I hope so

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It's been a week and most of us have finally been let out of hospital. I convinced my mom to help pay for monty's treatment. At first she thought it was crazy but he WAS Bryce's best friend and now.my boyfriend. We had to pay him back. And she agreed. Most of my time I was visiting Jeff. He looked even worse then monty. Jeff's windscreen smashed and being a good person as always he tried to protect Sherri who was in the front with him. Glass went everywhere and he got a lot of smoke in his lungs.

It was our first day back today since the accident. And honestly I don't know if I can make it through the day.
"Sweetie?" Jess says knocking me out of my thoughts. She smiles at me and i return on back. We find the girls and the guys and we all just stand outside.

"You guys ready?" Scott asks.

I nod.

We all walk in and imediantly all eyes fall on us. Some give us looks of sympathy and some give us smiles. The walls were covered in posters about not doing drink driving. Alex charlie and Ryan came up to us. "Sup man." Zach Said.

"Nothing just everyone talking about Montgomery and Jeff." I look down at the mention of their names.

Scott notices this and strokes my hair.  I manage to pull a smile.

I close my locker and nearly jump out of my skin when someone stands there. It was Winston.  "Shit!" I say earning stares.

He laughs "sorry hon." I laugh a little then try and give him a hug. "Damn didn't k ow how hard that was with crutches huh." He states.

I laugh. "Yep."

"Well I'm officially a liberty high student."

"Welcome aboard." He laughs.  "First day got your eye on anyone."

"Well I don't know anyone but he is nice." He says pointing at Tony.

I laugh. "No no, no no."

"What to bad for me."

"No he already has a boyfriend".

"Any other actual gay guys here."

"Well there's Ryan...but he's soo not your type."

"I have a type?"

I laugh. "Yep."

"And what exactly is that."

"Preppy but mysterious."

He smirks. "And is there actual guys like that here."

"Sure there is."


"Alex standall."

"He's gay?"

"I have a theory he is."

"Ok I'm getting ya."

I smile. Zach walks over to me and Winston. "Riles Bryce is finally leaving." He says.

"Shit really."


Winston looks between us. "Ahh so this is the ex."

I look at him annoyed. "Win!"

Zach laughs. "You must be Winston."

He shakes zach's hand. "Sure am."

I smile. "OK can we watch him leave now."

Zach nods. He helps me close my locker and we leave to watch him leave.

"Zach I don't need help I got it."

"Ahh but i got specific orders from mon that I help you."

I laugh. "Whatever".

Bryce clears out his locker and is about to leave when he spots me. He nods his head at me and I do the same.

He leaves and Alex walks up to us. "Wow so dramatic the school's rapist is leaving."

I laugh. "Shut up."

We leave to go to communications.
I'm the middle of class the teacher turns to our table. "So as you know we've had a very terrible accident last week...and hopefully we might have the victims talk about it."

I look down in embarrassment...why would she do this to us.

"Do we have to." Ani speaks up.

"Of course not but it might help to talk."

Hannah now speaks up. "What is there to talk about we were drunk blah blah blah monty crashed then Jeff crashed into him you get the story."

"What I mean is talk about how you were feeling."

"Fucking scared what do you think." Scott says.

I chuckle at his comment. "I had no idea what was going on...though I was dead." Sherri said "before I heard some loud bloody voice shouting." She says while looking at zach. He smirks.

"Was..he..on top of you." I mumble.

Sherri looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Yea..I tried to shove him off me but he was to heavy."

"Sounds like Jeff to me." Clay says which cause a few giggles.

"Are they OK." Someone guy asks in the class.

"Montgomery's getting treatment thanks to Riley...and Jeff they don't actually know what's wrong with him." Justin says.

A few people look at me. "How much does the treatment cost?" Another person says.

"$30.000." Chloe says.

"Jesu christ." "You must really love him." "Wow." A few people mutter.

"And Riley...how were you feeling?" The teacher asks me.

"I dunno."

Zach puts his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"Are you sure you don't want to share."

"I just...I felt like it was over like the ambulances wernt gonna get there in time for me..and for monty...I could see all the blood..hell I was soaked in my own and his. He woke up just as the EMT's got there and he tried his best to comfort me but It's like I knew it didn't matter and that we were gonna die...that's why when I woke up in the hospital I was so suppised that they said he was gonna make it...until I found out they actually mixed up the injuries." I let out a breath.

"He's gonna be OK ri." Jess says.

"Yea...I hope so." 

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