness. Especially in this moment, because we were all laughing and suddenly he became so serious.

"To be honest with all of you, I never imagined my future will end up like this. I thought I would go to college after high school, study architecture, get a job and get married to a guy I fell in love with in my collage. But all of these didn't happen. I never went to college. I didn't get a job at an architecture company. Neither did I get married to a boy I met in college. My future didn't go the way I planned it, but I couldn't be happier" Danielle said, her eyes watering with happy tears. We all agreed while Liam smiled at her and kissed her forehead. Everybody aw'd at their cuteness, including Niall and me.

"I'm so happy that my life turned out like this" I whispered in Niall's ear.

"I'm happy too. You know why ? Because I met you, the love of my life. I married you, I had your child. I would go on, but the guys are around. I'll continue later tonight" Niall grinned.

We both got lost into each other's eyes. All the memories we shared together flashed through my mind. From the very first time we talked till now.

"I Love you, princess" Ni's face got closer to mine.

"I love you too, Nialler" I replied, leaning in.

Our lips touched and the kiss felt just like the first kiss we had. All the fireworks, sparks and butterflies in my belly whenever we touch are still the same.

Now I know, I'll always be grateful for our English teacher for placing us next to each other. Why ? Let me explain. If Mr.Collins didn't put me next to Niall, I wouldn't be here. So basically, by changing the seats' arrangement, he found my future. Niall was my future, the father of my child, my best friend, the best boyfriend that turned to my fiancé then to my husband. I also know that we'll never fall out of love because after all our love will always be Endless Love.

The End

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