Ch 12: The Truth of Clarity pt 2

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Okay guys I'm gonna be honest here, this chapter might actually be the worst one that I have ever written out of all the glitch books. Not because something bad happens persay, it's feels very meh. Now it could just be that way to me cause I've read it 10,000 times over these last few weeks and keep revising it again and again, but on that same note I know myself. If I don't post this now it's gonna turn into a month long hiatus where I end up posting the chapter like it is anyways and nobody wants that. So, this is me posting the chapter before the wait gets any longer. Screw it. I have to keep glitch moving forwards. I'm so close to the good shit that I've been dying to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter more than I do, and if not...well, at least you can take some comfort that Crisis on earth x will be the next one and THAT will be amazing. I've been planning it for legit years.

Okay let's go!


"Clarity, don't say that, thats not true." Sara denied, shaking her head. The assassin knelt down in front of her. "Your Mom loved you."

"Of course she did...once she had me, god knows what changed her mind but she-she was going to get rid of me. She didn't want to have me. It's right here, Sara!" Clarity held up the journal. "This is her hand writing, my mom wrote this." Clarity thumbed back a few pages and started to read. "Dear Diary, the life I know and love is coming crashing down. I can feel it. It's like I'm trapped in an hour glass, sands filling up but it's not the lack of air or not being able to move that'll kill me. It's the pressure. The glass sides are about to crack, I don't know if I'm going to land soft in the sand or shatter right with edges. I couldn't fit into my recital dress. Mother had it custom made. It's getting harder to find clothes in my drawer that'll fit. I think she's getting suspicious. That's just part of the danger of being 22 and still living with your mother. Hilda heard me throwing up last night and congratulated me on taking the initiative to start a diet. Like I wanted to be throwing up morning noon and night. I can't keep doing this much longer. It's only a matter of time before my life falls apart."

"Dear Diary," Clarity kept on reading. "Mother knows. Everyone knows, Nicholas, the sentimental fool, showed up at the end of my recital. He asked for my hand, wanted to do right by me, that's what he said. In front of everyone. The whole theater. I'd never seen Mother turn such a shade of red. I'd embarrassed her, brought shame to our family, and now everyone knew, even the press! When we got home she wailed something fierce. Tore through my room like a tornado, broke so many of my things, she locked my piano so I couldn't get at the keys. I don't have time for such delights anymore. I have to get married before I get any bigger. That's what mother says. She's gonna set me up with a love match, a man of good standing that'll pass as the father. Diary, I fear for my future, it's not what I want and it's all happening cause of this accursed thing inside me. I wish it would die, then all this would stop happening."

"Clarity-!" Sara grabbed the book slamming it shut before she could read anymore of it. "Stop." Sara took the journal out of her hands. Clarity flinched back from the harsh tone Sara'd used. The assassin put the journal down on the bedside table taking Clarity's hands in hers. Sara's voice softened and so did her expression. "Just stop, and listen to me, alright? I never knew your mom, but from the sound of things she wrote that when she was upset, probably nauseous and hormonal. She had you in the end, thats what matters. She loved you and she raised you. Nothing else matters except for that."

"It matters..." Clarity replied voice shaky. "Of course it matters. Don't you see I wrecked her life? It's just like she said. Delancy was right... god why'd she have to be right?" Clarity hung her head hiding her face against her pulled up knees.

"Wait Delancy..." Sara knew that name. She remembered that name. Clarity told it to her before. "That girl who used to bully you? You can't seriously believe some taunt she threw at you years and years ago, Clarity." Sara denied shaking her head.

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