you just need to pluck up the courage to tell him

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It's been a week now and me and Montgomery still haven't spoken. I see him making out with a new girl everyday and breaks my heart.  I mean that's probably just the hormones talking right? Sometimes we would catch each others eyes for like 2 seconds but then one of us would break it. I can't help but think if he's kissing all those girls to get over me. Did he really love me and I just went crazy without on him.

"Riley you in there?" Hannah asks.

I shake my head. "Yea sorry." I say. She smiles and puts her hand on my shoulder she gives me and "it's ok I understand." Look.

Jeff and Scott walk over to us. That's also something I haven't told you me and the girls decided to tell Scott and Jeff since there my best friends. "Hey baby momma how you doing." Jeff asks while walking over.

I chuckle at his words. "Not very well."

He smirks then pulls me in for a hug. I see monty watching us from a distance but he stops when he sees me looking back at him. "So question..
When the hell are you gonna tell him?" Scott asks.

I roll my eyes. "Well it's hard when I went crazy on him last week." I say

They all chuckle. "Well if you told him  sure he'd understand they were just your hormones." Chloe says.

"Or he'll become a dead beat and leave us both...oh wait he's already done that."

"Well he doesn't know yet." Ani says.

I roll my eyes again. "I'm just...I'm not ready and why should he even find out when he's to busy shoving his tounge down some whore's throut."

Everyone laughs again. "OK I get ya." Jeff says. And everyone agrees.

"Well let's go over to the other guys." Chloe says.

Sheri and ani hold hands with Scott and Jeff and I smile at how cute they are.

We get over to the other guys and the girls join their boyfriends. "Hello ladies." Justin says. And everyone laughs.

"Can you stop." I say jokingly.

"So how are you then riles." Charlie asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "Meh I'm doing OK to be honest."

"Sureee you are." Alex says.

I playfully smack his arm which makes him chuckle.

Monty and the new slut who ive learnt the name of "emily rose" walk over to our group and I roll my eyes. "Sup guys." Monty says while dabbing zach up.

A few of my girls stand around me as if they are protecting Me. "Wow mon you have quite the large group." She laughs.

He smirks. And out eyes lock.

Monty's pov

I can tell she's hurt and I'm glad. I'll never admit it to anyone but her not trusting me really hurt me. Our eyes don't escape from each other and as much as I want to I can't seem to leave her beautiful brown puppy dog eyes. All I want to do is shove her against the lockers and make out with her but I know I can't.  Her eyes eventually break the contact and I frown before quickly pulling myself together.

"Yea it is a big group that your not invited to!" Jess snaps.

"Jess." Riley whines. Jess looks at her apologetically.

"Sorry riles." She says.

"Ugh whatever I don't wanna be in your stupid group anyway since I have all I want right here." Emily looks at me.

I smirk. Me and Emily aren't a thing but she's one of the best damn hookups I've had since me and Riley.  "Well your not wrong." I say.

They guys all look at me and zach gets in my face. "Listen here you little twat, I'm your mate but when Riley left me I made sure she was happy with you first and she was and now look your fucking breaking her hea-"

"Zach shut up!"  Riley says.

He looks at her wide eyed. "No Riley he's hurting you and we all know it! We've tried to stay friends with yall but it's fucking hard when you don't speak to each other. And I can see your hurt all the fucking time which pisses me and the rest of the guys off. So monty you either choose your little fuck buddies or your friends." He says.

At first I'm a little shook about everything he just said but I play it off like I don't care. "So what your saying is you guys or sex?" I asks chuckling.

"Montgomery it's not funny!" Chloe says.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

"No offense guys but I think any guy would choose me over yall lot any day." Emily says.

I turn to her. "Um..yea that's not what's happening..bye." I say smirking.

She gasps. "What!"

The guys chuckle behind me. "He said bye bye bitch." Sheri says.

She stomps her foot squeals and takes off.

"You chose right dude." Jeff said.

"Yea but  really confused does this mean like no more sex for me now." I say.

"No just don't bring your bitchy hoes back to us." Jess says causing everyone to laugh.


After us guys gets engrossed in a conversation I look behind me. Riley looks upset still and then she runs off to the bathrooms. The girls all look at each other then run off after her.

"Dude I still cane believe she's still ill." Justin says.

Scott and Jeff look at each other. "Were gonna see if she's OK." Scott says.

"Well we'll come to." Alex says.

"No! Um I'm mean we'll be right back." Jeff says.

We all look at each other confused but I shrug it off.

Riley's pov

Hannah  hands me mouthwash that she's specially packed for me. I laugh a little. "Thanks han." I say.

She gives me a sympathetic smile. "No problem."

"It's gotten worse." I say while the tears starts running down my cheek.

"Oh hon don't cry." Sheri says while hugging me. The other girls get down to my level as well.

"I can't help it these stupid fucking hormones." I say.

"If it makes you feel better I find you cute when you cry." Chloe says.

I smile.  "Thanks chlo."

She gives me a smile and starts playing with my hair.

We hear a knock on the bathroom door and we all look at each other confused.

"Do you need to knock to enter the bathrooms now." Ani says while smiling.

Jess goes to open the door and sees Jeff and Scott standing there. "Of course it's you guys." She says.

They laugh. "Well we can't exactly come in can we." Scott says. Which makes us all laugh.

"You doing OK riles?" Jeff asks. I nod my head then after a minute I shake it and start crying all over again.

We walk out if the bathroom and I fall into Jeff's arms. "I can't do this alone." I whimper.

He strokes my hair. "Your not alone." He says.

"I think she means without monty." Hannah says.

Scott hugs me now. "Riles you just need to pluck up the courage to tell him." Scott tell me.

I wipe my tears away. "OK. " I whisper.

The girls hug me now. I love them all so much. "I'll do it Saturday at zach's party."

They look at me confused. "That way I can get him alone."

They nod their head at me understanding and then pull me into a hug again.


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