should we start where we left off

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We all stand outside his hospital door. "Ok guys remember don't be loud scary or jumpy." Scott says when he notices me and jess.

We roll our eyes. "We'll he fine." Jess says. She looks at me "right?" I nod my head.

We all walked in. Jeff turned his head round to us. "Thank fuck it's you guys these doctors are really starting to get on my nerves." He gives us a smile. I imediantly run over and wrap my arms around him. "Riles...I kinda need to breathe if you want me to stay alive." He makes out.

I let go with a teary smile. "Sorry J." The others walk over. And hive him a hug or dab him up.

"How many dreams did you have."  "Were you in pain."    "Do you remember anything."  "Do you remember us."

"Guys guys!" He can't answer every single question at once." Zach says. And we all calm down.

Jeff thanks him. "OK OK with the dreams question which Um...Charlie a bit weird but I only bad one dream..I'm not in pain cause they literally give me a lot of pain pills I remember crashing and then blacking out after like 10 seconds and yes of course I remember you all." He takes a breath. "Anything else?"

We all break into laughing fits. "Bro we love you." Scott says.

"Yea heard you weren't to good either mont."

"Nah thanks to this little one I got my treatment." He says while stoking my hair.

He furrows his brows. "Hold two our dating I thought you hated each other?" He says.

We all look at each other. "Jeff you said you remembered." Justin says a concerned tone in his voice.

"Guess I dont remember everything."

Some people look around with worry in their face until he breaks out into and laughing fit. "You guys! You should've seen your faces...of course I remember." He manages to get out.

"Jeff that's not funny man!" Alex says.

"Good one tho." Monty says.

Jeff dabs him up. "So when are they saying you can come out." Chloe asks

"In about a week or so." We all sigh wanting him to get out sooner. "Hold up art you all supposed to be in communications." He says.

We all laugh. "Yep Riley got the text from your mom and we all ran out." Hannah says.

Jeff smiles. "Aw I'm that special."

"No." Alex says jokingly.

Jeff makes a pouty face which makes us laugh even more.

Jeff makes a pouty face which makes us laugh even more

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•liked by court.crims and 940 more
Montsdlc glad to have my Bro back.

Attakinsjeff love you Bro
|rryanshav your out already?
|riles_onawalk this is in the hospital cafeteria
|rryanshav oh right

Dempzee never seen sombody eat as fast in my whole life
|attakinsjeff 😂
|riles_onawalk should I be offended.
|scottyboi he ate quicker then you and you know it

Its.jess literally had to stop myself from screaming when we saw you
|scottyboi we all know I was the one who stopped both of you @riley_onawalk
|riley_onawalk oh shut up

Court.crims hope your OK Jeff
|rryanshav fuck off courtney

Bryxewalker glad to see your OK man
|attakinsjeff I don't want sympathy from you go die in a little hole.
|riley_onawalk Jeffrey
|attakinsjeff mm hmm
|bakedbyhan nobody told him..
|Montsdlc bryce has actually helped a lot when we were all in hospital... (we all secretly hate him still but Riley's forgiven him soooo)
|riley_onawalk 😂😂
|Bryxewalker thanks I guess

Hey_itschlo  honestly Jeff has missed a lot with bryce

A.n_i we all missed youuu @attakinsjeff
|attakinsjeff thanks ani missed you to I guess😂

Sherri I'm so happy your back  ❤
|attakinsjeff should we start where we left off😂😉❤
|Sherri 😂❤

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