Ch 3: Come Alive

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Hey peoples!!  Haha it's April fools day at least it still is for me where I live. I wonder how many people will think this is a joke chapter? But Don't worry it isn't! It's the real deal! Here's another book 3 update! I'm happy I'm already on chapter 3! Yay! My current goal is that I really want to get to crisis by like mid April or around there?? I'm not sure if I can swing it or not, It's possible that's an unattainable goal as I don't want this story to feel rushed by any means. Idk we'll see if I can do it you guys!!! Now on with the chapter!!

I hope you enjoy!!


Clarity sighed as she finished making herself a pot of coffee in the tiny kitchenette off to the side of all the work desks

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Clarity sighed as she finished making herself a pot of coffee in the tiny kitchenette off to the side of all the work desks. It was high time for a coffee break. All this property damage paperwork was killing her. She so much as creates a pot hole in the field and there's a mile high stack of papers waiting for her on her desk back at hq. She couldn't even keep all the cute bobbles on her desk that she used to have at mercury labs because of all the papers cluttering the surface. There wasn't space, and of course everyone else in the office had normal barely even existent paper work piles to deal with. So they could have whatever on their desks. She wished she could have something to look at instead of paperwork but six months in it didn't seem like that was gonna happen.

"Don't use up all the sugar." A voice she recognized all too well sounded behind her.

"Hello to you too, Tyler." Clarity replied. "I take it you want some coffee?"

"Not from that pot." He shook his head going to the other coffee pot available.

"Why not?" Clarity shifted her weight. "I just made it. You can't get any fresher."

"You touched it." He shrugged, pouring the beans in. Popping in the filter. "It's contaminated now."

"You've got to be kidding me." Clarity gave him a look doing her best to curb her annoyance forcing a smile instead. "It's a pot full of coffee, it's not gonna infect you, Tyler."

"Don't want your ex cooties." Tyler insisted. "Trying to avoid anything that could give me radiation poisoning. Bad for my health."

"You're bad for my health." Clarity shook her head. "Freaking ridiculous." Clarity muttered under her breath storming away with her blue mug full of coffee and she did take all the sugar packets with her save for the partially teared open one cause fuck him. Pulling out her top desk drawer using it like a tray table as there was no room for even that small item on her desk top. She got back to her never ending pile of paperwork. Though her pen paused as she eaves dropped on a conversation Ava was having to Tyler about Gary.

-meanwhile on the waverider-

"I don't understand." Stein remarked as he stood in the brig with Sara back on the waverider. A certain dweeby time agent tied up in a chair. The team currently on a mission involving not only the circus but a saber tooth tiger. Amaya had even been temporarily re-recruited to help. "Who is this man and why have we taken him prisoner?"

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