Ch 15: Crisis on Earth X pt 3

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I'm still on episode 1 of Crisis! It's so much longer than invasion was. I'm trying so hard not to rush it and take my time but I'm so close to the really good stufffff. I've been waiting literal years for this crisis and now I'm here but it's still in the beginning and like ahhh 😭😭😭! I feel like nothing is happening but really so much is!

Also things were going to get too long and complicated again so I decided to break some chapters up even more. I don't want people missing details cause there's too much info to process. Okay, here we go! On with the chapter I hope you enjoy!


The Laurel Lance of Earth X staggered, hiding behind a light post as she coughed up blood onto the wood dock she stood on. Her throat stinging in pain. She had gone to meet Crash at the docks to give a status report as with Oliver, Overgirl and Prometheus all having gone off earth to begin the mission she was the highest ranking member of the Reich remaining. Everything now had to go through her. As annoying as Laurel found that she was taught to respect the chain of command. What she did not expect however was Clarity to attack her. Crash's lightning strikes were brutal and without mercy. She had shocked her throat from the inside out and now every sonic cry felt like broken glass was cutting into her. She'd always had an inkling that there was more to the Sara situation than what was discovered. Now it seemed she would have to finish purging the filth from the Reich herself. The only problem was that she was losing this fight. She was losing it very badly. She needed back up and there was none to be had. She tried to use the water, but her lightning turned it to steam before it could hit. Though Crash's moves were filled with rage all were precise. Her feelings only amplifying her powers already destructive nature. Her siren cries could only do so much to protect herself.

She sensed Crash coming, prepared to scream once more but light is faster than sound and she ended up getting electrocuted falling to her knees as she lost all feeling in her legs. Before she could think about trying her sonic cry again there were chains glowing with Crash's red lightning wrapping around her body tightening around her throat.

"Do you know what this is?" Crash asked Laurel holding her necklace gingerly between two fingers as she knelt in front of the other woman. Chains now magnetizing around Laurel so tight that she was sure she had internal bleeding and broken bones just from how they squeezed her. Just loose enough around her neck to restrict her sonic cry and make breathing a challenge but not an impossiblity. Red lightning hot metal burning into her costume and skin. "This is what your sister proposed to me with. You interrupted our wedding anniversary, some sister in law you turned out to be. Hell, some sister even. Sara deserved so much better than the likes of you."

Laurel spit at her, saliva and blood hitting Claritys cheek. "I have no sister. You will burn in hell you wretch!"

"No." Lightning crackled from her eyes edges burning away the stain that marred her cheek. "I made a vow. My job is not done," Crash straightened up, "but you are."

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to reduce me to ashes?" Laurel challenged. "Isn't that your signature move these days?"

"I'd love nothing more, but my hands are tied by a promise made long ago. You are undeserving of Sara's love, yet the sister you claim not to have any longer protects you even beyond the grave. I will not kill you, not directly." Crash stretched out an arm and Laurel was teleported down to a cage that swung below the docks over some pointy rocks. The oceans tulmultuous waves spraying her with salt water. "The sea will do it for me. It's where Sirens belong only no one will hear your cry."

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