Ch 17: Crisis on Earth X pt 5

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"Clarity! Clarity, just hold on." Sara urged, the Glitch's blood covering her hands tears in the assassins eyes. The reverse flash had come out of nowhere quite literally two seconds ago. Barry and Wally currently chasing the speedsters ass around the city as he'd taken Elicia. Clarity had tried to shield her daughter from him, and that was how she ended up bleeding out on the floor. Eobard having been quite enraged at her defiance.

"Caitlin, Frost! She needs Caitlin!" Iris stressed to the cold meta, who showed no signs of fading down or away. She just stared at Clarity completely frozen.

"She's losing a lot of blood..." Oliver noted, knelt by her side, putting pressure on the wound.

"Too much blood." Alex corrected with a light shake of her head. Clarity's flower girl dress bathed in red. When Clarity had said she wanted more color this had not been what she meant.

"Barry, Kara, Wally, one of you she needs a hospital! She needs one now!" Sara snapped into her com, voice cracking, breaking on the last word. Though she didn't receive a response. Thawne had the three too focused on chasing him and Elicia. Overgirl joining in just to confuse them more.

"She needs one three seconds ago!" Felicity snapped as she cried, hugging herself. The last thing she had done was slap her friend and deny her one of her favorite breakfast foods. Now she was bleeding out on the floor. This was not okay. She had her phone up to her ear, having uselessly dialed 911, but apparently the ambulance was having trouble getting to the church on account of Nazi's blocking her way.

"Sara...Sara..." Clarity whispered out voice weak eyes growing hazy.

"I'm here. I'm right here, Clarity. Just stay with me. Do you hear me? That's an order. Captains order. Just look at me..."

Clarity did as instructed as she smiled as she looked at the assassin. "You look...pretty in...the dress I..." Clarity breathed out the last word, dying as it left her lips, "...made."

Sara let out a sob of anguish, holding Clarity to herself. Good thing there was another Clarity on earth X going through a similar loss. Though Crash was not her Clarity, and Sara most certainly was not her earth X dopple, perhaps there was something there...or not cause everything that I just wrote at the beginning of this chapter is faker than fake. That's right! Sike! That is so what I'm not having happen. Clarity just got Elicia back,Sge can't just have her taken and die right after, how evil do you people think I am? Okay, I mean yes I am a little evil afterall I'm pulling this fake chapter that's actually an authors note thing, but can you blame me? Really? Nobody reads authors notes! Or if they do read them they don't comment! I had to do something to get your attention and actually get you to start reading shit instead of just scrolling past and rolling your eyes. You have once again been bamboozled by yours truly! Mwahahahaha god I am so awful. I'm going to take a moment to revel in my evilness....okay moment revelled. Down to business!

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you enjoyed my little fake out chapter once more. Before you start swearing at me and whatnot for my trickery, I have a glitch wide announcement as I am making some serious changes to some things my Glitchlings and I want to make sure that everyone is on the same page and doesn't miss out. So I figure if I put this in the current main glitch book rather than my feed everyone's gonna see it. Okay here we go..

For starters my current preference book is being discontinued. It's old, it's stale, and quite honestly? I can do better these days. I am deleting it entirely. As such I'm going to be starting not one but two new preference books!

Glitching to Fix Time {Poor Execution, Rewrite occurring in diff book}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon