Ch 6: D'aaw Deadly Dominator

Start from the beginning

Nate rubbed his cheek. He wasn't gonna feel it.

The legends all gathered on the bridge fifteen minutes later. Clarity was changed into a blue silk blouse with off the shoulder flowing sleeves. Her jeans had holes in them the fabric scrunched together to look like bows, from the side of her ankle to the side of her mid thigh. Her boots had a silk bow on the side, a smaller sleds floppier version of the one nestled atop her head.

"What makes a hero? Is it powers? Strength? Bravery? No

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"What makes a hero? Is it powers? Strength? Bravery? No. A hero is forged by his or her relationships. Our bonds of brotherhood or sisterhood. That is why I'm taking you all through the ten-step team-building process I perfected at Palmer Tech." Ray smiled as he stood before the legends. Clarity sat on top of the console heels of her boots resting against the monitors edge. Sara was right in front of her and she leant her head back Claritys knees. Her bent back arms on either side of Claritys closed legs. Everyone else was over by the parlour with the exception of Mick leaning against the monitor standing off by itself.

"Uh, You know Felicity never wanted to tell you this but those Palmer tech excercises you forced the employees to do kind of just made everyone in the office hate you." Clarity winced raising her pointer finger hesitantly.

"Aha, but they united together for one common goal." Ray countered still sounding excited. "So Success! Moving on, Step one, part one: icebreakers."

"Please no. Those are so forced and awkward." Clarity objected. "and uncomfortable. Sorry Ray but pass."

"Well sometimes forming relationships is all about stepping out of your comfort zone." Ray replied. "Pass denied. For this to work we need full participation from everyone. Including you Clarity. Even Gideon."

"I don't want to be apart of this." Gideon protested.

"Urgh Sara, deny his denial. Use your Captain powers." Clarity pleaded. "Please, don't make me do this."

"Sorry Pachirisu, this is Ray's show. What he says goes." Sara replied, besides if she had to suffer through this so did she. She couldn't give Clarity an out when everyone else except for Ray wanted that too.

"Dude, we've been stuck on a ship that has one bathroom. I think we know each other well enough." Jax protested as he looked at Ray.

"And your timing couldn't be worse, given that we're being chased by a water-wielding assassin and the Time Bureau." Stein added arms crossed over his chest from where he leaned in the parlour doorway. Jax's annoyance only feeding into his own.

"We need to grow as a team. First step is two truths and a lie. It's gonna be fun." Ray grinned not yet giving up on his exercise. Even if his friends were unenthusiastic.

"Lie." Mick grunted drinking his third beer of the morning.

"I haven't started yet. Look... I know you guys probably think - this is lame..." Ray slowly began.

Glitching to Fix Time {Poor Execution, Rewrite occurring in diff book}Where stories live. Discover now