I wanted him so bad

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I walk into the office. I'm not gonna lie I was nervous.

"So Riley..what did you want to speak to me about."

I look down. "I um...I have something to ..r..report." I say stuttering

Mr porter grabs his paper and pen. "OK um what exactly happened." He asks.

"It's..it's about a boy...he..um."

Mr porter looks up I have his full attention now. "Um...this boy..did he..did he...do something...illegal."

I nod my head feeling the tears brim in my eyes.

"What exactly did he do.." he says obviously feeling uncomfortable.

"He..um...i wasn't drunk I swear.." I say.

Mr porter nods his head. "I understand...this was out of school correct."

I nod my head again. "At a party."

"So Riley...the boy what did he do."

I can't help the tears. They start running along my cheeks. "I think you already know."

"Miss you have to confirm...I can't just make assumptions." He says.

My throat goes dry. "He um...he raped me." I say.

Mr porter hands me a box of tissues. "I hope you understand we're going to have to involve the police..but only if you tell us the boy's name." He says.

I nod my head. "Um...you have to promise me that the police will take him away." I say.

Mr porter sighs. "I can't promise that..but if you tell me I will try my very hardest."

I sigh and look down. "It's bryce walker." I mumble.

"I'm sorry... who" he says

"Bryce walker." I say

He looks at me. "Your um... your brother."

I nod. He gets up. "I'm going to inform the principal and the police...if you would like to sit outside with your friends."

I nod again and get up. We both leave. "And I hope you know your parents will have to find out as well."

"Do they have to..know it was me." I ask

Mr porter sighs. "I'm afraid so."

I nod and walk towards everyone.

"Well?" Monty says.


They all smile. "So why do you look like your about to cry every tear out." Hannah says.

"I don't want my parents to know..it's like I betrayed my own family." I say. Tears start forming again

Monty is the first to hug me. "He betrayed your family...your trust OK." He tells me.

Eventually everyone else joins the hug.


I'm in class with monty and Hannah. Were all at the back.

"I'm so proud of you babes." Hannah says.

Monty smiles. "Yea I mean I wouldn't have done it." He says.

I smile. "Thanks."

A teacher walks in and asks for me. And monty

We walk out with him and my parents and bryce is there and a few cops have bryce."

I look down. "Mom..i"

She looks at me and then bryce. "Come on we have to go down to the police department." She says

(Time skip)

I walk out after I've made my statement. Monty walks out a few seconds after. They then bring bryce in to talk to him.

"Are you kidding me Riley...we give you food a place to stay and you do this!" Dad says.

I look down. "I'm sorry it's the truth."

"Yea sure it it...I'm sorry you come from a bad background...OK but that gives you no reason to wanna have sex with OUR son and then call it rape!"

Mom looks down. " wait a minute you actually belive him I SAW IT FUCKING HAPPEN." Monty  says.

"Stop." I say.


"And who are you to say that." Dad says.


"OK OK enough shouting." Mom says.


"You have no right!" Dad shouts again

" i believe you!" Mom then says


"Yea I believe her.." she says again

Dad storms off.

"Mom I'm sorry I just..."

"No its OK baby...I'm sorry." She says.

She pulls me into a hug.

(Time skip)

Bryce was staying in jail for a night so I stayed home. Mom kicked dad out so yea.

Monty came home with me.

"Thanks." I say.

He smiles sitting on the bed. "Nah its ok." He says.

I sit down next to him and his hand brushes mine.

"Your so strong." He says..."I  mean your own dad doesn't  believe you and here you are smiling."

His statement causes me to smile again. "Not as strong as you..you never got out of your house with your dad and yet you still come to school everyday." I say.

He chuckles. "Doesn't make me happy. Tho."

I look deep into his eyes and he does the same.

Before I know it his hand is on my cheek and I kiss his lips.

He gets on top of me and starts to kiss my neck trying to find my sweet spot.

I moan as he kisses it which makes him smirks.

I realise what's happening and I push him off. "Wait..we can't...I'm with...were just friends." I say.

"Oh shit..sorry Riley I..."

"No its fine...I kissed you."

I frowned on the inside..I wanted him so bad but we couldn't. ..I couldn't hurt zach not now not ever...

jealous//Montgomery de La cruz//social media Where stories live. Discover now