the steps

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Riley's pov

I wake up to my alarm forgeting monty was next to me until I hear a groan. I turn round and there he is. I freak out when I notice he has no shirt on. He turns round. "Do you have to have an alarm." He says. Still stunned I say "oh shut up." And I get up.

He smirks. And grabs his shirt which was on the floor. "Bet you wish we did it last night huh." He says.

I roll my eyes. "Shut you gob Montgomery I have a boyfriend" I say.
He laughs.


We've just about finished breakfast. Bryce still isn't home so I assume he went straight to school. "Do ya want a ride to school." I ask.

Monty raises his brow. "You drive?" He says.

I sigh. "Yes I just choose not to." I say.

He laughs. "Fine."

We walk out and get into my car. Monty gets in the front and I turn the car on. "Should I be prepared. " he says.

I roll my eyes. "Shut up I'm a good driver." I say.

He laughs. "Fine whatever." He says and we take off.

We're halfway there and I feel monty's eyes on me. "What?" I say.

He looks back out of his window. "Nothing just you give me a place to stay and then a ride to school...why."

"Because I can be nice...even to you." I say.

He laughs which show his dimples. "Thanks I guess." He says.

We arrive at school jess and hannah see me and they wave. Then they stop in their tracks when they see monty get out of the car. He rolls his eyes and walks past them.

"So you let him stay the night and give him a ride." Ani says.

"Oooo zach's gonna be jelousss." Jess says.

I laugh. "Shut up." I say.

Jeff walks over to us followed by Scott. "OK so tell us about everything!" Jeff says.

I roll my eyes. "Nothing happened I'm dating zach!" I say.

Scott laughs. "Fuck off." He says.

I smirk. "Let's go boys." I say.

We all walk into school ignoring people who are looking at me.

Eventually me Jeff and Scott loose jess and ani

"OK..." I begin. And the boys smirk. 

"Bitch I knew it." Jeff says. I laugh.

"So you already know about the eye contact thing.." I say.

The both nod their heads. "Well...we kinds touched hands."

"YES" Scott shouts.

Jeff smiles. "I'm gonna get you two together if it's the last thing I do." He says.

I laugh. "I'm with zach." I say.

The both roll their eyes. "OK no offense but zach has this perfect aura around him while monty comes from a bad home has a bad childhood and get hit by his are adopted...all the families before bryce's either used you for money or hit you and treat you like a slave THE SAME." Scott says.

I look down when he brings up my past. "That doesn't me we should date!" I say.

They laugh. "Anything else." Jeff asks.

I look down knowing I should tell them about the sharing a bed. "Tell us." They both say.

I laugh. "OK he kinda slept in my bed...we didn't do anything but we ya know shared a bed." I say.

They both look at each other gobsmacked..."HE'S LITERALLY BEGGING TO SLEEP WITH YOU." Jeff shouts.

"Omg shut the fuck up." I say.

They laugh. "OK OK we are getting you two together and you can't stop us!" Scott says.

I roll my eyes knowing there is no way out of this.

"First step...actually make it official that he likes you." Jeff says.

I raise my brows. "What?"

"Make sure we defiantly know he likes you." Scott says.

I roll my eyes for the last time. "OK love you guys I'm going now." I say then  walk away.



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